372 |
AITT FEB 2017- Registration of Details of 1st SEM trainees in www.itdkerala.org web portal |
31-12-2016 |
371 |
Job fair Jan 2017 Regions and Schedule |
31-12-2016 |
370 |
Job Fair committees to submit budget estimates immediately – Circular |
27-12-2016 |
369 |
ITI Perambra Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills on 03.01.2017- Invite |
26-12-2016 |
368 |
State and Regional level committee members for organising Job fair |
26-12-2016 |
367 |
Trainees Holiday on 24.12.2016 |
23-12-2016 |
366 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SUP (Old Scheme) |
23-12-2016 |
365 |
Guidelines for Anomaly correction for AITT JUL 2016, 4th SEM AUG 14, 2 SEM AUG 15 Admissons & Supplemetary SEM 1,2,3 results
Click for ITI wise Trainee count of result status
Format for Trainee count of results |
22-12-2016 |
364 |
Format for submission of details of Nutrition program in ITI’s |
22-12-2016 |
363 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 for 6 Months courses |
22-12-2016 |
362 |
Additional clause to be included in all prurchase agreements submitted to ITIs by firms |
22-12-2016 |
361 |
Last date for exchange of old currency notes of Rs 500 & Rs 1000 remaining in ITI’s |
21-12-2016 |
360 |
Submission of details of Items to be purchased for Affliation/Reaffilation of ITI’s-Circular |
21-12-2016 |
359 |
AITT Jan 2017 Smester Scheme Guidelines for collection and deposit of OMR fees |
21-12-2016 |
358 |
Agenda for the Principals conference on 23.12.16 at Govt guest House ,Trivandrum |
20-12-2016 |
357 |
Notification for selction of trainees for All India Skill competition JUL 2016 |
20-12-2016 |
356 |
Grading of ITI’s – Guideline and Formats |
20-12-2016 |
355 |
Time Table for AITT FEB 2017 under CTS for Semseter, Mentor Council and Conventional Streams |
19-12-2016 |
354 |
List of officials for Technical committee for evaluation of E-tenders on 20.12.16 at SUIIT, Kazhakootam |
19-12-2016 |
353 |
Guidelines for AITT JUL 2014 2nd and 4th SEM admissons results Anomaly Correction
Click for upload Results/Status
17-12-2016 |
352 |
Correction of trainee data on NCVT-MIS portal -DGET Order |
16-12-2016 |
351 |
KSEB One time settlement option for pending dues |
16-12-2016 |
350 |
Principal conference on 23.12.16, 10.00 am at Govt Guest House Trivandrum |
15-12-2016 |
349 |
AITT feb 2107 online entry of applicants details in www.itdkerala.org |
14-12-2016 |
348 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test (supplementary) FEB 2017 for SEM I,II,III.IV failed students |
14-12-2016 |
347 |
Temporary withdrawal of Online registration facilty in www.itdkerala.org for AITT Jan 17 |
09-12-2016 |
346 |
Schedule and list of officials for verification of question bank |
09-12-2016 |
345 |
Results of SCVT Trade Test SEPTEMBER 2016 (Conventional System) Declared |
09-12-2016 |
344 |
Notification of Election for the Kerala State Industrial trainees Council 2016-17 with Identity card & Nomination Paper |
09-12-2016 |
343 |
Pledge for Human rights day on 10.12.2016 |
08-12-2016 |
342 |
Guidelines for Four new missions by the Government |
08-12-2016 |
341 |
Format for submission of details of WSA in abolished trades |
07-12-2016 |
340 |
Grading of ITI’s -Detailed Instuctions |
07-12-2016 |
339 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SEM I (Regular) |
07-12-2016 |
338 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SEM III ( Regular) |
07-12-2016 |
337 |
Sanction order for auction of plastic scrap in ITI’s- Govt Order |
05-12-2016 |
336 |
Guidelines for preparation and submission of TA Bills |
30-11-2016 |
335 |
Format for submission of details of trades and units a per 2016 Admissions |
30-11-2016 |
334 |
Data Entry of Trainees details in NCVT-MIS Portal for AUG 2016 affiliated trades |
29-11-2016 |
333 |
Grading of ITI’s -Detailed Instuctions |
29-11-2016 |
332 |
Sanction for starting of New ITI at Perambra in Kozhikode District |
26-11-2016 |
331 |
Results of SCVT Trade Test (Semeser System) SEPT 2016 Declared |
26-11-2016 |
330 |
Notification and Application form for All India Trade Test Feb 2017
Semester – 1 – MIS Registered – Regular – 2016 Admission Candidates
Semester – 3 – MIS Registered – Regular -2015 Admission Candidates
Semester – 3 – Private – Industrial Worker – MIS Registered Candidates
Semester – 3 – Private – SCVT Passed – MIS Registered Candidates |
26-11-2016 |
329 |
Notification and Application form for All India Trade Test (Supplementary) Feb 2017
Semester – 1&2 – Supplementary (Regular and Private) – 2013 Admission /2014 Private Candidates
