372 AITT FEB 2017- Registration of Details of 1st SEM trainees in www.itdkerala.org  web portal 31-12-2016
371 Job fair Jan 2017 Regions and Schedule 31-12-2016
370 Job Fair committees to submit budget estimates immediately – Circular 27-12-2016
369  ITI Perambra  Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills on 03.01.2017- Invite 26-12-2016
368 State and Regional level committee members  for organising Job fair 26-12-2016
367 Trainees Holiday on 24.12.2016 23-12-2016
366 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SUP  (Old Scheme) 23-12-2016
365 Guidelines for Anomaly correction for   AITT JUL 2016, 4th SEM AUG 14, 2 SEM AUG 15 Admissons  & Supplemetary SEM 1,2,3 results 

Click for ITI wise Trainee count of result status
Format for 
Trainee count of  results

364 Format for submission of details of Nutrition program in ITI’s 22-12-2016
363 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 for 6 Months courses 22-12-2016
362 Additional clause to be included in all prurchase agreements submitted to ITIs by firms 22-12-2016
361 Last date for exchange of old currency notes of Rs 500 & Rs 1000 remaining in ITI’s 21-12-2016
360 Submission of details of Items to be purchased for Affliation/Reaffilation of ITI’s-Circular 21-12-2016
359 AITT Jan 2017 Smester Scheme Guidelines for collection and deposit of OMR fees 21-12-2016
358 Agenda for the Principals conference on 23.12.16 at Govt guest House ,Trivandrum 20-12-2016
357 Notification for selction of trainees for All India Skill competition JUL 2016 20-12-2016
356 Grading of ITI’s – Guideline and Formats 20-12-2016
355 Time Table for AITT FEB 2017 under CTS for Semseter, Mentor Council and Conventional Streams 19-12-2016
354 List of officials for Technical committee for evaluation of E-tenders on 20.12.16 at SUIIT, Kazhakootam 19-12-2016
353 Guidelines for AITT JUL 2014 2nd and 4th SEM admissons results  Anomaly Correction

Click for upload Results/Status

352 Correction of trainee data on NCVT-MIS portal -DGET Order 16-12-2016
351 KSEB One time settlement option for pending dues 16-12-2016
350 Principal conference on 23.12.16, 10.00 am at Govt Guest House Trivandrum 15-12-2016
349 AITT feb 2107 online entry of applicants details in www.itdkerala.org 14-12-2016
348 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test (supplementary) FEB 2017 for SEM I,II,III.IV failed students 14-12-2016
347 Temporary withdrawal of Online registration facilty in www.itdkerala.org for AITT Jan 17 09-12-2016
346 Schedule and list of officials for verification of question bank 09-12-2016
345 Results of SCVT Trade Test SEPTEMBER 2016 (Conventional System) Declared 09-12-2016
344 Notification of Election for the  Kerala State Industrial trainees Council 2016-17 with Identity card & Nomination Paper 09-12-2016
343 Pledge for Human rights day on 10.12.2016 08-12-2016
342 Guidelines for Four new missions by the Government 08-12-2016
341 Format for submission of details of WSA in abolished trades 07-12-2016
340 Grading of ITI’s -Detailed Instuctions 07-12-2016
339 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SEM I (Regular) 07-12-2016
338 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test FEB 2017 SEM III ( Regular) 07-12-2016
337 Sanction order for auction of plastic scrap in ITI’s- Govt Order 05-12-2016
336 Guidelines for preparation and submission of TA Bills 30-11-2016
335 Format for submission of details of trades and units a per 2016 Admissions 30-11-2016
334 Data Entry of Trainees details in NCVT-MIS Portal for AUG 2016 affiliated trades 29-11-2016
333 Grading of ITI’s -Detailed Instuctions 29-11-2016
332 Sanction for starting of New ITI at Perambra in Kozhikode District 26-11-2016
331 Results of SCVT Trade Test (Semeser System) SEPT 2016 Declared 26-11-2016
330 Notification and Application form for All India Trade Test  Feb 2017

Semester – 1 – MIS Registered – Regular – 2016 Admission Candidates 

Semester – 3 – MIS Registered – Regular -2015 Admission Candidates

Semester – 3 – Private – Industrial Worker – MIS Registered  Candidates

Semester – 3 – Private – SCVT Passed – MIS Registered  Candidates 
329 Notification and Application form for All India Trade Test  (Supplementary) Feb 2017

Semester – 1&2 – Supplementary (Regular and Private) – 2013 Admission /2014 Private Candidates

. Semester – 3&4 – Supplementary (Regular and Private) – 2013 Admission /2014 Private Candidates

Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – MIS Registered – Supplementary – 2014 & 2015 Admission candidates

. Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – Private – Industrial Worker – MIS Registered – Supplementary

Semester – 1,2,3 &4 – Private – SCVT Passed- MIS Registered – Supplementary

328 With Held Results of CoE Advanced Modules Trade Test AUG 2016 for BBBT passed trainees  Declared 19-11-2016
327 Notification and Application form for AITT FEB 2017 SEM 3 Regular  from AUG 16 MIS portal registered students 19-11-2016
326 Notification and Application form for AITT FEB 2017 SEM 1 Regular  from AUG 16 MIS portal registered students 19-11-2016
325 National Integration pledge for “Quami Ekta week” 18-11-2016
324 Last date for Receipt of Application for MES courses under SCVT by VTP’s scheme is 30.11.16 18-11-2016
323 Officials for Technical Evaluation committee at STI Kazhakootam form 21.11.16 18-11-2016
322 Guidelines for Dowloading and Distributon of E-NTC 17-11-2016
321 Results of CoE BBBT and Advanced Modules Trade Test AUG 2016 Declared 17-11-2016
320 Condemnation of articles Submission of details 15-11-2016
319 Allocation of fund for placing Name boards with new LOGO in ITI’s 14-11-2016
318 Extension of  last date for Tenders  for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s-Revised Last Date 16.11.16 11-11-2016
317 ITI W Chalakudy Admin Block/Jubilee hall  Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills- Invite 11-11-2016
316 Submission of details of Accounts held in banks by ITI’s 10-11-2016
315 AITT JULY 2016 Old system SEM 1 to SEM 4 Results





