Character details of trainees to be filled for getting signature of SCVT secy in certificates 31.12.13
Instructions for proper entry of training period in B -Forms 31.12.13
Option form for Modular pattern of CTI training starting from Feb 2014 31.12.13
Inter ITI Transfer list for the year 2013-2014 31.12.13
Posting of Principal In-Charge at ITI Kozhijampara 30.12.13
Tender invited for supply of Petrol & Diesel engines at ITI chackai 30.12.13
Promotion, Transfer and Posting order of LDSK 30.12.13
Transfer proceedings of Sri D.K Jyothi Lal, Work shop Attender 30.12.13
Scheme for one time settlement of electricity charge arrears 24.12.13
Instructions for implementation of Bio Metric System in ITI’s 23.12.13
Revised virtual Class room schedule from 19.12.13 to 30.12.13 21.12.13
Last date for submission of Application for Coe trade test Feb 14 extended to 30.12.13 21.12.13
Application invited for recounting of answer scripts CoE Trade test Aug 2013 21.12.13
Application invited for recounting of answer scripts SCVT Trade test Sept2013 21.12.13
Order to reinstate Shri Padmakumar Senior Instructor 21.12.13
Transfer and posting order of Drivers 20.12.13
Procedure for Updating articles in Department website 20.12.13
Details of 50th All India skill competition 19.12.13
Format for detailed Statement on Purchases and expenses 19.12.13
Transfer and posting order of Junior Superintendent 18.12.13
Promotion Transfer and posting order of UDSK 18.12.13
Meeting of Officials at Govt guest house Kochi on 23.12.13 for valuation of VTP’s 18.12.13
Promotion and posting order of VP/Principal II/TO/TTO-Erratum 18.12.13
Committee for procurement of tools & equipments for ITI Kozhijampara 18.12.13
Reimbursement of fee to minority BPL students studying in Private ITI’s 18.12.13
Transfer and posting order of Senior Supdt- ITI Chackai & Dpuram 17.12.13
Format for submission of details of Govt/Private ITI’s 17.12.13
Promotion Transfer and posting order of Senior Supdt 13.12.13
Readmission of trainees for SCVT trade test 2014- Kannur Region 13.12.13
Readmission order for trainees of Kannur Region-AITT 2014 13.12.13
Programme for All India Skill competition for Craftsmen Jan 2014 10.12.13
Results of SCVT Trade Test September 2013 declared 10.12.13
Setting up of new Government ITI at Kozhinjampara_Govt Order 09.12.13
Nutrition Program for Mechanical students of Govt ITI’s 09.12.13
New Norm for transfer of principals of Project ITI’s 09.12.13
Creation of working group for revamping of trades in ITI’s 09.12.13
Details of Land under owner ship of ITI’s 06.12.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 09.12.13 to 30.12.13 06.12.13
Modified marking scheme for AITT exams under semester system 06.12.13
List of officials for Computer training at IMG,Thiruvananthpuram from 09.12.13-STP383 06.12.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Thiruvananthpuram from 09.12.13-STP392 06.12.13
Application invited for SCVT Supplementary trade test March 2014 04.12.13
Direct purchase of Diesel Generator sets from KEL ltd- Govt order 04.12.13
Employability skills schedule for ITI’s Round 3 from 05.12.13 to 31.1213 03.12.13
Schedule for All India Supplementary Trade test January 2014 03.12.13
Promotion and posting order of Driver senior Grade/Driver Grade1 03.12.13
List of officials for conducting of time bound Inspection of VTPs 03.12.13
Empanelment of Inspecting officials for VTP’s from Industrial Training Department 03.12.13
Empanelment of Inspecting officials for VTP’s from Engg/Polytechnic/VHSE 03.12.13
Retirement of Principals -charge handover order 30.11.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Kozhikode from 05.12.13-STP391 30.11.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Kochi from 02.12.13-STP390 30.11.13
Details of equipment to be procured in ITI’s as per semester system 30.11.13