. Semester – 3&4 – Supplementary (Regular and Private) – 2013 Admission /2014 Private Candidates
Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – MIS Registered – Supplementary – 2014 & 2015 Admission candidates
. Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – Private – Industrial Worker – MIS Registered – Supplementary
Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – Private – SCVT Passed- MIS Registered – Supplementary
26-11-2016 |
328 |
With Held Results of CoE Advanced Modules Trade Test AUG 2016 for BBBT passed trainees Declared |
19-11-2016 |
327 |
Notification and Application form for AITT FEB 2017 SEM 3 Regular from AUG 16 MIS portal registered students |
19-11-2016 |
326 |
Notification and Application form for AITT FEB 2017 SEM 1 Regular from AUG 16 MIS portal registered students |
19-11-2016 |
325 |
National Integration pledge for “Quami Ekta week” |
18-11-2016 |
324 |
Last date for Receipt of Application for MES courses under SCVT by VTP’s scheme is 30.11.16 |
18-11-2016 |
323 |
Officials for Technical Evaluation committee at STI Kazhakootam form 21.11.16 |
18-11-2016 |
322 |
Guidelines for Dowloading and Distributon of E-NTC |
17-11-2016 |
321 |
Results of CoE BBBT and Advanced Modules Trade Test AUG 2016 Declared |
17-11-2016 |
320 |
Condemnation of articles Submission of details |
15-11-2016 |
319 |
Allocation of fund for placing Name boards with new LOGO in ITI’s |
14-11-2016 |
318 |
Extension of last date for Tenders for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s-Revised Last Date 16.11.16 |
11-11-2016 |
317 |
ITI W Chalakudy Admin Block/Jubilee hall Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills- Invite |
11-11-2016 |
316 |
Submission of details of Accounts held in banks by ITI’s |
10-11-2016 |
315 |
AITT JULY 2016 Old system SEM 1 to SEM 4 Results
05-11-2016 |
314 |
Format for submission of monthly details of NonTax Revenue |
05-11-2016 |
313 |
Notification and Application form for AITT (SUP) Jan 2017- Old System |
05-11-2016 |
312 |
Format for submission of list of trainees for National convocation |
05-11-2016 |
311 |
Allocation of Financial Assitance to OEC students as lumpsun grant |
04-11-2016 |
310 |
ITI Danuvachapuram Admin Block Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills- Invite |
03-11-2016 |
309 |
Details of purchase process at Directorate for getting Affiliation of ITI Trades |
03-11-2016 |
308 |
Guidelines for Effective practical and theory training in ITI’s |
03-11-2016 |
307 |
Postponement of 105th AIATT NOV 2016 and DGET/RDAT Instructions |
02-11-2016 |
306 |
Continous sanction for temporary posts in the Department |
02-11-2016 |
305 |
Submission of Qualifications of Principals of Pvt ITI’s-Circular |
02-11-2016 |
304 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test NOV 2016 for 6 months courses (Supplementary) |
02-11-2016 |
303 |
Generation and Distribution of E-NTC- Guidelnes |
02-11-2016 |
302 |
Provisional gradation list of Work shop attenders |
02-11-2016 |
301 |
Plege for Rastriya Sankalp Diwas & Rastriya Ekta Diwas on 31.10.2016 |
28-10-2016 |
300 |
ITD staff to submit complaints through proper channel -Circular |
28-10-2016 |
299 |
Submission of details of pending construction works-Format |
28-10-2016 |
298 |
Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal, Changes in qualification details |
28-10-2016 |
297 |
Format for submision of placement cell details |
28-10-2016 |
296 |
Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s |
22-10-2016 |
295 |
“Bharana Bhasa Malayalam” week celebrations from NOV 1- Govt order |
22-10-2016 |
294 |
CBSE 10 pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions – GOVT Order |
22-10-2016 |
293 |
Format for submission of request for Blank STC |
20-10-2016 |
292 |
Guidelines for admisson of Mentally Retarded trainees in ITI’s |
20-10-2016 |
291 |
NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 2 Govt (Kazhakootam &w Malampuzha) and 1 Private ITI (St antonys Pala) |
20-10-2016 |
290 |
NAPS Regional level Meetings at Palakkad & Kozhikode Rescheduled |
18-10-2016 |
289 |
Results of AITT July 2016 Conventional (old) System declared |
18-10-2016 |
288 |
Guidelines for downloading of E NTC and Consolidated marksheet from MIS portal |
16-10-2016 |
287 |
Notification for Trainees council elections 2016-17 |
15-10-2016 |
286 |
Details of new Logo for Govt/ Private ITI’s
07-10-2016 |
285 |
Extension of last date of Admissions under CTS to 09.10.16 for recently affiliated Institutes |