314 Format for submission of monthly details of NonTax Revenue 05-11-2016
313 Notification and Application form for AITT (SUP)  Jan 2017- Old System 05-11-2016
312 Format for submission of list of trainees for National convocation 05-11-2016
311 Allocation of Financial Assitance to OEC students as lumpsun grant 04-11-2016
310 ITI Danuvachapuram Admin Block Inaguration by Hon Minister for Labor & Skills- Invite 03-11-2016
309 Details of purchase process at Directorate for getting Affiliation of ITI Trades 03-11-2016
308 Guidelines for Effective practical and theory training in ITI’s 03-11-2016
307 Postponement of 105th AIATT NOV 2016 and DGET/RDAT Instructions 02-11-2016
306 Continous sanction for temporary posts in the Department 02-11-2016
305 Submission of Qualifications of Principals of Pvt ITI’s-Circular 02-11-2016
304 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test NOV 2016 for 6 months courses (Supplementary) 02-11-2016
303 Generation and Distribution of E-NTC- Guidelnes 02-11-2016
302 Provisional gradation list of Work shop attenders 02-11-2016
301 Plege for Rastriya Sankalp Diwas & Rastriya Ekta Diwas on 31.10.2016 28-10-2016
300 ITD staff to submit complaints through proper channel -Circular 28-10-2016
299 Submission of details of pending construction works-Format 28-10-2016
298 Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal, Changes in qualification details 28-10-2016
297 Format for submision of placement cell details 28-10-2016
296 Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s 22-10-2016
295 “Bharana Bhasa Malayalam” week celebrations from NOV 1- Govt order 22-10-2016
294 CBSE 10 pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions – GOVT Order 22-10-2016
293 Format for submission of request for Blank STC 20-10-2016
292 Guidelines for admisson of Mentally Retarded trainees in ITI’s 20-10-2016
291 NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 2 Govt  (Kazhakootam &w  Malampuzha) and 1 Private ITI (St antonys Pala) 20-10-2016
290 NAPS Regional level Meetings at Palakkad & Kozhikode Rescheduled 18-10-2016
289 Results of AITT July 2016 Conventional (old) System  declared 18-10-2016
288 Guidelines for downloading of E NTC and Consolidated marksheet  from MIS portal 16-10-2016
287 Notification for Trainees council elections 2016-17 15-10-2016
286 Details of  new Logo for Govt/ Private ITI’s

285 Extension of last date of  Admissions under CTS  to 09.10.16 for recently affiliated Institutes 07-10-2016
284 Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal

Click to Down Load USER MANUAL Practical Examiner Module

283 Pledge for Wildlife Week Celebrations to be taken on 05.10.16 04-10-2016
282 NCVT Affiliation orders for 2 Govt and 1 Private ITI (Kozhikode/w kozhikode/BRD Inst Thrissur) 04-10-2016
281 National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting List of officials to participate 03-10-2016
280 Changes in  schedules of National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting 03-10-2016
280 National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting schedules 01-10-2016
279 Changes in timing of  Apprencticeship Promotion Scheme regional meeting 30-09-2016
278 Format for submisson of claims for  NRA, PF Advance 30-09-2016
277 Remuneration for Employability skills Instructors-Circular 30-09-2016
276 Ex-Gratia Pension Incorporation of spouse name in the pension payment order-Govt order 27-09-2016
275 Recovery of Liabilities from pension benefits of deputed  Govt Employees- Govt Order 27-09-2016
274 Celebration of No caste declaration by Sri Narayan Guru in Districts- Govt Order 27-09-2016
273 India skill Competition-Institutes to ensure maximum registrations 27-09-2016
272 Extension of last date  for entry of data into NCVT-MIS portal to 30.9.16 27-09-2016
271 AITT JUL 2016  trainees marks unable to upload in the MIS portal-ERROR LOG

Error log SEM 2         
Error Log SEM 4

270 SIC-Conduct of MES Courses through VTP’s 20-09-2016
269 NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 8 Govt and 1 Private ITI 20-09-2016
268 Extension of last date for ITI admissions to 25.09.2016 20-09-2016
267 Creation and submission of Master Plan for ITI’s 20-09-2016
266 Revised Time Table SCVT Trade Test SEP 2016-Changes in Safety Engg Paper III Timing 19-09-2016
265 Time Table for 105th AIl India Apprenticeship Trade Test Nov 2016 19-09-2016
264 Guidelines for condemnation of articles 09-09-2016
263 Snehapoorvan”project financial Assistance 09-09-2016
262 Affiliation/Reaffiliation/De-Affilation cases consideration by QCI 09-09-2016
261 Trainees holiday on 17.9.2016 09-09-2016
260 Proforma for submission of details of employee retiring netween 01.1.17 to 30.6.18 08-09-2016
259 Meeting of IT’s for Virtual Classroom on 07.09.16 at DT Chamber 