Promotion and posting order of VP/Principal II/TO/TTO

Select list of GI/ JAAT for promotion as VP/Principal II/TO/TTO– Gazette Notification 30.11.13
Administrative sanction for up gradation of 5 women ITI’s for- Govt Order 28.11.13
Results of CoE BBBT & Advanced modules including withheld candidates declared 28.11.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 02.12.13 to 06.12.13 28.11.13
Submission of Details of Short term courses of 6 months for Feb 2014 admissions 27.11.13
Appication form for CoE trade test BBBT and Advanced modules-NCVT Affliated- Feb 2014 27.11.13
49th skill competition ceremony at ITI Kozhikode postponed 26.11.13
change in date of promotion to the post of typist Selection grade- 26.11.13
Schedule for AITT under semester system February 2014 26.11.13
Findings of the SPD Inspection Committee on stores under various ITI’s 25.11.13
Taking over of two ITI’s working under ST department by Industrial Training Department 25.11.13
Posting order at A6 section Training Directorate 25.11.13
Re-designation and transfer order of Watchman/Office Attendant 22.11.13
Reporting of details of scrap in lying in stores of ITI’s 22.11.13
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of Senior Supdts 20.11.13
Stipend rates increased for Apprenticeship training- Gazette notification 20.11.13
Fund allotment details for trainees council elections 19.11.13
Charge handover for Principals attending short term training 19.11.13
Tender evaluation Committee constituted for purchases 2013-14 18.11.13
Qualification details for Promotion to the post of Dresser from Class IV 18.11.13
Details of employees who have passed Accounts test 18.11.13
Higher Grade for Junior Superintendents 18.11.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 19.11.13 to 21.11.13 18.11.13
50th State level skill competition postponed to 19.11.2013 16.11.13
Schedule for All India Trade Test under CTS Jan 2014 16.11.13
Attendance percentage of candidates for Trainees council elections fixed at 75 15.11.13
Transfer and posting order of Senior instructor ITI Malampuzha 12.11.13
Training on submission of quarterly statement of income tax at STI,Kazhakkotam on 13.11.13 for DDO’s 12.11.13
Guidelines for de-affiliation Procedure of ITI’s 12.11.13
Suspension order of Senior Instructor 12.11.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Kozhikode from 11.11.13-STP389 08.11.13
Instructions for giving party payment advertisements in news papers 08.11.13
State level seminar for NSS program Officers 08.11.13
One day camp for NSS volunteers on 12.11.13 at kanakakunnu 08.11.13
Suspension order of LD Clerk-Govt Order 08.11.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 11.11.13 to 15.11.13 07.11.13
Code of conduct for Trainees council elections 06.11.13
Direction for All Govt/Private ITI’s regarding implementation of Skill development initiative scheme 04.11.13
Result of All India trade test Business management 04.11.13
List of Instructors deputed for modular pattern of Training 31.10.13
SDIS- Amended guidelines for VTP’s 31.10.13
List of LDC’s for Induction training at IMG,Trivandurm from 06.11.13-IND128 31.10.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Trivandurm from 28.10.13-STP388 31.10.13
DPCS Course to be considered alternative to DCA for KPSC postings 31.10.13
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of LD store keeper 31.10.13
AITT July 2013-B Form Distribution on 31.10.13 30.10.13
Clarification on trainees appearing as Private candidates under semester system 29.10.13
Schedule and centres for 50th All Kerala Skill Competition for trainees 29.10.13
Details of Training of Instructors for preparation of seniority list 29.10.13
Schedule for Trainees council elections 2013-2014 29.10.13