07-10-2016 |
284 |
Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal
Click to Down Load USER MANUAL Practical Examiner Module
05-10-2016 |
283 |
Pledge for Wildlife Week Celebrations to be taken on 05.10.16 |
04-10-2016 |
282 |
NCVT Affiliation orders for 2 Govt and 1 Private ITI (Kozhikode/w kozhikode/BRD Inst Thrissur) |
04-10-2016 |
281 |
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting List of officials to participate |
03-10-2016 |
280 |
Changes in schedules of National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting |
03-10-2016 |
280 |
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting schedules |
01-10-2016 |
279 |
Changes in timing of Apprencticeship Promotion Scheme regional meeting |
30-09-2016 |
278 |
Format for submisson of claims for NRA, PF Advance |
30-09-2016 |
277 |
Remuneration for Employability skills Instructors-Circular |
30-09-2016 |
276 |
Ex-Gratia Pension Incorporation of spouse name in the pension payment order-Govt order |
27-09-2016 |
275 |
Recovery of Liabilities from pension benefits of deputed Govt Employees- Govt Order |
27-09-2016 |
274 |
Celebration of No caste declaration by Sri Narayan Guru in Districts- Govt Order |
27-09-2016 |
273 |
India skill Competition-Institutes to ensure maximum registrations |
27-09-2016 |
272 |
Extension of last date for entry of data into NCVT-MIS portal to 30.9.16 |
27-09-2016 |
271 |
AITT JUL 2016 trainees marks unable to upload in the MIS portal-ERROR LOG
Error log SEM 2
Error Log SEM 4
27-09-2016 |
270 |
SIC-Conduct of MES Courses through VTP’s |
20-09-2016 |
269 |
NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 8 Govt and 1 Private ITI |
20-09-2016 |
268 |
Extension of last date for ITI admissions to 25.09.2016 |
20-09-2016 |
267 |
Creation and submission of Master Plan for ITI’s |
20-09-2016 |
266 |
Revised Time Table SCVT Trade Test SEP 2016-Changes in Safety Engg Paper III Timing |
19-09-2016 |
265 |
Time Table for 105th AIl India Apprenticeship Trade Test Nov 2016 |
19-09-2016 |
264 |
Guidelines for condemnation of articles |
09-09-2016 |
263 |
“Snehapoorvan”project financial Assistance |
09-09-2016 |
262 |
Affiliation/Reaffiliation/De-Affilation cases consideration by QCI |
09-09-2016 |
261 |
Trainees holiday on 17.9.2016 |
09-09-2016 |
260 |
Proforma for submission of details of employee retiring netween 01.1.17 to 30.6.18 |
08-09-2016 |
259 |
Meeting of IT’s for Virtual Classroom on 07.09.16 at DT Chamber
Format for collection of VC details |
05-09-2016 |
258 |
Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme -Letter to Establishments |
05-09-2016 |
257 |
Utilisation of Maintenance fund collected from trainees-Guidelines |
01-09-2016 |
256 |
Proforma for submission of details for Budget 2017-18 (Additional) |
01-09-2016 |
255 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEM II ( Supplementary) |
01-09-2016 |
254 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEM 1 ( Supplementary) |
01-09-2016 |
253 |
SCVT Trade Test May 2016 SEMESTER II Results declared |
01-09-2016 |
252 |
SCVT Trade Test May 2016 SEMESTER 1 Results declared |
01-09-2016 |
251 |
Amendment to revised store purchase manual Annexure 4 |
30-08-2016 |
250 |
Revision of pension and other benefits for Part time contingent Employees |
30-08-2016 |
249 |
EOI invited for consultancy services for finding training provider in English Communication |
30-08-2016 |
248 |
Reporting of Errors in Key answers AITT JULY 2016
Format for reporting of errors
Sem 1 Engg
Sem 1 Non Engg
Sem 2 Engg
Sem 2 Non Engg
Sem 3 Engg
Sem 3 Non Engg
Sem 4 Engg
Sem 4Non Engg |
26-08-2016 |
247 |
Format for submission of proposals for budget estimates under Plan Fund-2017-18 |
26-08-2016 |
246 |
Meeting on changes in MIS portal at ITI chackai on 30.8.16 & 31.8.16 |
26-08-2016 |
245 |
MIS Portal for Data entry of AUG 2016 admissions will remain open till 31.08.206 |
25-08-2016 |
244 |
Format for submission of details of Class!V staff |
25-08-2016 |
243 |
Sanction for Nutrition program for 2016-17 in ITI’s |
23-08-2016 |
242 |
Formats for submission of Revised Budget estimate for 2016-17 and budget estimate 2017-18 |
23-08-2016 |
241 |
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme- DGET Notification |
23-08-2016 |
240 |
DGET Guidelines for Implementation of Naional Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme |
23-08-2016 |
239 |
Admission closing AUG 2016 Session for NCVT trades- Guidelines, Formats and Posting of oficails
List of Admission closing Officials