Format for collection of  VC details
258 Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme -Letter to Establishments 05-09-2016
257 Utilisation of Maintenance fund collected from trainees-Guidelines 01-09-2016
256 Proforma for submission of details for Budget 2017-18 (Additional) 01-09-2016
255 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEM II ( Supplementary) 01-09-2016
254 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEM 1 ( Supplementary) 01-09-2016
253 SCVT Trade Test May 2016 SEMESTER II Results declared 01-09-2016
252 SCVT Trade Test May 2016 SEMESTER 1 Results declared 01-09-2016
251 Amendment to revised store purchase manual Annexure 4 30-08-2016
250 Revision of pension and other benefits for Part time contingent Employees 30-08-2016
249 EOI invited for consultancy services for finding training provider in English Communication 30-08-2016

Reporting of Errors in Key answers AITT JULY  2016  

Format for reporting of errors
Sem 1 Engg  

Sem 1 Non Engg 

Sem 2 Engg    

Sem 2 Non Engg
  Sem 3 Engg

Sem 3 Non Engg 

Sem 4 Engg    

Sem 4Non Engg  
247 Format for submission of proposals for budget estimates under Plan Fund-2017-18 26-08-2016
246 Meeting on changes in MIS portal at ITI chackai on 30.8.16 & 31.8.16 26-08-2016
245 MIS Portal for Data entry of AUG 2016 admissions  will remain open till 31.08.206 25-08-2016
244 Format for submission of details of Class!V staff 25-08-2016
243 Sanction for Nutrition program for 2016-17 in ITI’s 23-08-2016
242 Formats for submission of Revised Budget estimate for 2016-17 and budget estimate 2017-18 23-08-2016
241 National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme- DGET Notification 23-08-2016
240 DGET Guidelines for Implementation of Naional Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme 23-08-2016
239 Admission closing AUG 2016 Session for NCVT trades- Guidelines, Formats and Posting of oficails


List of Admission closing Officials

238 Reporting of errors-AITT FEB 2014 B form publish in www.itdkerala.org 22-08-2016
237 B-Form Format (proforma C for AIATT) 20-08-2016
236 Notification and Application form for 105th All India Apprenticeship Trade Test- AUG 2016 20-08-2016
235 Redeployment order of Work Shop Attenders in revamped trades 20-08-2016
234 Approval of 28 NSQF aligned CTS courses for training from AUG 2016 Session 19-08-2016
233 Changes in space norms for Mechanic Diesel trade under CTS-DGET order 19-08-2016
232 Circular for clearing of  purchase related pending payments to companies before 23.08.16 2016-08-17
231 Format for submission of details of staff 2016-08-17
230 Declaration  and Celebration of Handloom Week form 04.09.16 to 10.09.16 2016-08-17
229 Observance of Sadbhavana Diwas and Sadbhavana pledge on 20.08.2016 2016-08-17
228 Tenders are invited for the of tools, equipments and machinery at various iTI’s- last date 31.08.16 2016-08-16
227 Equivalency of NTC to Secondary/Higher secondary School certificate- DGET notification 2016-08-16
226 Out of syllabus Questions in AITT July 2016 Informing DGE&T- Circular 2016-08-11
225 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test AUG 2016 SEMESTER System (Regular and Supplementary) 2016-08-11
224 Submission of statement of advance for purchase of  mosquito net and cycle 2016-08-11
224 Submission of consolidated arrears of pay revision 2014 2016-08-11
224 Proforma for submisson of details of Instructors- DGET Order 2016-08-11
223 Inaguration of new building and foundation stone laying ceremony at  ITI Kazhakootam on 17.8.2016-Invite 2016-08-11
222 Meeting on Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme at  Labour Bhavan Trivandrum on 12.08.16 2016-08-08
221 Submission of  estimates for Electrical works in Institutes 2016-08-08
220 Revised remuneration for guest instructors- Circular 2016-08-08
219 Cancelltion and postponment  of AITT JUL16  Engg Drawing  Exam in trades of Electrician, Electroplater & Lift Mech conducted on 03.06.16 to 11.08.16 2016-08-06
216 Format for submission of details of  staff- Circular 2016-08-06
215 AITT 2016-Further action in case of missing trainee names  from MIS Roll list