Last date for application for All India Supplementary Trade test extended to 06.11.2013 29.10.13
Employability skills schedule for ITI’s Round 2 26.10.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Trivandurm from 28.10.13-STP387 25.10.13
Excerpts of the High court order regarding functioning of hostels 25.10.13
Pass in IT Literacy course not mandatory for State Trade Certificate 23.10.13
Virtual Class room schedule for 24.10.13 and 25.10.13 23.10.13
State level workshop of PPP scheme at Govt Guest house postponed to 08.11.2013 23.10.13
NTC distribution list and instructions for ITI’s 22.10.13
Application and invited for recounting of answer scripts AITT July 2013 22.10.13
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of Group Instructors 22.10.13
List of officials for Verification of packages with new syllabus 22.10.13
Circular on reservation of SC/ST trainees in each unit 21.10.13
State level workshop of PPP scheme on 31.10.2013 at Govt Guest house 21.10.13
Minutes of the State Steering Committee meeting held on 09.10.2013 21.10.13
Transfer and posting order of Senior Superintendents 21.10.13
List of instructors for CTI training November session 2013 18.10.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 21.10.13 to 23.10.13 18.10.13
Notice and profoma for readmission of trainees 17.10.13
Report on other courses being conducted by private ITI’s 17.10.13
Advisory committee for functioning of NSS units 17.10.13
Applications invited for Inter ITI Transfer of trainees 11.06.13
Appointment of Nodal Officer for E Governance activities in the department 10.06.13
Application Invited for SCVT Trade Test under semester system March 2014 10.06.13
ITI’s to source drawing sheets directly from Govt Press 08.06.13
Details of liabilities due to purchase of batteries from M/s Micro industries 08.06.13
Application and Instructions for All India Trade Test under semester system Jan 2014 07.10.13
Application Invited from Failed candidates for All India Trade Test Jan 2014 07.10.13
Employability skills schedule for ITI’s 07.10.13
Application Invited from private candidates for All India Trade Test Jan 2014 under semester system 05.10.13
Transfer and posting order of Instructors 05.10.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 07.10.13 to 11.10.13 05.10.13
Affiliation order for Instrument Mech Chemical plant trade at BTC kollam 05.10.13
Implementation of semester courses in CTS courses form August 2013-Dget Order 05.10.13
SIC-(PPP scheme) State steering committee on 09.10.2013 at 2pm 04.10.13
NIMI pattern of Question paper for Mech Tractor & MRAC Trades 04.10.13
Transfer and posting order of Instructors 04.10.13
List of officials for STP 385 Training Programme on Financial Management at IMG Trivandrum 03.10.13
Admission Closing list of Officials- Amendment dated 08.09.13 03.10.13
Store purchase manual revised edition 2013 to be followed for purchases after 20.06.13 03.10.13
Charge handover orders for Principal I and VP posts of ITI Chackai 03.10.13
Service Tax to be paid along with rent for buildings under KSHB & Revenue tower 03.10.13
Schedule for 99 All India Apprenticeship Trade Test OCT 2013 30.09.13
Details for institutes for Feasibility study (Click here for FORMAT) 28.09.13
Order for clearing pending payment to establishments 28.09.13
Details of AHS posts in the department 27.09.13
Appointment of part time Sweeper to full time sweeper 27.09.13
Promotion and Transfer order of Head Clerks 26.09.13
Items in FHT trade as dead stock at ITI Attingal available to other ITI’s 26.09.13
Final Gradation list of GI/JAAT/TA/MILLWRIGHT FOREMAN 25.09.13
Details of Establishments who have participated in campus recruitment 25.09.13
Schedule for Admission closing of courses under SCVT/PPP schemes 24.09.13
Transfer and posting order of Principal ClassI ITI (W) Kollam 23.09.13