22-08-2016 |
238 |
Reporting of errors-AITT FEB 2014 B form publish in www.itdkerala.org |
22-08-2016 |
237 |
B-Form Format (proforma C for AIATT) |
20-08-2016 |
236 |
Notification and Application form for 105th All India Apprenticeship Trade Test- AUG 2016 |
20-08-2016 |
235 |
Redeployment order of Work Shop Attenders in revamped trades |
20-08-2016 |
234 |
Approval of 28 NSQF aligned CTS courses for training from AUG 2016 Session |
19-08-2016 |
233 |
Changes in space norms for Mechanic Diesel trade under CTS-DGET order |
19-08-2016 |
232 |
Circular for clearing of purchase related pending payments to companies before 23.08.16 |
2016-08-17 |
231 |
Format for submission of details of staff |
2016-08-17 |
230 |
Declaration and Celebration of Handloom Week form 04.09.16 to 10.09.16 |
2016-08-17 |
229 |
Observance of Sadbhavana Diwas and Sadbhavana pledge on 20.08.2016 |
2016-08-17 |
228 |
Tenders are invited for the of tools, equipments and machinery at various iTI’s- last date 31.08.16 |
2016-08-16 |
227 |
Equivalency of NTC to Secondary/Higher secondary School certificate- DGET notification |
2016-08-16 |
226 |
Out of syllabus Questions in AITT July 2016 Informing DGE&T- Circular |
2016-08-11 |
225 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEMESTER System (Regular and Supplementary) |
2016-08-11 |
224 |
Submission of statement of advance for purchase of mosquito net and cycle |
2016-08-11 |
224 |
Submission of consolidated arrears of pay revision 2014 |
2016-08-11 |
224 |
Proforma for submisson of details of Instructors- DGET Order |
2016-08-11 |
223 |
Inaguration of new building and foundation stone laying ceremony at ITI Kazhakootam on 17.8.2016-Invite |
2016-08-11 |
222 |
Meeting on Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme at Labour Bhavan Trivandrum on 12.08.16 |
2016-08-08 |
221 |
Submission of estimates for Electrical works in Institutes |
2016-08-08 |
220 |
Revised remuneration for guest instructors- Circular |
2016-08-08 |
219 |
Cancelltion and postponment of AITT JUL16 Engg Drawing Exam in trades of Electrician, Electroplater & Lift Mech conducted on 03.06.16 to 11.08.16 |
2016-08-06 |
216 |
Format for submission of details of staff- Circular |
2016-08-06 |
215 |
AITT 2016-Further action in case of missing trainee names from MIS Roll list
Click to download Roll List
2016-08-05 |
214 |
Change in entry qualification for trades Surface Ornamentation Techniques and Sewing Technology- Dget Order |
2016-08-04 |
213 |
Order for obtaining Digital signatures by all DDO’s- GO |
2016-08-04 |
212 |
Format for submission of details of Establishments by RIC’s/AAA -ATS |
2016-08-03 |
211 |
Continuation of 6 months trade “Driver cum Mechanic” for Aug 2016 session- DGET order |
2016-08-01 |
210 |
Drawal of last pay of gazetted officers and claiming arrears of retired officers- GO |
2016-07-30 |
209 |
Notification for allotment of unfilled SC/ST seats in ITI’s to general category students |
2016-07-30 |
208 |
Provision of scribe for Physically/Mentally challenged students for AITT |
2016-07-29 |
207 |
Admission in unfilled seats extended upto 31.08.16-DGET order |
2016-07-29 |
206 |
Distribution of Hall Tickets AITT JULY 2016 guidelines |
2016-07-28 |
205 |
“Bharana Basha” Awards 2016- Govt Notification |
2016-07-27 |
204 |
Format for requesting of Allotment under Plan Head |
2016-07-27 |
203 |
Resuts of 104 All India Apprenticeship Trade Test April 2016 Declared |
2016-07-25 |
202 |
Time Table for SCVT Trade Test SEP 2016 for OLD/Semester/FACT Schemes |
2016-07-25 |
201 |
Ban on plastic for making of National Flags- Govt Order |
2016-07-25 |
200 |
Notification and Application form for AITT 2016 (COE) for BBBT and Advanced Modules |
2016-07-18 |
199 |
Submission of details of trainess Applied for AITT 2016 online in www.itdkerala.org |
2016-07-18 |
198 |
Printing of Hall Tickets for AITT Aug 2016 SEM 1,2,3 & 4 (SUP) for Aug 2013 Admitted trainees |
2016-07-14 |
197 |
Results of SCVT Trade Test Feb 2016 SEMESTER 4 |
2016-07-14 |
196 |
Results of SCVT Trade Test Feb 2016 SEMESTER 3 |
2016-07-14 |
195 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Aug 2016 SEM 3 Supplementary |
2016-07-14 |
194 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Aug 2016 SEM 4 Supplementary |
2016-07-14 |
193 |
Revised Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Supplementary (Old Scheme) |
2016-07-13 |
192 |
Guidelines for allotment of SC/ST seats to general category students-2016 Admissions |
2016-07-13 |
191 |
