473 Details of all trainees applied for AITT Jan 2016 to be Entered in MIS portal for generation of Hall Ticket 2016-01-07
472 Status of MIS portal entries Pending list SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 3 2016-01-07
471 Notification for correction of entries for 2013 Aug Admitted/Enrolled trainees 2016-01-07
470 Collection of Certificates from Training Directorate- Circular 2016-01-07
469 Notification for KSITC Election-215-16 2016-01-07
468 Inauguration of New building at Malayankil ITI on 05.1.2016 2016-01-04
467 Additional List of assessors for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2015 2016-01-01
468 Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Old (conventional) scheme 2015-12-31
467 Schedule for AITT Jan 2016 Semester scheme 2015-12-31
466 Deposit of OMR fees collected from trainees 2015-12-31
465 52nd All Kerala Skill competition shifting of centre for turner trade 2015-12-30
464 52nd All Kerala Skill competition Revised Time table 2015-12-30
463 Providing of Vehicle & Equipments to Skill Fiesta Institutes-Circular 2015-12-29
462 Submission of TA bills on Time by Institutes-Circular 2015-12-29
461 Tenders are invited for the of tools, equipments and machinery- last date 27.1.16 2015-12-28
460 Disposal of waste paper from Govt offices- Govt order 2015-12-28
459 Scientific recycling of E- waste from Govt Departments- Govt order 2015-12-28
458 Trainees holiday on 26.12.15 for ITI Trainees 2015-12-24
457 Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana for ITI trainees 2015-12-21
456 Prospectus and application form for Admission in SCVT trades at ITI Kozhinjampara 2015-12-19
455 Reporting of errors in consolidated marksheet -AITT Jul 2015 Semester system 2015-12-15
454 Meeting of officials for Nypunyam summit on 16.12.15 at KASE Trivandrum 2015-12-15
453 Quotations invited for supply security services at ITI’s 2015-12-14
452 Submission of Details of functioning of the Bio-Metric attendance system 2015-12-11
451 Furnishing of audit replies in time-Govt Order 2015-12-11
450 Uploading of details of Staff and infrastructure in NCVT- MIS portal 2015-12-11
449 Quotations invited for supply of Stabilizer, Water cooler & purifier at SUIIT, Kazahakootam 2015-12-07
448 Aam Admi Bima Yojana for ITI Trainees 2015-12-04
447 Submission of details of instructors to complete Modular CIT Training 2015-12-04
446 Reporting of Re-affiliation process of Govt ITI’s 2015-12-04
445 Revised syllabi for WS&C and ENGG Drawing for trades for supply of Question paper 2015-12-04
444 Guidelines for printing of Marklist of AITT july 2015 Semester Scheme 2015-12-04
443 Extension of Admission date for Revamped SCVT Trades Prospectus No SCVT/08/2015 2015-12-04
441 Hall ticket and list of candidates for 52nd All Kerala Skill Competition 2015-12-01
440 Sealed quotations invited for supply of Drawing items for D/civil trade at various ITI’s 2015-11-30
439 Sealed quotations invited for supply of motors for electrician trade at various ITI’s 2015-11-30
438 Trainees council election for 2015-16 Rescheduled 2015-11-30
437 List of assessors and Deputation of officials for Nypunyam Skill Fiesta 2015 2015-11-28
436 Extension of last date for entering AITT Jan-2016 SEM system trainees data in MIS Portal 2015-11-28
436 Recounting of CoE Trade test AUG 2015 answer scripts application form
435 Labour Departments to refrain from purchasing HP products- Govt Oder 2015-11-28
434 AITT- January 2016 Private/Scvt- All Notifications 2015-11-25
433 AITT- January 2016 Supplementary – All Notifications 2015-11-25
432 AITT- January 2016 Regular candidates- All Notifications 2015-11-25
431 CoE Trade Test AUG 2015 results Declared 2015-11-25