Click to download Roll List

ROLL 1                




214 Change in entry qualification for trades Surface Ornamentation Techniques and Sewing Technology- Dget Order 2016-08-04
213 Order for obtaining Digital signatures by all DDO’s- GO 2016-08-04
212 Format for submission of details of Establishments by RIC’s/AAA -ATS 2016-08-03
211 Continuation of 6 months trade “Driver cum Mechanic” for Aug 2016 session- DGET order 2016-08-01
210 Drawal of last pay of gazetted officers and claiming arrears of retired officers- GO 2016-07-30
209 Notification for allotment of unfilled SC/ST seats in ITI’s to general category students 2016-07-30
208 Provision of scribe for Physically/Mentally challenged students for AITT 2016-07-29
207 Admission in unfilled seats extended upto 31.08.16-DGET order 2016-07-29
206 Distribution of Hall Tickets AITT JULY 2016  guidelines 2016-07-28
205 Bharana Basha” Awards 2016-  Govt Notification 2016-07-27
204 Format for requesting of Allotment under Plan Head 2016-07-27
203 Resuts of  104 All India Apprenticeship Trade Test April 2016 Declared 2016-07-25
202 Time Table for SCVT Trade Test SEP 2016 for OLD/Semester/FACT Schemes 2016-07-25
201 Ban on plastic for making of National Flags- Govt Order 2016-07-25
200 Notification and Application form for AITT 2016 (COE) for BBBT and Advanced Modules 2016-07-18
199 Submission of details of trainess Applied for AITT 2016 online in www.itdkerala.org 2016-07-18
198 Printing of Hall Tickets for AITT Aug 2016 SEM 1,2,3 & 4 (SUP) for Aug 2013 Admitted trainees 2016-07-14
197 Results of SCVT Trade Test Feb 2016 SEMESTER 4 2016-07-14
196 Results of SCVT Trade Test Feb 2016 SEMESTER 3 2016-07-14
195 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Aug 2016 SEM 3 Supplementary 2016-07-14
194 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Aug 2016 SEM 4 Supplementary 2016-07-14
193 Revised Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Supplementary (Old Scheme) 2016-07-13
192 Guidelines for allotment of SC/ST seats to general category students-2016 Admissions 2016-07-13
191 Allotment order for Payment to companies for purchases Affiliation/Reaffiliation- GO 2016-07-12
190 Submission of details of vacancies OA/Watchman 2016-07-12
189 Guide Lines for printing of AITT July 2016 Hall Ticket from MIS 2016-07-12
188 Submission of details of Daily wages employees 2016-07-12
187 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade test Supplementary (Old Scheme) 2016-07-08
186 Format for submission of Pay revision arrears 2016-07-08
185 Norms for minimum compulsory attendance for appearing in AITT-DGET order 2016-07-08
184 Time table for Six months SCVT courses (Old scheme) 2016-07-07
183 Arrangement of facilities in Private ITI’s for conduct of AITT July 2016 2016-07-07
182 Rules for allowing to attend AITT 2016 for Re-admitted students from 2013 admissions 2016-07-07
181 Conducting of events on World Skills Day-Circular 2016-07-05
180 Format for reporting of vacancies of OA 2016-07-05
179 Sponsoring of Govt Employees for MTech in Transational Engineering 2016-07-01
178 Guidelines for proper submission of TA bills 2016-07-01
177 Revision of Education qualifications of trades under ATS- DGET Order 2016-07-01
176 Uploading of details of Instructors in MIS web portal- Circular 2016-06-30
175 Extension of last date for 2016 ITI Admissions 2016-06-30
174 Notification for Inter ITI Arts and Sports meet 2016-17 2016-06-27
173 Skill India Week Best ITI/Principal/ Instructor Selected list 2016-06-27
172 Re-admisson of 2013-2015 admitted trainees after collection of affidavit-Circular 2016-06-27
171 Circular on timely submission of Plan ExpenditureDown load Format 2016-06-25
170 Revocation of order banning purchase from HP- Govt Order 2016-06-25
169 Format for submission of details for allotment of funds Minor works 2016-06-25
168 Prospectus for 2016 Private ITI Admissions 2016-06-21
167 Preparation of projects for 13th 5year plan- Meeting of Officers at Govt Guest house TVPM on 24.06.16 2016-06-18
166 Format for submission of Indent for Khaki uniform for workshop trainees 2016-06-17
165 Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2016 2016-06-17
164 Attendance requirements for appearing in AITT- DGET order 2016-06-17
163 Conduct of State level exhibition on the World Skills Day 15th July -Circular 2016-06-16
162 Notification for competing in World Skills fest 2016-06-15
161 Proforma for submission of details of staff for Transfers and Posting 2016-06-14
160 COE Trade Test March 2016 Published 2016-06-14
159 Cleanliness drive and pledge as part of Swach Bharat Mission in ITI’s 2016-06-13
158 Officials for Technical Specification Committee at SUIIT Kazhakootam from16.6.16 2016-06-13
157 Notification for category change from Watchman to OA 2016-06-13
156 Erratum- Circular No E7/15743/16 dated 13.6.16 2016-06-13
155 ITI Training to be discontinued in unsafe wokshops and buildings- Circular 2016-06-10
154 AITT July 2016 Guidelines for remittance of OMR fees collected from trainees 2016-06-10
153 ALL India Trade Test JULY 2016- ALL Notifications 2016-06-10