Allotment order for Payment to companies for purchases Affiliation/Reaffiliation- GO |
2016-07-12 |
190 |
Submission of details of vacancies OA/Watchman |
2016-07-12 |
189 |
Guide Lines for printing of AITT July 2016 Hall Ticket from MIS |
2016-07-12 |
188 |
Submission of details of Daily wages employees |
2016-07-12 |
187 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Supplementary (Old Scheme) |
2016-07-08 |
186 |
Format for submission of Pay revision arrears |
2016-07-08 |
185 |
Norms for minimum compulsory attendance for appearing in AITT-DGET order |
2016-07-08 |
184 |
Time table for Six months SCVT courses (Old scheme) |
2016-07-07 |
183 |
Arrangement of facilities in Private ITI’s for conduct of AITT July 2016 |
2016-07-07 |
182 |
Rules for allowing to attend AITT 2016 for Re-admitted students from 2013 admissions |
2016-07-07 |
181 |
Conducting of events on World Skills Day-Circular |
2016-07-05 |
180 |
Format for reporting of vacancies of OA |
2016-07-05 |
179 |
Sponsoring of Govt Employees for MTech in Transational Engineering |
2016-07-01 |
178 |
Guidelines for proper submission of TA bills |
2016-07-01 |
177 |
Revision of Education qualifications of trades under ATS- DGET Order |
2016-07-01 |
176 |
Uploading of details of Instructors in MIS web portal- Circular |
2016-06-30 |
175 |
Extension of last date for 2016 ITI Admissions |
2016-06-30 |
174 |
Notification for Inter ITI Arts and Sports meet 2016-17 |
2016-06-27 |
173 |
Skill India Week Best ITI/Principal/ Instructor Selected list |
2016-06-27 |
172 |
Re-admisson of 2013-2015 admitted trainees after collection of affidavit-Circular |
2016-06-27 |
171 |
Circular on timely submission of Plan Expenditure– Down load Format |
2016-06-25 |
170 |
Revocation of order banning purchase from HP- Govt Order |
2016-06-25 |
169 |
Format for submission of details for allotment of funds Minor works |
2016-06-25 |
168 |
Prospectus for 2016 Private ITI Admissions |
2016-06-21 |
167 |
Preparation of projects for 13th 5year plan- Meeting of Officers at Govt Guest house TVPM on 24.06.16 |
2016-06-18 |
166 |
Format for submission of Indent for Khaki uniform for workshop trainees |
2016-06-17 |
165 |
Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2016 |
2016-06-17 |
164 |
Attendance requirements for appearing in AITT- DGET order |
2016-06-17 |
163 |
Conduct of State level exhibition on the World Skills Day 15th July -Circular |
2016-06-16 |
162 |
Notification for competing in World Skills fest |
2016-06-15 |
161 |
Proforma for submission of details of staff for Transfers and Posting |
2016-06-14 |
160 |
COE Trade Test March 2016 Published |
2016-06-14 |
159 |
Cleanliness drive and pledge as part of Swach Bharat Mission in ITI’s |
2016-06-13 |
158 |
Officials for Technical Specification Committee at SUIIT Kazhakootam from16.6.16 |
2016-06-13 |
157 |
Notification for category change from Watchman to OA |
2016-06-13 |
156 |
Erratum- Circular No E7/15743/16 dated 13.6.16 |
2016-06-13 |
155 |
ITI Training to be discontinued in unsafe wokshops and buildings- Circular |
2016-06-10 |
154 |
AITT July 2016 Guidelines for remittance of OMR fees collected from trainees |
2016-06-10 |
153 |
ALL India Trade Test JULY 2016- ALL Notifications |
2016-06-10 |
152 |
Amendment to Prospectus for 2016 ITI Admissions in NCVT/COE/SCVT Trades |
2016-06-09 |
151 |
Skill competition for ITI NCVT passed trainees in various trades conducted by DGET institutes-Proforma |
2016-06-09 |
150 |
Notification and Application form AITT JULY16 1st SEM SUP for 2013 admitted 1st SEM failed candidates or privately appeared and failed candidates from FEB 2014 |
2016-06-09 |
149 |
Re-Admission JUL16 format for submision of details of trainees for entry in MIS portal |
2016-06-09 |
148 |
Online entry of 1st SEM Sessional marks of SCVT Trades Test May 2016 – Circular |
2016-06-09 |
147 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT trade test AUG 2016 2nd SEM regular candidates |
2016-06-09 |
146 |
Notification and Application form for SCVT trade test AUG 2016 4th SEM regular candidates |
2016-06-09 |
145 |
Applications invited for AUG 2016 GOVT ITI Admissions in SCVT/ NCVT/CoE Trades |
2016-06-03 |
144 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 1/2/3 SEM SUP for JULY 2016 SCVT privately passed candidates thru MIS Portal |
2016-06-02 |
143 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 Regular 2& 4 SEM for JULY 2016 SCVT privately passed candidates thru MIS Portal |
2016-06-02 |