Changes in Nomenclature of Govt/Private ITIs 23.09.13
List of officials for Annexure III inspection of CoE Institutes for NCVT affliation 23.09.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 23.09.13 to 27.09.13 23.09.13
Time table for 99th All India Apprenticeship Trade Test October 2013 13.09.13
Holidays for trainees for Onam on 19.09.13 and 20.09.13 13.09.13
Promotion and Transfer order of Junior Superintendents 11.09.13
Details of trainees admitted in Aug 2013 to be prepared in CD for submission to DGE&T 11.09.13
List of officials deputed for admission closing and guidelines 10.09.13
Proforma for collecting details of official who have joined govt service between 01/01/2001 to 31/12/2010 09.09.13
Details of instructors for Modular pattern of CTI training November 2013 06.09.13
Promotion and Transfer order of Store attender 06.09.13
Virtual Class room schedule from 05.09.13 to 11.09.13 05.09.13
State level workshop for PPP scheme scheduled on 04.09.13postponed due to administrative reasons 03.09.13
Details of Handicapped employees from employment exchanges/Contract 03.09.13
Minutes of the Skill development initiative scheme held on 07.08.13 02.09.13
Promotion and Transfer order of LDSK 31.08.13
State level workshop for PPP scheme ITI’s on 04.09.13 31.08.13
Meeting of virtual class room co-ordinators on 02.09.13 31.08.13
Details of Instructors to be submitted immediately 31.08.13
Notification for All India Apprenticeship Regional skill Competition 26.08.13
Time table for FACT Fire and safety course under SCVT scheme 26.08.13
Promotion and transfer order of Junior superintendent 26.08.13
Applications invited for admission to SCVT courses at ITI Changanassery 24.08.13
IT literacy details of trainees to be included in preparation of forms below

Form A Form B Form C Form D Form X

Increase enrolment for aam admi scholarship scheme 16.08.13
Schedule for Conduct of SCVT Trade Test September 2013 16.08.13
Admission for candidates in empty seats reserved for SC/ST 16.08.13
Meeting of principals of ITI’s under PPP scheme on 13.08.13 07.08.13
Applications invited for 99 All India Apprenticeship Trade test Oct-2013 05.08.13
SDIS meeting at Directors Chamber on 07.08.13 05.08.13
Corrections in Final gradation lists of LD Clerks 05.08.13
Submisson of details of applications received for 2013 Aug admissions 03.08.13
Preparation of Cerificates- Circular 03.08.13
Committee for harassment against women at workplace 01.08.13
List of instructors for Craft instructor training-Aug 2013 31.07.13
List of officials for preparing gradation list of Group instructors 31.07.13
Awareness on energy conservation- Circular 31.07.13
New store purchase manual published 31.07.13
Transfer and posting orders of Watchman/Office attendant 30.07.13
Implementation of National Pension system for employees appointed after 01.04.13- GO 29.07.13
98th All India Apprenticeship trade test- May 2013 results declared 29.07.13
Transfer and posting of LD/UD clerks 26.07.13
Higher grade for Instructors who have passed only POT training 26.07.13
Transfer and posting of UD Typist 26.07.13
Correction in SCVT prospectus for August 2013 Admission under PPP scheme 26.07.13
Induction training for group Instructors of Private ITI’s 25.07.13
Nomenclature for Govt ITI’s – Govt Order 23.07.13
Correction in NCVT prospectus for August 2013 Admissions-ITI Danuvachapuram 23.07.13
Posting of Vice-principal at ITI Kayyur 18.07.13
List of Instructors for CTI Training for August 2013 session 17.07.13
Sanitary hardware fitter trade included under Non Matric trade category 17.07.13
Prospectus for August 2013 SCVT Admissions under PPP Scheme 16.07.13
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses in -DGET order 16.07.13
Hearing of K.M Anilkumar at Directors Chamber on 16.07.13 at 10.00am 15.07.13