152 Amendment to Prospectus for 2016 ITI Admissions in NCVT/COE/SCVT Trades 2016-06-09
151 Skill competition for ITI NCVT passed trainees in various trades conducted by DGET institutes-Proforma 2016-06-09
150 Notification and Application form AITT JULY16 1st SEM SUP for 2013 admitted 1st SEM failed candidates or privately appeared and failed candidates from FEB 2014 2016-06-09
149 Re-Admission JUL16 format for submision of details of trainees for entry in MIS portal 2016-06-09
148 Online entry of 1st SEM Sessional marks of SCVT Trades Test May 2016 – Circular 2016-06-09
147 Notification and Application form for SCVT trade test AUG 2016 2nd SEM regular candidates 2016-06-09
146 Notification and Application form for SCVT trade test AUG 2016 4th SEM regular candidates 2016-06-09
145 Applications invited for AUG 2016 GOVT ITI Admissions in SCVT/ NCVT/CoE Trades 2016-06-03
144 Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 1/2/3 SEM SUP for JULY 2016 SCVT privately passed candidates thru MIS Portal 2016-06-02
143 Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 Regular 2& 4 SEM for JULY 2016 SCVT privately passed candidates thru MIS Portal 2016-06-02
142 Notification and Application form for AITT JULY 2016 2/3/4 SEM Sup for 2013 admitted 2/3/4 SEM failed candidates or 2014 AITT privately appeared and failed candidates 2016-06-02
141 Applications invited for AUG 2016 GOVT ITI Admissions in NCVT/CoE Trades 2016-06-01
140 Guidelines for corrections in distributed Marklist/E-NTC 2016-05-31
139 Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 4th SEM from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers)thru MIS portal 2016-05-31
138 Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 2nd SEM from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers)thru MIS portal 2016-05-31
137 Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 1st,2nd,& 3rd SEM (SUP) from Private Candidates (Industrial Workers) 2016-05-31
136 Guidelines for Sale of waste paper- Govt Order 2016-05-28
135 Last date for entry of sessional marks of 2016 AITT candidates in MIS portal-30.05.16 2016-05-28
134 Notification and Application form for AITT 2016 from 2015 MIS portal registered students for SEM 1,2,3 (SUP) exams 2016-05-28
133 Extension of last date for online entry of details of AITT 2016 SEM 2 & 4 trainees 2016-05-28
132 Organising State level Exhibition on World Skills Day- Circular 2016-05-21
131 Revised Time table for AITT July 2016 -SEMESTER& Conventional System 2016-05-14
130 Selection of Best ITI/Principal/Instructor- World skills day DGET Order 2016-05-14
129 Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 4th SEM (Regular) for MIS Portal AUG 14 Registered trainees 2016-05-10
128 Notification and Application form for AITT JUL 16 2nd SEM (Regular) for MIS Portal AUG 15 Registered trainees 2016-05-10
127 Progress report trial version for upgradation of 1396 iTI’s under PPP Scheme 2016-05-10
126 Celebration of Skill India Week and world Youth Skills Day in Govt/Private ITI’s 2016-05-10
125 Enhanced remuneration for daily wages and contract staff- Govt Order 2016-05-06
124 Non payment of wages to workers to be brought to the notice of the Chief Secy-GO 2016-05-06
123 Trainees holiday from 05.5.16 to 07.05.16 for Govt/Pvt ITI’s of Idukki, Thrissur& Ernakulam Districts 2016-05-05
122 Re-affixing of seniority of Sri V Babu in the Gradation Lists 2016-05-04
121 Trainees holiday from 04.5.16 to 07.05.16 for 9 district Govt/Pvt ITI’s 2016-05-04
120 Notification for formation of External Examiners panel for AITT JUL 2016 (ITI Exams) 2016-04-30
119 Formation of Green Protocol Force in ITI’s for Environment Protection 2016-04-30
118 Balaswanthanam- 2016 Project for Cancer affected children-Revised orders 2016-04-30
117 Time Table for SCVT Trade Test SEM I & SEM II from 23.05.2016 2016-04-30
116 Details,Format and Guidelines for printing B-forms by Institutes 2016-04-28
115 Correction in details of Trainees of Aug 2013 and later admissions 2016-04-26
114 MIS portal training for officials on 28 & 29.04.2016 at SPOKE ITI’s 2016-04-26
113 Details of Motor truck batteries purchased during 2008-2016 2016-04-25
112 Format for giving reply to RTI- Govt Order 2016-04-25
111 Transfer of KSITC funds to the account of the Treasurer 2016-04-25
110 Last chance for appearing in AITT (Conventional pattern)-DGET order 2016-04-25
109 Discontinuation of NIMI pattern question paper for AITT conventional system from AUG 2016 2016-04-25
108 Opening of MIS Portal for uploading of pending AITT Jan 2016 marks 2016-04-25
107 Applications invited for Short term training of DGET field institutes 2016-04-25
106 Notification and application form for SCVT trade test 2 SEM (supplementary)-April 2016 2016-04-25
105 Continuation of ITI admissions for 2016-17 without re-affiliation-DGET order 2016-04-19
104 Hall ticket for 52nd All India Skill Competition 2016 2016-04-18
103 Notification for Online registering for SCVT Trade Test April 2016 2016-04-18
102 Notification and Application invited for 1st SEMESTER AITT JAN 2017(Private) from