430 Surrender of unused TA Amount by ITI’s 2015-11-25
430 Observance of constitution day on 26.11.2015 2015-11-25
429 Extension of last date for entering AITT Jan-2016 SEM 1 trainees data in MIS Portal 2015-11-24
428 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 (1 SEM) Supplementay from SCVT 1 Sem passed,Scvt Failed,2015 MIS registered and failed and private Registered candidates 2015-11-24
427 Trainees council election notification for 2015-16 2015-11-20
426 Extension of Admission date for Revamped SCVT Trades Prospectus No SCVT/08/2015 2015-11-20
425 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 4th SEM Private/Industrial worker candidates 2015-11-19
424 Readmission Notification for Aug 2014 admitted ITI Trainees- New format 2015-11-16
423 Training Allowance for CTI instructors to be paid with respective months salary– Circular 2015-11-18
422 Revised syllabi for WS&C and engineering Drawing for trades under CTS 2015-11-18
421 All Assistant Apprenticeship Advisors/Training officers to take Digital signature 2015-11-18
420 Circular for reporting of errors in AITT July 2015 2nd SEM results 2015-11-18
419 Guidelines for entering details of AITT 2016 1st & 2nd SEM SUP Applied Candidates In MIS portal 2015-11-18
418 Guidelines for entering details of AITT 2016 3rd SEM Applied Regular Candidates In MIS portal 2015-11-18
417 Recounting Notification for answer scripts of AITT July 2015 Semester System SEM 2,3& 4 2015-11-17
416 Recounting Notification for answer scripts of AITT July 2015 Old system 2015-11-17
415 Notification and application form for CoE Trade Test -FEB 2016 Basic & Advanced Modules
412 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 1,2& 3rd SEM for MIS Portal Registered Private/Industrial worker Failed /Scvt Passed candidates 2015-11-16
411 Readmission Notification for Aug 2014 admitted ITI Trainees 2015-11-16
410 Corrected Application form for Ist,2nd,3rd & 4th SEM Supplementary Trade Test-Jan 2016 2015-11-16
409 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 (1,2 & 3rd SEM) Supplementay from 2013 AUG Admitted failed and private Registered candidates 2015-11-12
408 Promotion and posting order of Deputy Director (DYSAA)- Govt Order 2015-11-12
407 National Integration -Observance of “Quami Ekta Week” 2015-11-12
406 National Energy conservation day and pledge 2015-11-12
405 Setting up of Wi-Fi Hotspots by Departments -Govt Order 2015-11-11
404 Trainees applied for AITT Jan 2016 to be registered in MIS portal for generation of Hall tickets 2015-11-11
403 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 Ist & 2nd SEM (supplementary ) for July 2015 AITT Failed & MIS registered candidates admitted in Aug 2014 2015-11-07
402 Result of the All India Trade Test held in July 2015-Pdf Version 2015-11-07
401 Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana inclusion of ITI Trainees 2015-11-06
400 Re-Designation of trades for Trade Apprentices-Rebates for SCVT Trade-DGET Order 2015-11-06
399 Notification and application form for AITT Jan 2016 3rd SEM from MIS registered candidates admitted in Aug 2014 2015-11-04
398 Notification and application form for AITT 4th SEM (supplementary)-Jan 2016 from 4th Sem Failed/Private candidates 2015-11-03
397 Submission of details of vehicles in Institutes- Circular 2015-10-31
396 “Bharana Basha” Malayalam week celebrations to be conducted at all Institutes -Govt order 2015-10-31
395 Extension of support for the conduct of local body elections by all Depts-Govt Order 2015-10-31
394 Public holiday on election days for respective districts- Govt Order 2015-10-31
393 No holiday after 3 pm on 31.10.15 for Trivandrum District-Govt order 2015-10-31
392 Quotation notice for supply of security/watchman services at ITI 2015-10-30