142 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 2/3/4 SEM Sup for 2013 admitted 2/3/4 SEM failed candidates or 2014 AITT privately appeared and failed candidates |
2016-06-02 |
141 |
Applications invited for AUG 2016 GOVT ITI Admissions in NCVT/CoE Trades |
2016-06-01 |
140 |
Guidelines for corrections in distributed Marklist/E-NTC |
2016-05-31 |
139 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 4th SEM from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers)thru MIS portal |
2016-05-31 |
138 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 2nd SEM from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers)thru MIS portal |
2016-05-31 |
137 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 1st,2nd,& 3rd SEM (SUP) from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers) |
2016-05-31 |
136 |
Guidelines for Sale of waste paper- Govt Order |
2016-05-28 |
135 |
Last date for entry of sessional marks of 2016 AITT candidates in MIS portal-30.05.16 |
2016-05-28 |
134 |
Notification and Application form for AITT 2016 from 2015 MIS portal registered students for SEM 1,2,3 (SUP) exams |
2016-05-28 |
133 |
Extension of last date for online entry of details of AITT 2016 SEM 2 & 4 trainees |
2016-05-28 |
132 |
Organising State level Exhibition on World Skills Day- Circular |
2016-05-21 |
131 |
Revised Time table for AITT July 2016 -SEMESTER& Conventional System |
2016-05-14 |
130 |
Selection of Best ITI/Principal/Instructor- World skills day DGET Order |
2016-05-14 |
129 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 4th SEM (Regular) for MIS Portal AUG 14 Registered trainees |
2016-05-10 |
128 |
Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 2nd SEM (Regular) for MIS Portal AUG 15 Registered trainees |
2016-05-10 |
127 |
Progress report trial version for upgradation of 1396 iTI’s under PPP Scheme |
2016-05-10 |
126 |
Celebration of Skill India Week and world Youth Skills Day in Govt/Private ITI’s |
2016-05-10 |
125 |
Enhanced remuneration for daily wages and contract staff- Govt Order |
2016-05-06 |
124 |
Non payment of wages to workers to be brought to the notice of the Chief Secy-GO |
2016-05-06 |
123 |
Trainees holiday from 05.5.16 to 07.05.16 for Govt/Pvt ITI’s of Idukki, Thrissur& Ernakulam Districts |
2016-05-05 |
122 |
Re-affixing of seniority of Sri V Babu in the Gradation Lists |
2016-05-04 |
121 |
Trainees holiday from 04.5.16 to 07.05.16 for 9 district Govt/Pvt ITI’s |
2016-05-04 |
120 |
Notification for formation of External Examiners panel for AITT JUL 2016 (ITI Exams) |
2016-04-30 |
119 |
Formation of Green Protocol Force in ITI’s for Environment Protection |
2016-04-30 |
118 |
Balaswanthanam- 2016 Project for Cancer affected children-Revised orders |
2016-04-30 |
117 |
Time Table for SCVT Trade Test SEM I & SEM II from 23.05.2016 |
2016-04-30 |
116 |
Details,Format and Guidelines for printing B-forms by Institutes |
2016-04-28 |
115 |
Correction in details of Trainees of Aug 2013 and later admissions |
2016-04-26 |
114 |
MIS portal training for officials on 28 & 29.04.2016 at SPOKE ITI’s |
2016-04-26 |
113 |
Details of Motor truck batteries purchased during 2008-2016 |
2016-04-25 |
112 |
Format for giving reply to RTI- Govt Order |
2016-04-25 |
111 |
Transfer of KSITC funds to the account of the Treasurer |
2016-04-25 |
110 |
Last chance for appearing in AITT (Conventional pattern)-DGET order |
2016-04-25 |
109 |
Discontinuation of NIMI pattern question paper for AITT conventional system from AUG 2016 |
2016-04-25 |
108 |
Opening of MIS Portal for uploading of pending AITT Jan 2016 marks |
2016-04-25 |
107 |
Applications invited for Short term training of DGET field institutes |
2016-04-25 |
106 |
Notification and application form for SCVT trade test 2 SEM (supplementary)-April 2016 |
2016-04-25 |
105 |
Continuation of ITI admissions for 2016-17 without re-affiliation-DGET order |
2016-04-19 |
104 |
Hall ticket for 52nd All India Skill Competition 2016 |
2016-04-18 |
103 |
Notification for Online registering for SCVT Trade Test April 2016 |
2016-04-18 |
102 |
Notification and Application invited for 1st SEMESTER AITT JAN 2017(Private) from
1st SEM SCVT passed and SCVT passed Students
Industrial Workers |
2016-04-18 |
101 |
Direct purchase of Diesel generators form KEL without tender formalities-Govt Order |
2016-04-16 |
100 |
Revised schedule for Submission of details for procurement of Tools & Equipments under 87 MOD (2016-17) at ITI Chalakudy & ITI Ettumanoor |
2016-04-15 |
99 |
Proforma for submission of details for revamping of trades under CTS 2016-17 |