1st SEM SCVT passed and SCVT passed Students

Industrial Workers

101 Direct purchase of Diesel generators form KEL without tender formalities-Govt Order 2016-04-16
100 Revised schedule for Submission of details for procurement of Tools & Equipments under 87 MOD (2016-17) at ITI Chalakudy & ITI Ettumanoor 2016-04-15
99 Proforma for submission of details for revamping of trades under CTS 2016-17 2016-04-13
98 Revised format for RTI case register- Govt Order 2016-04-13
97 Notification and application form for AITT (supplementary)-OLD System from AUG 2012 admitted (2/3 year) Failed candidates 2016-04-08
96 Schedule of opening of NCVT-MIS portal for uploadng of pending marks of AITT Jan/Feb2016 2016-04-08
95 Format for Submission of details of pending payment under 87-Modernisation 2015-16 2016-04-08
94 Formats for Submission of details for procurement of Tools & Equipments for getting affiliation of ITI’s 2016-04-08
93 Govt order on service benefits of Handicapped Employees 2016-04-02
92 Notification and application form for SCVT Trade Test -April 2016 SEM I (supplementary) 2016-03-23
91 Option form for Modular pattern of CTI training -May 2016 2016-03-23
90 Penalty for Principals of Govt/Pvt ITI’s for not uploading sessional marks of trainees in MIS-NCVT portal 2016-03-23
89 Time Table for SCVT trade test SEM IV Regular & Supplementary 2016-03-23
88 SCVT trade test SEM 1 (supplementary) Nov 2015 results declared 2016-03-23
87 Guidelines for collecting ENTC of AITT till Nov 2014 from Nodal ITI’s 2016-03-23
86 Cancellation of Circular No E2/11045/15 dated 14.03.16 2016-03-21
85 Allotment list for supply of Computers to ITI’s 2016-03-21
84 Time Table for SCVT trade test 3rd semester Regular & Supplementary 2016-03-21
83 Time Table for SCVT trade test old scheme for Engg/Non engg trades 2016-03-21
82 Last date for online Applications for the session 2016-17 extended to 15.04.2016 2016-03-18
81 Election code of Conduct-Institutes to refrain from Interview/Postings/transfers without permission 2016-03-18
80 ITI staff related to purchase to be present on 24.03.15,25.03.15 and 27.03.15-Circular 2016-03-18
79 List of officials for preparation of question bank for SCVT trade test 2016-03-09
78 Equating NTC/STC in Mechanic Agricultural machinery to Mechanic Tractor for Jobs 2016-03-09
77 Changes in qualification for Instructor In COPA Trade -Govt Order 2016-03-09
76 Deduction of Payment for National Savings Scheme from Employee Salary Directly- Govt Order 2016-03-04
75 Changes in Norms for Employability Skills Instructor Under CTS- DGET Order 2016-03-04
74 Rationalization and Standardization of ITI Infrastructure- DGET order 2016-03-04
73 Continuation of Cane Wilow and Bamboo workers Trade under CTS fro AUG 2015 session 2016-03-04
72 Modification in Norms for Granting Accreditation to ITI’s-DGET order 2016-03-04
71 Prime minister Mudra Yojana- Conduct of Awareness Meeting 2016-03-03
70 Results of Best instructor awards for 2015-2016 2016-03-03
69 Constitution of KSITC 2015-2016 list of selected candidates 2016-02-27
68 Application form for starting of new private ITI’s or creation of additional Units in ITI’s 2016-02-26
66 Inspection of stock and Stores in ITI’s on a yearly basis- Circular 2016-02-26
65 ReTender notice for ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s 2016-02-25
64 Details of Expenditure under Nutrition Program-Circular 2016-02-24
63 List of Officials in Technical Evaluation Committee at SUIIT Kazhakootam on 24.02.16 2016-02-22
62 Clearance of pending payments in Electronic Ledger Account-2014-2015 2016-02-18
61 E-NTC Guidelines for collecting certificates from Nodal ITI’s 2016-02-15
60 Nypunyam skill fiesta-2016 Results 2016-02-12
59 CBSE 10th pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions 2016-02-11
58 Centres for 52nd state level Skill competition for Craftsmen 2016-02-11
57 Provisional gradation list of UD clerks as on 31.01.16 2016-02-11
56 Notification and application form for 104 All India Apprenticeship Trade Test -May 2016 2016-02-08
55 Foundation stone laying ceremony ITI Maneed- Invite 2016-02-03
54 List of Escorting officers for Delegate Arrivals 2016-02-02
53 Guidelines for procurement of CNC machines from IMTMA-DGET Order 2016-02-02
52 Stipend Increase for poor students of general category in ITI’s- Govt order 2016-02-02
51 Norms for Refresher training for Instructors of ITI’s- DGET Order 2016-02-02
50 Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 Demonstration Skills Constitution of committee 2016-02-02
49 Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 Arrangement of transport 2016-02-02
48 ITI Principals to check timings mentioned in MIS Generated Hall Ticket- Aitt Jan 2016 2016-02-02
47 Checking of Roll List of Govt/ Pvt ITI’s trainees-AITT jan 2016 2016-02-02
46 Entry of 12 digit Roll Nos in Hall ticket- AITT JAN 2016 2016-02-02
45 List of Instructors for CTI training Feb-2016 2016-02-02
44 Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 ensuring participation of All 2016-01-29
43 Observance of 2 minutes silence on Jan 30th Martyrs Day- Govt Order 2016-01-29
42 Skill Fiesta 2016 Printing of Hall Ticket and other competition Instructions 2016-01-29
41 Notification and Application for SCVT Trade test Feb2016

Semester III Trade test (Regular)

Semester III Supplementary Trade test

Semester IV Supplementary Trade test

40 Contract for supply of tubular batteries for UPS- Govt Order 2016-01-28
39 Revised norms for minimum attendance under semester system of CTS-DGET order 2016-01-27
38 Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s 2016-01-25
37 All employees to attend Republic/Independence day Celebrations-Govt Order 2016-01-25
36 103rd All India Apprenticeship Trade Test Results 2016-01-23
35 Correction of trainee details in MIS Portal- Extension of Last date to 27.1.16 2016-01-22
34 Committee members for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 2016-01-22
33 List of assessors Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2016 State Level Competition 2016-01-22
32 Submission of details for obtaining NCVT affiliation for SCVT trades in ITI’s- DGET Order 2016-01-22
31 Calendar for Affiliation and Admission of ITI’s for 2016-17 2016-01-22
30 List of winners regional level Nypunyam Skill Fiesta-2016 2016-01-20
29 Elumbalassery Govt ITI,Palakkad to be renamed as Lt. Col Niranjan Memorial Govt ITI 2016-01-20
28 Convocation ceremony to be held for ITI certificate distribution-circular 2016-01-20
27 Unclear Photos – AITT Jan 2016 Hall tickets generated through MIS portal Instructions 2016-01-20
26 Conversion of SCVT trades to NCVT- Procurement of Tools and Equipments 2016-01-20
25 Latest DGET instructions for AITT Jan 2016 SEM system 2016-01-20
24 Guidelines for printing AITT Jan 2016 Hall ticket from MIS – Semester scheme 2016-01-18
23 Agenda for Principal Conference on 18.1.2016 at Guest House Trivandrum 2016-01-16
22 Principal Conference at Guest House Thiruvanathapuram on 18.01.2016 2016-01-14
21 Details of trainees selected for 52nd All Kerala Skill Competition 2016-01-14
20 52nd All Kerala Skill competition to conducted despite holiday in certain Districts 2016-01-14
19 Format for furnishing of purchase reports in the Principal Conference on 18.1.15 2016-01-14
18 Tenders are invited for the supply of safety equipment for MCEA trade at ITI Chackai last date 30.1.16 2016-01-14
17 Celebration of National Voter’s day and Pledge 2016-01-14
16 Department to refrain from purchase of HP products- Govt Order 2016-01-14
Details of trainees council elections
15 Results of SCVT Trade Nov 2015 test Declared