391 Additional charge of ITI Koduvally to Principal ITI Beypore 2015-10-30
390 Modification in Instructor Qualification for the trade of Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management under CTS 2015-10-29
389 Observance of Armed forces Flag Day,2015-Govt Order 2015-10-29
388 Notification and application form for AITT (supplementary)-Jan 2016 Old Scheme for Failed Regular/Private candidates 2015-10-29
387 Trainees Admitted in and after Aug 2014 to appear for AITT Jan 2016 as per Aug 2014 revised Mentor council Syllabus 2015-10-28
386 Application invited from external examiners for Creation of Panel for ITI Trade tests 2015-10-28
385 Toollist for transfer of excess machinery and equipment to newly opened ITI’s 2015-10-28
384 Revamping Order of trades and Modules in ITI’s-Govt Order 2015-10-28
383 Printing of Consolidated mark sheets of NCVt/SCVT SEM Scheme passed students- Circular 2015-10-27
382 Notification and application form for 1st SEM AITT Jan 2016 for candidates registered in MIS-portal for AUG 2015 Admissions 2015-10-27
381 Notification and application form for 1st SEM SCVT Trade Test Nov-2015 (Supplementary) 2015-10-27
380 Time table for All India Trade Test under CTS for Semester,MC & conventional system-JAN/FEB-2016 2015-10-27
379 Departments to Purchase of soap items from M/s Kerala soaps Kozhikode -Govt Order 2015-10-26
378 Orientation meet schedule and venue for Nypunyam summit and Skill Olympics-2016 2015-10-26
376 Tenders invited for supply of tools and equipments at ITI Kozhinjampara Last date-18.11.15 2015-10-26
375 Instructions to improve the Quality of training to Students 2015-10-12
374 Procedure for assessment of candidates under Direct candidates assessment mode- SIC 2015-10-12
373 Sealed quotations invited for Transport vehicle on rent for SIC , SDISK, Trivandrum 2015-10-12
372 Online allotment of pending payment for 2014-15 Purchases – Circular 2015-10-09
371 Quotations invited for supply of Draughtsman stool at ITI’s 2015-10-09
370 Notification for recounting of SCVT Trade Test June 2015 Engg & Drawing Answer scripts 2015-10-08
369 Seating capacity Supernumeraries for D/Civil Trade 2015-10-07
368 Time table for SCVT Semester II Regular & Supplementary Trade Test 2015-10-07
367 Details of Army Recruitment Rally in Kerala 2015-10-07
366 Implementation of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) for Five CTS Trades 2015-10-07
365 Approval of CTS courses for Chemical & Plastic processing sectors converted from CoE Scheme 2015-10-07
364 Collection of signed CoE NTC from Directorate 2015-10-07
363 Generation based incentive for energy generated by solar plants at Govt offices 2015-10-05
362 Trainees Admitted in Aug 2013 to appear for AITT Jan 2016 as per Aug 2014 revised MC Syllabus 2015-10-03
363 Time table for SCVT Semester III Regular & Supplementary Trade Test 2015-10-03
362 Time table for SCVT Semester III Supplementary Trade Test 2015-10-03
361 NCVT-MIS portal Open for entries from 22.09.15 to 28.09.15 2015-09-26
360 ITI Pallipad New building Inauguration ceremony-Invite 2015-09-26
359 Admission notification to SCVT Trades at ITI Koothuparambu 2015-09-23
358 ITI Thevalakara New building Inauguration ceremony-Invite 2015-09-23
357 Notification and application form for SCVT Trade Test October 2015

2nd Semester (Supplementary) exam for failed Candidates

3rd Semester (Supplementary) exam for failed Candidates

356 Order for deposit of Service charges for OMR fee collected 2015-09-23
355 Submission of Details of Maintenance fee collected from trainees 2015-09-23
354 Amendments in Apprentice Rules 1992 2015-09-23
352 Time Table for SCVT Trade Test IV Semester-September 2015 2015-09-14