2016-04-13 |
98 |
Revised format for RTI case register- Govt Order |
2016-04-13 |
97 |
Notification and application form for AITT (supplementary)-OLD System from AUG 2012 admitted (2/3 year) Failed candidates |
2016-04-08 |
96 |
Schedule of opening of NCVT-MIS portal for uploadng of pending marks of AITT Jan/Feb2016 |
2016-04-08 |
95 |
Format for Submission of details of pending payment under 87-Modernisation 2015-16 |
2016-04-08 |
94 |
Formats for Submission of details for procurement of Tools & Equipments for getting affiliation of ITI’s |
2016-04-08 |
93 |
Govt order on service benefits of Handicapped Employees |
2016-04-02 |
92 |
Notification and application form for SCVT Trade Test -April 2016 SEM I (supplementary) |
2016-03-23 |
91 |
Option form for Modular pattern of CTI training -May 2016 |
2016-03-23 |
90 |
Penalty for Principals of Govt/Pvt ITI’s for not uploading sessional marks of trainees in MIS-NCVT portal |
2016-03-23 |
89 |
Time Table for SCVT trade test SEM IV Regular & Supplementary |
2016-03-23 |
88 |
SCVT trade test SEM 1 (supplementary) Nov 2015 results declared |
2016-03-23 |
87 |
Guidelines for collecting ENTC of AITT till Nov 2014 from Nodal ITI’s |
2016-03-23 |
86 |
Cancellation of Circular No E2/11045/15 dated 14.03.16 |
2016-03-21 |
85 |
Allotment list for supply of Computers to ITI’s |
2016-03-21 |
84 |
Time Table for SCVT trade test 3rd semester Regular & Supplementary |
2016-03-21 |
83 |
Time Table for SCVT trade test old scheme for Engg/Non engg trades |
2016-03-21 |
82 |
Last date for online Applications for the session 2016-17 extended to 15.04.2016 |
2016-03-18 |
81 |
Election code of Conduct-Institutes to refrain from Interview/Postings/transfers without permission |
2016-03-18 |
80 |
ITI staff related to purchase to be present on 24.03.15,25.03.15 and 27.03.15-Circular |
2016-03-18 |
79 |
List of officials for preparation of question bank for SCVT trade test |
2016-03-09 |
78 |
Equating NTC/STC in Mechanic Agricultural machinery to Mechanic Tractor for Jobs |
2016-03-09 |
77 |
Changes in qualification for Instructor In COPA Trade -Govt Order |
2016-03-09 |
76 |
Deduction of Payment for National Savings Scheme from Employee Salary Directly- Govt Order |
2016-03-04 |
75 |
Changes in Norms for Employability Skills Instructor Under CTS- DGET Order |
2016-03-04 |
74 |
Rationalization and Standardization of ITI Infrastructure- DGET order |
2016-03-04 |
73 |
Continuation of Cane Wilow and Bamboo workers Trade under CTS fro AUG 2015 session |
2016-03-04 |
72 |
Modification in Norms for Granting Accreditation to ITI’s-DGET order |
2016-03-04 |
71 |
Prime minister Mudra Yojana- Conduct of Awareness Meeting |
2016-03-03 |
70 |
Results of Best instructor awards for 2015-2016 |
2016-03-03 |
69 |
Constitution of KSITC 2015-2016 list of selected candidates |
2016-02-27 |
68 |
Application form for starting of new private ITI’s or creation of additional Units in ITI’s |
2016-02-26 |
66 |
Inspection of stock and Stores in ITI’s on a yearly basis- Circular |
2016-02-26 |
65 |
ReTender notice for ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s |
2016-02-25 |
64 |
Details of Expenditure under Nutrition Program-Circular |
2016-02-24 |
63 |
List of Officials in Technical Evaluation Committee at SUIIT Kazhakootam on 24.02.16 |
2016-02-22 |
62 |
Clearance of pending payments in Electronic Ledger Account-2014-2015 |
2016-02-18 |
61 |
E-NTC Guidelines for collecting certificates from Nodal ITI’s |
2016-02-15 |
60 |
Nypunyam skill fiesta-2016 Results |
2016-02-12 |
59 |
CBSE 10th pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions |
2016-02-11 |
58 |
Centres for 52nd state level Skill competition for Craftsmen |
2016-02-11 |
57 |
Provisional gradation list of UD clerks as on 31.01.16 |
2016-02-11 |
56 |
Notification and application form for 104 All India Apprenticeship Trade Test -May 2016 |
2016-02-08 |
55 |
Foundation stone laying ceremony ITI Maneed- Invite |
2016-02-03 |
54 |
List of Escorting officers for Delegate Arrivals |
2016-02-02 |
53 |
Guidelines for procurement of CNC machines from IMTMA-DGET Order |
2016-02-02 |
52 |
Stipend Increase for poor students of general category in ITI’s- Govt order |
2016-02-02 |
51 |
Norms for Refresher training for Instructors of ITI’s- DGET Order |
2016-02-02 |
50 |
Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 Demonstration Skills Constitution of committee |
2016-02-02 |
49 |
Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 Arrangement of transport |
2016-02-02 |