14 List of Skill Test Centres-52nd State Level Skill Competition 2016-01-11
13 Hall ticket Generation and Centre Mapping schedule for AITT from MIS-DGET Order 2016-01-11
12 Revised Status of MIS portal entries Pending list SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 3 as on 11.1.16 2016-01-11
11 Reporting of attendance of employees on 12 Jan 2016 2016-01-11
10 Details of all trainees applied for AITT Jan 2016 to be Entered in MIS portal for generation of Hall Ticket 2016-01-07
9 Status of MIS portal entries Pending list SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 3 2016-01-07
8 Notification for correction of entries for 2013 Aug Admitted/Enrolled trainees 2016-01-07
7 Collection of Certificates from Training Directorate- Circular 2016-01-07
6 Notification for KSITC Election-215-16 2016-01-07
5 Inauguration of New building at Malayankil ITI on 05.1.2016 2016-01-04
4 Additional List of assessors for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2015 2016-01-01
3 Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Old (conventional) scheme 2015-12-31
2 Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Semester scheme 2015-12-31
1 Deposit of OMR fees collected from trainees 2015-12-31


Format of Submission of Affidavit regarding WSA Gradation list 03-01-2017
Promotion and posting order to LD Typist from Last Grade staff 03-01-2017
Option form for Craft Instructor Training In semester Pattern 2017 31-12-2016
Format for submission of details of staff posted as Junior Instrutors in ITI’s 26-12-2016
Provisional Gradation list of Class IV staff as on  30.11.2016 26-12-2016
Promotion and posting order of VP/Principal I/TTO 22-12-2016
Reporting of vacancies of Junior Instructors In Electrician Trade- Ciircular 20-12-2016
List of officials for Office automation and Internet Training at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 19.12.16 15-12-2016
Provisional Gradation list of Head clerks as on 30.11.2016 15-12-2016
Gradation list of Inspector of training as on 03.12.2016 05-12-2016
Promotion, Transfer and posting order of  ldsk 05-12-2016
List of officials for Advanced information security awareness Training at Keltron,Trivandrum from 06.12.16 05-12-2016
Transfer  and posting order of  LD Clerks 05-12-2016
Promotion and posting order of  UD Typist 01-12-2016
Promotion,De Promotion & Transfer  order of  Senior gradeTypist 18-11-2016
Promotion and posting order of  UD Typist 18-11-2016
Transfer  and posting order of  Typists 14-11-2016
List of officials for Induction training at IMG Trivandrum from 14.11.16 10-11-2016
List of officials for Soft Skills Training at Apex Bangalore from 28.11.16 10-11-2016
List of officials to submit CR for DPC Lower 10-11-2016
List of officials for “Mahimayulla Malayalam” Workshop at IMG Trivandrum from 7.11.16 05-11-2016
List of officials for OFC training at BSNL Office, Kaimanam,Trivandrum from 7.11.16 05-11-2016
List of officials for information security awareness Training at Keltron,Kaloor,Ernakulam from 7.11.16 05-11-2016
Promotion,Transfer  and posting order of  Senior Supdts 05-11-2016
Provisional gradation list of Work shop attenders 01-11-2016
Promotion, and posting order of  Senior Clerks 19-10-2016
List of clerks for Refresher training  at IMG ,Trivandrum from 22.10.16 18-10-2016
Format for submission of details of Class IV staff  for Gradation list 15-10-2016
List of officials for information security awareness Training at Keltron,Trivandrum from 17.10.16 15-10-2016
Transfer and posting order of Senior/Junior Instructors 15-10-2016
Deputing of officials for Skill Fiesta-2017 13-10-2016
List of officials for short term  training  at various  Institutes in INDIA