AITT July13 errors in hall ticket & submission of Practical/sessional marklist 11.07.13
Category change of employees-Order 09.07.13
Service regularisation of employees-Circular 09.07.13
Trainees holiday for trainees from 11.07.13 on account of AITT July 13 09.07.13
Charge handover of Principal I, Principal II/VP at ITI’s 09.07.13
Selling of Scrap to Ms Silk, Thrissur 03.07.13
Superannuation from service and charge handeover at ITI ettumanoor 29.06.13
Timetable for SCVT Trade Test from 26.09.13 to 28.09.13 29.06.13
Guidelines for ITI admission Aug 2013 28.06.13
Meeting of Principals with PWD Chief Engineer on 02.07.13 28.06.13
Aam Admi Bhima yojana to be extended to all eligibale candidates 28.06.13
Schedule for timely submisson of Apprenticeship Training reports 28.06.13
Video conference for preparation of schedue for Virtual classes on 02.07.13 27.06.13
Schedule for Conduct of CoE Trade Test August 2013 27.06.13
Correction in NCVT Prospectus for AUG 2013 Admissions 27.06.13
Charge handover of Principal II, ITI kayamkulam to TO, RIC, Alappuzha- Order 27.06.13
Smt Bindu J.S, VP to take over of charges of Principal I at ITI Danuvachpuram 27.06.13
Promotion order to the post of Store attender 27.06.13
Schedule for Admission in ITI’S-August 2013 24.06.13
G.O for creation of posts in ITI under PPP scheme 24.06.13
Option form for Modular pattern of CTI training 24.06.13
Proforma for submitting details of Last grade employees 20.06.13
Group pesonal accident insurance modified-Govt Order 20.06.13
Delay in settlement of tour advance-interest rate hiked to 18%-Govt Order 20.06.13
Intrest rates of Provident fund deposits- Govt Order 20.06.13
Officials to report before psc for service verification 20.06.13
List of officials for Technical specification committee 19.06.13
Minimum educational qualification for Non matric trades 19.06.13
Details of trades that can be started in PPP scheme under SCVT 15.06.13
List of officials for Computer training at STI Kzm from 17.06.13-STI274 15.06.13
Schedule for Conduct of All India Trade Test July 2013 14.06.13
Timetable for BBBT & Advanced Modules Trade Test from 19.08.13 to 30.08.13 14.06.13
Promotion and transfer order of Watchman/Office attendant 14.06.13
Appointment of par time Sweeper to full time 14.06.13
Syllabi of Two new CAD based courses for review and comments 14.06.13
Posting of official at SPIU 13.06.13
Criteria for slection of Candidates with National open schooling certificates 13.06.13
List of officials for training at IMG,Trivandurm from 17.06.13-STP381 13.06.13
Transfer and posting of JI To SI- Erratum 13.06.13
Notification regarding qualification for ITI Admissions Aug-2013 07.06.13
List of officials for training in IMG,Trivandurm from 10.06.13-STP380 07.06.13
List of officials for Computer training in IMG,Kochi from 10.06.13-STP379 07.06.13
Transfer and posting of Ld typist 07.06.13
List of officials for Off Campus training in spark at ITI Kozhikode on 11.06.13 06.06.13
Promotion to the post of store attender- Erratum 04.06.13
Transfer of charges of Principals- Proceedings of the Director 04.06.13
Disciplinary action against officials- Revised order issued 04.06.13
Financial assistance for students from orphanages- Govt order 04.06.13
Foundation laying ceremony of ITI Thevalakara on 03.06.13 01.06.13
SCVT Trade test March 2013 results declared 31.05.13
Pay revision anomaly- format for submission of excess pay drawn details 30.05.13
Transfer and posting of workshop attenders- Anomaly ordes issued 30.05.13
List of officials for training on Store purchase manual at IMG, Kochi from 03.06.13 30.05.13
SIC- Upgradation of 1396 Govt ITI’s- Workshop on 07.06.13 at Govt guest house, Thycaud 30.05.13
Promotion to the post of Junior Instructor 29.05.13
Promotion to the post of selection grade typist 29.05.13