351 Time Table for SCVT Trade Test (OLD System)-September 2015 2015-09-14
350 Admission notification to SCVT Trades at ITI Elumpulassery 2015-09-14
349 List of Officials for Evaluation of E-Tenders at SUIIT, Kazhakootam from 17.9.15 2015-09-11
348 Instructions for Entry of Data of Leftover Trainees in NCVT-MIS Portal 2015-09-10
347 Revised Syllabi for Workshop Calculation and Engineering Drawing 2015-09-10
346 Change in entry qualification of trade Surface Ornamentation Techniques 2015-09-10
345 Extension of last date for Online registration of Application SCVT Trade Test SEP 2015 2015-09-08
344 List of Officials for Technical Evaluation Committee for ARC Welding & MMV trade on 14.9.15 at SUIIT 2015-09-08
343 Employability Skill Training Program at CSTARI Kolkota-Options Invited 2015-09-08
342 Revised Requirement for Instructors for Engg Drawing and Workshop Science- DGET Order 2015-09-03
341 Reporting of Suggestions/Complaints Semester System AITT-July/Aug 2015 2015-09-03
340 Last date for updation admissions in NCVT- MIS portal Extended to 10.09.2015 2015-09-03
339 Online Entry of Sessional marks of trainees in – AITT JULY 2015- Last Date 10.09.15 2015-09-03
338 SDIS-Scheme- Provision of Basic training to Apprentices- Report format 2015-09-03
337 Last date for updation admissions in NCVT- MIS portal Extended to 31.08.2015 2015-08-26
336 Time Table and Application for 103rd ALL India Apprenticeship Trade Test– Revised 2015-08-26
335 Instructions regarding the implementation of the scheme “Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership” 2015-08-26
334 Notification and application form for SCVT Trade Test September 2015

1.IInd Semester exam for Regular Candidates

2.4th Semester Exam for Regular Candidates

3.Supplementary Trade Test SCVT -Old System

333 Admission of general category students in SC/ST Reserved seats Extended of Date 2015-08-24
332 Anomaly correction in SCVT/04/2015 Prospectus-Admission notification for Admission in Driver Cum Mechanic trade-SCVT course in ITI’s 2015-08-24
331 Anomaly correction in NCVT/01/2015 Prospectus-Admission notification for Admission in Driver Cum Mechanic trade-NCVT course in ITI’s 2015-08-24
330 Formats for submission of Budget Proposals -2016-17 2015-08-17
329 Continuation of six months courses having high demand under CTS-DGET Order 2015-08-17
328 Observance of “Sadbhavana Diwas” on 20.08.2015-Govt Order 2015-08-17
327 Formation of District wise Official Bharana Basha Samiti 2014-16 2015-08-17
326 NCVT-MIS Training workshop at Trivandrum on 18.08.2015 2015-08-12
325 Time Table and Application for 103rd ALL India Apprenticeship Trade Test 2015-08-11
324 ALL India Apprenticeship Trade Test April 2015 Form for recounting of answer scripts 2015-08-11
323 “Bharana Basha” Awards 2015 Nominations caleed for- Govt Order 2015-08-11
322 Independence day Celebrations 2015- Govt Order 2015-08-11
320 Last date for completion of ITI Admissions extended to 31.08.2015 2015-08-11
319 Format for Monthly reporting of vacancies to KPSC- Govt Order 2015-08-10
318 Entry qualification for listed trades to remain same for one more year- DGET Order 2015-08-10
317 Readmissions to be Possible from 2014 AUG Admissions only- Circular 2015-08-10
316 Tenders invited from ISO consultancies for providing ISO consultation to 10 Govt ITI’s
314 Officials for Technical Evaluation Committee at STI Kazhakootam from 12.08.15 2015-08-05
313 ITI Arakuzha New building Foundation stone laying ceremony-Invite 2015-08-04
312 Revised Stipend rates for Apprenticeship Training- Govt Order 2015-08-04
311 Notifications and orders for Re-admission of trainees with less attendance 2015-08-04