SUIIT 169 CTI Chennai   


SUIIT 169 APEX Bangalore     

Format for submission of details of OA/ watchman 04-10-2016
List of officials for information security awareness Training at Keltron,Kozhikode 01-10-2016
List of officials for Induction Training Suiit-Kazhakootam 01-10-2016
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of  Group Instructor 01-10-2016
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Regional level Meeting schedules 01-10-2016
Post Gradute Diploma in E- governance Notification 01-10-2016
Format for submission of details of class IV Staff for gradation list 29-09-2016
Format for submission of details of  WSA  for Gradation list 29-09-2016
List of officials for Training at Apex Hi-Tech Institute Bangalore 28-09-2016
Format for submission of details of  Work shop Attender 19-09-2016
Format for submission of details of  LDSK/UDSK & Store Attender 19-09-2016
Allotment of Higher Grade to SS 09-09-2016
Designation Change,Transfer and posting order of  Last Grade 09-09-2016
Transfer and posting order of  Watchman 09-09-2016
Allotment of Higher Grade to GI/JAAT 07-09-2016
Submission of latest educational qualification for updating SI Gradation list 30-08-2016
Training on  Income Tax  at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 31.08.16 30-08-2016
Training on  SPARK  at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 01.09.16 30-08-2016
Allotment of Higher Grade to Junior Supdt -Erratum 26-08-2016
Transfer and posting order of  Junior Supdt 23-08-2016
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of  GI/JAAT/TA 22-08-2016
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of  Head Clerks 19-08-2016
Allotment of Higher Grade to Junior Supdt 19-08-2016
Deputation of instructors for CTI Training at various Institutes 2016-08-14
Proforma for submisson of details of clerks passed Accounts test 2016-08-11
Final gradation list of Group Instructors/JAAT/TA as on 03.03.2016 2016-08-11
Reinstating of Sri Sabu joseph at ITI Malampuzha as per  KAT order 2016-08-01
Promotion,Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2016-07-27
Proforma for submission of Vacancies of GI/JAAT 2016-07-25
Transfer and posting order of Drivers 2016-07-22
Transfer and posting order of UD/LD Typists 2016-07-11
Transfer and posting order of Workshop Attenders 2016-07-05
Transfer and posting order of Junior/Senior Instructor 2016-07-05
Deputation of Instructors for CTI training- Aug 2016 2016-07-02
Transfer and posting order of LDSK 2016-07-02
Transfer and posting order of Senior Clerk/ Clerk 2016-07-02
Transfer and posting order of UDSK 2016-06-30
Transfer and posting order of Group Instructors/JAAT/TA 2016-06-30
Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2016-06-22
Transfer and posting order of VP/TTO/TO/Principal II 2016-06-22
Training of Traininer for MRAC Instructors at ATI Hyderabad from 27.6.16 2016-06-21
Training on Financial Management at IMG Kozhikode form 20.06.16-STP459 2016-06-17
Promotion Transfer and Posting order of Senior supdt 2016-06-16
Proforma for submission of details of staff for Transfers and Posting 2016-06-14
Training on Noting and Drafting at IMG Trivandrum form 16.06.16-STP455 2016-06-10
Training on Mentoring and Counselling at IMG Trivandrum form 06.06.16-STP458 2016-06-02
Officials for Supervisory Development Program at IMG Kozhikode form 30.05.16-STP457 2016-05-28
Promotion order to the post of Senior Instructors 2016-05-28
Training on Micro Controller at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 25.05.16 2016-05-25
Option form for CTI Training SEM1 (TT1& ET) direct exam at various DGET Institutes 2016-05-25
Option form for Craft Instructor Training AUG 16-JAN 17 at various DGET Institutes 2016-05-23
Advanced Training on MS EXCEL at IMG Kozhikode from 23.05.16 -STP 456 2016-05-21
Sanction of Higher Grade for Senior Supdts 2016-05-12
Re-affixing of seniority of Sri V Babu in the Gradation List Final order 2016-05-10
Final gradation list of Junior Supdts as on 29.02.16 2016-05-10
Provisional gradation list of Deputy director as on 11.11.2015 2016-05-05
Provisional gradation list of Inspector Of Training as on 21.03.2013 2016-05-05
Provisional gradation list of GI/JAAT/TA as on 03.03.2016 2016-04-30
Provisional gradation list of Principal Class II/VP/TO as on 03.02.2016 2016-04-30
Provisional gradation list of Principal Class I as on 15.07.2015 2016-04-30
Final gradation list of UD clerks as on 31.01.16 2016-04-25
Advanced Training on MS EXCEL at IMG Trivandrum from 25.04.16 -STP 453 2016-04-22
Training Program on Counseling and Mentoring _STP 452 2016-04-22
Training on Basics of Micro Controller at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 25.04.16 2016-04-22
Training on Principles of UPS and Invertor at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 28.04.16 2016-04-22
Training on Financial Management for Supervisory Staff at IMG Kochi from 25.04.16 -STP 451 2016-04-22
Training for Class IV Employees at IMG Trivandrum from 25.04.16-STP 450 2016-04-22
Orientation program for Newly Appointed Principals at IMG Trivandrum from 22.04.16 2016-04-19
Provisional gradation list of Drivers as on 31.03.16 2016-04-19
LD Clerk final gradation list-Anomaly correction 2016-04-13
Course design workshop for ITD at IMG Trivandrum from 11.4.16 2016-04-08
Promotion order to the post of Group Instructor 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of GI 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of VP/TTO/TO 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of Principal I 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of Inspector of Training 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of WSA 2016-03-04
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of JI/SI 2016-03-04
Re-deployment order of instructors to original Trades 2016-03-03
Notification and Proforma for General Transfer of Ministirial Staff 2016-03-03
Promotion order to the post of Senior Instructors 2016-02-29
Promotion,Transfer and posting to the post of Junior Supdt 2016-02-29
Transfer and posting order of Group Instructors 2016-02-25
List of Officials in Technical Evaluation Committee at SUIIT Kazhakootam on 24.02.16 2016-02-22
Provisional gradation list of Junior Supdt as on 31.01.16 2016-02-20
Charge handover of Principal ITI Elimbulassery to Sri K Sundaran, Principal II ITI Kuzhalmanam 2016-02-17
Transfer and posting order of Last Grade employees 2016-02-15
Minutes of the Principal’s conference on 18.01.16 2016-02-12
Promotion and posting order to the post of Principal II 2016-02-11
Submission of CR of Officials for DPC Lower 2016-02-11
Provisional gradation list of UD clerks as on 31.01.16 2016-02-11
Watchman to WSA By-Transfer Orders 2016-02-03
Charge handover of Principal ITI Madikkai to Smt Lalitha, VP ITI Kayyur 2016-02-02
Promotion to the post of Instructor from WSA 2016-02-02
Promotion Transfer and posting order of Group Instructor 2016-02-02
Transfer and posting order of Instructor Turner Trade 2016-02-02
Transfer and posting order of Store Attender 2016-01-29
20% ratio Higher Grade order for Group Instructors 2016-01-25
List of Instructors for PSC Verification 2016-01-23
Transfer and posting order of Sri Vinod, GI ITI Thiruvarpu 2016-01-23
CTI Training 2016- Get ready List 2016-01-23
25% Higher Grade for Junior Superintendents 2016-01-22
Proforma for By transfer to the post of Attender Photography in I&PRD dept 2016-01-20
Refresher training for typists at IMG Kochi from 18.1.16 2016-01-16
Promotion Transfer and posting order of Head clerks 2016-01-16
Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2016-01-14
Award for best Instructors

i) Guidelines

ii) Proforma for Entry

iii) Grading Parameters

List of Officials in Technical Evaluation Committee at Directorate on 19.1.16 2016-01-14
Principal Conference at Guest House Thiruvanathapuram on 18.01.2016 2016-01-13
Re-deployment and Posting of instructors in revamped Trades 2016-01-11