Promotion order of Driver senior Grade, Driver Grade 1 28.05.13
Inter ITI Sports meet to be held at ITI Kalamssery fron 31.05.2013 28.05.13
Pay revision anomaly-Repayment of Excess drawn salary 28.05.13
Additional charge for AHS Dhanuvachapuram as NCC officer ITI Chackai 25.05.13
Transfer and posting of JI/SI- Anomaly orders issued 24.05.13
Transfer and Posting order of Head Clerks 21.05.13
Promotion and posting order of Head Clerks 21.05.13
SDIS -Details of enrolled trainees 21.05.13
Transfer and posting of Assistant Hostel Supdt. 18.05.13
Promotion order to the post of Store attender 18.05.13
Transfer and posting of Group Instructor- Anomaly orders issued 17.05.13
Additional list of VTP Institutes for Inspection Team 16.05.13
Transfer and posting order of typist 16.05.13
Promotion and posting of Junior Supdt 16.05.13
Transfer and posting order of Junior Superintendents 15.05.13
Transfer and posting order of VP/Princpal Class II– Erratum 15.05.13
Exemption order of Instructors deputed for Modular Pattern of CTI Training 15.05.13
Transfer and posting order of VP/Princpal Class II 15.05.13
Transfer and posting order of Store attender 14.05.13
Transfer and posting order of Junior Instructors 14.05.13
Proforma for submission of details for promotion from JI to SI 14.05.13
Transfer and posting order of Work shop Attenders 10.05.13
Transfer and posting of LD/UD Clecks-Revised notification 09.05.13
Team of officials for inspection of new VTP’s 08.05.13
Promotion and posting of workshop Attender to JI 08.05.13
Promotion to the post of LD StoreKeeper 08.05.13
Inaguration of KSITC on 17.05.2013 at ITI Kannur 08.05.13
Application form for recounting of answer scripts AITT Jan2013 06.05.13
Pay revision anomaly-Repayment of Excess drawn salary 06.05.13
General Transfer and posting order of Last grade employees 06.05.13
General Transfer and posting order of LD/UD storekeeper 06.05.13
Transfer and posting order of LD/UD Clerks 04.05.13
Provisional gradation list of Group Instructors 03.05.13
List of Instructors for training at Apex Hitech , Bangalore from 06.05.13 03.05.13
Declaration of Probation Principal classII/VP/Training Officer 03.05.13
Notification and proforma to submit pension details of retiring employees to AG office 03.05.13
Promotion to the post of Senior Superintendents 02.05.13
Format of Identity card for Pensioners- Govt Order 02.05.13
Promotion, Transfer and posting order of Group Instructors 30.04.13
List of Instructors deputed for Modular pattern of CTI training 30.04.13
Circular on qualification for principals in Private ITI’s 30.04.13
Promotion to the post of Full time sweeper from part time 29.04.13
Details of Institutes & Employees to be submitted before 04.05.13 for software updation 26.04.13
Transfer of group Instructors 25.04.13
Instruction to release payment to M.J Traders 23.04.13
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses- DGET Order 22.04.13
Final Gradation list of Senior Instructors 20.04.13
Applications invited for Registering as VTP’s under SDI Scheme 19.04.13
AITT July 2013- Meeting of Principals on 22.04.2013 at Govt guest house Trivandrum 18.04.13
List of Instuctors for Modular pattern of training commencing from May 2013 17.04.13
Higher grade for Senior superintendents 16.04.13
TA/DA to employees for verification of certificates after receiving advice memo from PSC 16.04.13
Application invited for House Building Advance 16.04.13
Introduction of subject Employabilty skills in place of Entrepreneurship and Comm skills in CoE 08.04.13
Details of workshop attender promoted to Junior Instructors 08.04.13
Circular to monitor notifications in department website and email on a daily basis 08.04.13
Promotion of Junior Instructors to Senior Instructors- Anomaly ordes issued 08.04.13
Format for Submision of details of trainees enrolled manually for SDI-Mes Courses 05.04.13