A new Sub-menu named “Transfer and Posting” has been created under the “Whats New” menu . All further orders related to Employee Promotions/Transfers / CTI/STI training will posted in this menu only
310 Guidelines for providing Library at Institutes- Circular 2015-08-03






308 Suspension order of Group Instructor 2015-08-01
307 Revoking of suspension of Principal II and posting order of officials 2015-08-01
306 Final Gradation list of Employees below LD Clerk 2015-07-31
305 List of Instructors for Modular Pattern of CTI training – AUG 2015 2015-07-31
304 Results of All India Apprenticeship Trade Test April 2015 Declared 2015-07-30
303 Revoking of suspension and posting order of officials 2015-07-30
302 Closure of Admissions to Health Sanitary Inspector Course-Govt Order 2015-07-29
301 SPD- Purchase of Equipments from Ms BHEL, Ms Foam Mattings without tender- Govt Order 2015-07-29
300 AITT July-2015 Semester IV Practical exams new dates and posting order 2015-07-28
299 Qualification of Trades under CTS- Passed 10th class with Maths and Science- DGET Order 2015-07-28
298 Deputation of Instructors for modular pattern of CTI Training-G.O Modification 2015-07-27
297 Transfer and posting order of Sri Anil Kumar KM Senior Instructor ITI Attapady 2015-07-27
296 Extension of Last Date of of Completion of Admissions in Govt/Private ITI’s to 10.08.15 2015-07-24
295 Application form for recounting of answer scripts AITT FEB 2015 (Semester System) 2015-07-24
294 Schedule for conduct of CoE Trade Test AUG 2015 2015-07-24
293 Distribution Schedule for Printed NTC’s from DGET 2015-07-24
292 Admission of general category students in SC/ST Reserved seats Date Extended 2015-07-24
291 Timings of AITT July 15 Semester Exams-Mistakes in Hall Tickets-Circular 2015-07-21
290 All Officials to attend assigned Trade Test Duties Irrespective of Transfers & Postings-Circular 2015-07-21
289 Transfer and posting order of Instructors-Anomaly Correction 2015-07-20
288 New format for Submission of Practical Marks-AITT July 2015 2015-07-17
287 Printing and Distribution of Hall Tickets -AITT July 2015 2015-07-16
286 Admission of general category students in SC/ST Reserved seats- Circular 2015-07-16
285 Promotion Posting and Charge handover Order of Principal I 2015-07-16
284 Submission of Non Tax revenue Details before 5th of Every Month 2015-07-16
283 1st SEM (Sup) & 2nd Sem Hall Tickets Generated thru MIS-Change in Exam Centres 2015-07-16
282 Promtion ,Transfer and posting order of GI/JAAT/TA 2015-07-16
281 ITI’s not to take admissions in 20 Trades under CTS Deleted by DGE&T 2015-07-14
280 Transfer and posting order of Drivers 2015-07-14
279 Transfer and posting order of GI/JAA(T)/TA- Anomaly Correction 2015-07-14
278 Distribution of 1st SEM Supplementary Hall Tickets Generated thru MIS-Circular 2015-07-13
276 Notification and application form for AITT July 2015 3rd SEM Exam (Supplementary) for failed and private candidates of D/CIVIL Trade (Revised) 2015-07-10
275 Guidelines for appearing in AITT JUL 15 (Supplementary exam) for “Pending Result” Declared Students of AITT FEB 15 2015-07-10
274 Banner for World Youth Skill Day on 15.07.15 2015-07-10
273 Results of 3rd SEM D/Civil Trade- AITT Feb 2015 DeclaredLINK To D/CIVIL Result 2015-07-10
272 Details of programs to be conducted in Govt/Pvt ITI’s on World Youth Skill Day 15.07.15 2015-07-10
271 DGET Packing Guidelines for Question papers of AITT-JUL15 (SEM & Conventional System) 2015-07-10
270 Further course of action for MIS Printed Hall tickets (SEM1&2)- AITT July 2015 2015-07-10
269 Latest DGET guidelines for AITT July 2015 2015-07-07
268 Guidelines for appearing in AITT (3&4 sem) for trainees issued hall ticket for 3rd Sem exam 2015-07-07