48 |
ITI Principals to check timings mentioned in MIS Generated Hall Ticket- Aitt Jan 2016 |
2016-02-02 |
47 |
Checking of Roll List of Govt/ Pvt ITI’s trainees-AITT jan 2016 |
2016-02-02 |
46 |
Entry of 12 digit Roll Nos in Hall ticket- AITT JAN 2016 |
2016-02-02 |
45 |
List of Instructors for CTI training Feb-2016 |
2016-02-02 |
44 |
Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 ensuring participation of All |
2016-01-29 |
43 |
Observance of 2 minutes silence on Jan 30th Martyrs Day- Govt Order |
2016-01-29 |
42 |
Skill Fiesta 2016 Printing of Hall Ticket and other competition Instructions |
2016-01-29 |
41 |
Notification and Application for SCVT Trade test Feb2016
Semester III Trade test (Regular)
Semester III Supplementary Trade test
Semester IV Supplementary Trade test |
2016-01-28 |
40 |
Contract for supply of tubular batteries for UPS- Govt Order |
2016-01-28 |
39 |
Revised norms for minimum attendance under semester system of CTS-DGET order |
2016-01-27 |
38 |
Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s |
2016-01-25 |
37 |
All employees to attend Republic/Independence day Celebrations-Govt Order |
2016-01-25 |
36 |
103rd All India Apprenticeship Trade Test Results |
2016-01-23 |
35 |
Correction of trainee details in MIS Portal- Extension of Last date to 27.1.16 |
2016-01-22 |
34 |
Committee members for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 |
2016-01-22 |
33 |
List of assessors Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 State Level Competition |
2016-01-22 |
32 |
Submission of details for obtaining NCVT affiliation for SCVT trades in ITI’s- DGET Order |
2016-01-22 |
31 |
Calendar for Affiliation and Admission of ITI’s for 2016-17 |
2016-01-22 |
30 |
List of winners regional level Nypunyam Skill Fiesta-2016 |
2016-01-20 |
29 |
Elumbalassery Govt ITI,Palakkad to be renamed as Lt. Col Niranjan Memorial Govt ITI |
2016-01-20 |
28 |
Convocation ceremony to be held for ITI certificate distribution-circular |
2016-01-20 |
27 |
Unclear Photos – AITT Jan 2016 Hall tickets generated through MIS portal Instructions |
2016-01-20 |
26 |
Conversion of SCVT trades to NCVT- Procurement of Tools and Equipments |
2016-01-20 |
25 |
Latest DGET instructions for AITT Jan 2016 SEM system |
2016-01-20 |
24 |
Guidelines for printing AITT Jan 2016 Hall ticket from MIS – Semester scheme |
2016-01-18 |
23 |
Agenda for Principal Conference on 18.1.2016 at Guest House Trivandrum |
2016-01-16 |
22 |
Principal Conference at Guest House Thiruvanathapuram on 18.01.2016 |
2016-01-14 |
21 |
Details of trainees selected for 52nd All Kerala Skill Competition |
2016-01-14 |
20 |
52nd All Kerala Skill competition to conducted despite holiday in certain Districts |
2016-01-14 |
19 |
Format for furnishing of purchase reports in the Principal Conference on 18.1.15 |
2016-01-14 |
18 |
Tenders are invited for the supply of safety equipment for MCEA trade at ITI Chackai last date 30.1.16 |
2016-01-14 |
17 |
Celebration of National Voter’s day and Pledge |
2016-01-14 |
16 |
Department to refrain from purchase of HP products- Govt Order |
2016-01-14 |
Details of trainees council elections |
15 |
Results of SCVT Trade Nov 2015 test Declared
2016-01-11 |
14 |
List of Skill Test Centres-52nd State Level Skill Competition |
2016-01-11 |
13 |
Hall ticket Generation and Centre Mapping schedule for AITT from MIS-DGET Order |
2016-01-11 |
12 |
Revised Status of MIS portal entries Pending list SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 3 as on 11.1.16 |
2016-01-11 |
11 |
Reporting of attendance of employees on 12 Jan 2016 |
2016-01-11 |
10 |
Details of all trainees applied for AITT Jan 2016 to be Entered in MIS portal for generation of Hall Ticket |
2016-01-07 |
9 |
Status of MIS portal entries Pending list SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 3 |
2016-01-07 |
8 |
Notification for correction of entries for 2013 Aug Admitted/Enrolled trainees |
2016-01-07 |
7 |
Collection of Certificates from Training Directorate- Circular |
2016-01-07 |
6 |
Notification for KSITC Election-215-16 |
2016-01-07 |
5 |
Inauguration of New building at Malayankil ITI on 05.1.2016 |
2016-01-04 |
4 |
Additional List of assessors for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2015 |
2016-01-01 |
3 |
Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Old (conventional) scheme |
2015-12-31 |
2 |
Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Semester scheme |
2015-12-31 |
1 |
Deposit of OMR fees collected from trainees |
2015-12-31 |