Notification and Format for correction of entries in CTI/Modular Training seniority list 05.03.13
Submission of corrections in pending NTC after verification 05.0413
Meeting of Principals at Ernakulam Guest House postponed to 10.04.13 04.04.13
Jurisdiction of Inspectors of Training- Govt Order 03.04.13
Sanction limit of medical reimbursements for Principals/Training Officers 03.04.13
Details of LD Clerks not include in final Gradtions list of LDC’s 03.04.13
Distribution of Salary of govt employees through treasury- Govt Order 02.04.13
Existing GO on distribution of training fees collected to VTPs- SDI Scheme 02.04.13
Furnishing of expenditure details under 87-Modernisation on 01.04.13 30.01.13
Submission of proposal for procurement of equipments 2013-2104 30.01.13
Transfer of KSITC funds to the Account of the Treasurer 28.01.13
Charge hand over of Inspector of Training- Proceedings of the DT 26.03.13
Promotion, Transfer and Posting Orders of Inspector of Training 25.03.13
Notification and application form for All India Trade Test July 2013 23.01.13
Completion of Procurement of equipments for ITI’s in 2013-Circular 21.03.13
Provisional gradation list of Junior Instructors 21.03.13
Notification and option form for Modular pattern of CTI Training 2013 20.03.13
Notification and application for examiners for valuation of Employability skills paper AITT 2013 20.03.13
Time Table for SCVT Trade Test Scheme for FACT Fire and Safety Course 20.03.13
Videoconference with principals on 21.03.13 Venues & Agenda 19.03.13
Changes in the date of promotion of LD to UD Clerks 18.03.13
Sanction of Higher Grade for Junior Superintendents 16.03.13
Instruction for Submission of Admisson closing details of 6 month courses in CD 15.03.13
Officials and Instruction for Admission closing of 6 Month Courses 15.03.13
Tender invited for supply of equipments at ITI Danuvachapuram 15.03.13
Re-Admission of Trainees-Proceedings of the Director 15.03.13
Expenditure details under 87-Modernisation Reporting on a daily basis- circular 12.03.13
Inter ITI transfer of Trainees-Proceedings of the Director 12.03.13
Posting of workshop attender at Exam section 11.03.13
Submission of leave details of Gazetted officials 11.03.13
Final Gradation List of Class IV Employees 08.03.13
Promotion of Sri B. Harilal to the post of Senior Instructor 08.03.13
Reporting of Plan fund expenditure – Circular 07.03.13
Tender invited for supply of equipments at ITI Kuzhalmanam 07.03.13
Declaration of probation of VP/Principal Class I/TO 06.03.13
Training for Principals at IIM Ahmedabad and charge hand over 06.03.13
Circular and Proforma for submission CTI Training Details of instructors 06.03.13
List of officials deputed for evaluation of packages under TSP Scheme 02.03.13
Proforma for Submission of details of tax Collection 01.03.13
List of Officials for finalising the gradation List of Junior Instructors-Proceedings of the JDT 01.03.13
Manual enrollment of trainees under SDI scheme extended up to 31st march 01.03.13
Reporting of expenditure details under 87-Modernisation on a daily basis- circular 28.02.13
Notification and Proforma for Panel of Practical Examiners for ITI Trade tests 28.02.13
List of officials for Short term training at ATI Ludhiana 27.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer -2013 of Principal class I 25.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer -2013 of Principal ClassII 25.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer -2013 of Group Instructors 25.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer -2013 of Workshop Attenders 25.02.13
list of officials for inspection of Items supplied by companies 25.02.13
Withdrawal of suspension order of Training Officer RI Centre Kottayam 23.02.13
Transfer and posting of UD Clerks – Proceedings of ADO 22.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer of Ministerial staff 22.02.13
Promotion and posting order of LD Clerks to UDC 22.02.13
Transfer and posting of Last grade Employees- Proceedings of ADO 22.02.13
Transfer and posting of Work shop Attender- Proceedings of JDT 22.02.13
Charge of DySAA to Shri B JustinRaj JDT 21.02.13
Proforma for preparation of Action plan for MES-SDI Schemes 21.02.13
Autocad Training program schedule for Instructors from ITI/ITC’s 19.02.13
Releiving of WSA on working arangement- Proceedings of the DT 16.02.13
Details of Expenditure under Modernisation of ITI’s 15.02.13
Circular to sent Confidential Reports of Employees 15.02.13
List of officials for Inspection of VTP’s 14.02.13
Details of new employess for regularisation of service- Circular 13.02.13
Notification and proforma for General transfer of SI/JI 11.02.13
Transfer, Promotion and posting order of Head clerks 07.02.13
Extension of date for receipt of application for recounting of SCVT trade test Sep 2012 07.02.13
Transfer, Promotion and posting order of Junior Superintendents 06.02.13
Transfer and posting of UD/LD Clerks 05.02.13
Tender Invited for supply of items for Malampuzhza iti 05.02.13
Details of Mes SDI Scheme to be brought for the Principals conference on 06.02.2013 02.02.13
List of Instructors Exempted from for Modular pattern of Craft Instructor training 02.02.13
Additional list of Instructors Deputed for Modular pattern of training Date 01.02.2013 02.02.13
Review of Purchases under 2011-12,2012-13 modernisation head postponed to 06.02.2013 02.02.13
List of officials deputed for evaluation of tenders at Guest House 02.02.13
Reliveing of Workshop Attender at SPIU and Posting order of new Employee 01.02.13
Withheld Results of Advanced module Trainees Declared 01.02.13
Re-examination of Workshop Calculation trade test for Electrician/Electroplater trades (Old Syllabus) 30.01.13
Time Table for SCVT Trade Test from 18.03.2013 to 20.03.2013 30.01.13
Notification for Recounting of Marks of SCVT trade Test Sept 2012 29.01.13
List of Instructors Deputed for Modular pattern of training 28.01.13
Witholding of payment to companies- Circular 28.01.13
Making timely entries in service book for Grade/Probation – Circular 28.01.13
Proforma for submission of details of CoE Instructors 28.01.13
Promotion, Transfer and posting order of Head Clerks 28.01.13
Observence of 2 minute silence on Martys Day 30.01.2013- Govt Order 22.01.13
Promotion to the post of Junior superintendents-Proceedings of the ADO 21.01.13
Circular for Furnishing of Details of ITI’s Word format / Pdf Format 19.01.13
Tender evaluation team constituted; Orders issued; Sitting on 21 & 22 Jan 2013 17.01.13
Starting of 3rd Shift in ITI’s for Modular Employability Skills Courses- Govt Order 16.01.13
Procedure for Procurement of Tools and Equipments- Proceedings of the Director 16.01.13
Notification for Recounting of Marks of CoE trade Test Sept 2012 16.01.13
Introduction of centralised system for Payment of Electricity/Water Charges
Govt Order
Details of Expenditure under 87 Modernisation of ITI’s Circular (Revised) 15.01.13
Details of Instructors in revamped Trades 11.01.13
Suspension order of Training Officer RI Centre Kottayam 11.01.13
Transfer and Posting order of Principal Class II/Vice Principal 11.01.13
Prospectus for Application to Additional Units at ITI Pallipad 07.01.13
Promotion and Transfer of LD Storekeeper 07.01.13
Promotion to the post of UD Storekeeper 07.01.13
List of Instructors Deputed for CTI Training for Feb 2013 Session 07.01.13
Charge of Vice Principal at New ITI’s- proceedings of the Director 04.01.13
Furnishing of TA bill of State Govt Employees -G.O 01.01.13
list of Officials for Training Programme on ‘Survey & Evaluation of Apprenticeship training