267 Submission of details of qualification for promotion to WSA 2015-07-07
266 Continuation of ITI Admissions for the 2015-2016 Session 2015-07-07
265 Promotion and Posting order of VP/PrincipalII/TO 2015-07-07
264 SCVT Trade test Old Scheme Results Declared 2015-07-03
263 Submission of details of Placement to Trainees by Govt/Private ITI’s- URGENT 2015-07-02
262 Promotion and posting order of LDSK 2015-07-02
261 Allotment of Higher Grade to SS 2015-07-02
260 Golden Jubilee Celebrations at ITI Chandanthope 2015-07-01
259 Invitation for Inter ITI Arts Meet -2015 2015-07-01
258 Probation declaration order of of Principal II,VP,TTO 2015-07-01
257 Minutes of the 35th Central Apprenticeship council meeting 2015-07-01
256 Addition of new trades and revised stipend under ATS for Graduate, Technician and Vocational Apprentices 2015-07-01
255 “CTS – Semester-2 Examination : ITI’s are to complete upload of Q1, Q2 Sessional Marks & Exam Fee Status for all candidates in MIS by 30 Jun 2015 for timely generation of Hall Tickets.Hall Tickets will not be generated for Candidates for whom these details are not available in the system” 2015-06-29
254 Corrected Option form for CTI training in Semester System- AUG 2015 2015-06-29
253 Collection and Deposit of Rs 75 as OMR fees from Trainees for AITT SEM system 2015-06-27
252 Format for Result pending report -Ist SEM Trainees 2015-06-27
251 Schedule for AITT JULY 2015-Semester System 2015-06-27
250 Schedule for AITT JULY 2015-Old System 2015-06-27
249 Institutes to ensure submission of 4th SEM AITT Application forms by all students in 4th SEM D/Civil Trade 2015-06-27
248 Notification and application form for 3rd SEM AITT July 2015 Exam for SCVT passed and private candidates 2015-06-27
247 Time table for All India Trade Test CoE (BBBT & Advanced modules) AUG 2015 2015-06-27
246 Submission of details of Temporary Posts in the department 2015-06-26
245 Survey and awareness campaign to Save electricity under NSS 2015-06-26
244 Payment of remuneration for guest Instructors 2015-06-26
243 Promotion, Transfer and Posting order of clerks-Anomaly Correction 2015-06-25
242 VTP’s to start classes only after Receiving the TBN (trainee Batch Number) from Directorate 2015-06-25
241 Option form for CTI training in Semester System- AUG 2015 2015-06-24
240 Contributions for Nepal Earthquake victims 2015-06-24
239 Order and guidelines for auction of Scrap/Vehicles using MSTC portal 2015-06-24
238 Time Schedule for distribution of NTC certificates to Private ITI’s (07.12 to 02.14) 2015-06-24
237 Promotion and Posting order of Driver I and Driver II 2015-06-24
236 CBSE 10th pass Candidates to be considered for ITI admissions in Matric trades 2015-06-23
235 Certificates in CoE Electrical Sector will be considered for Wireman Pemit 2015-06-23
234 Notification and application form for CoE Trade Test AUG 2015 for BBBT and Advanced Modules 2015-06-22
233 Results of Coe Trade Test Mar 2015 BBBT & Advanced Modules 2015-06-22
232 Posting Order of MIS – Approver and Creators 2015-06-22
231 Invitation for Inter ITI Games Meet -2015 2015-06-22
230 Promotion, Transfer and Posting order of Senior clerks 2015-06-20
229 Promotion & Posting order of LD Store Keeper 2015-06-20
228 Designation change and posting order of Class IV Staff 2015-06-20
227 Guidelines regarding distribution of printed NTC’s received form DGE&T 2015-06-20
226 Applications received from Private candidates for AITT July 2015 to be sent to Directorate by 24.06.15 2015-06-20
225 Officials for Training on Electronic station from 15.06.15 at SUIIT kazhakootam 2015-06-20
224 Notification and application form for AITT July 2015 3rd SEM Exam (Supplementary) for failed and private candidates 2015-06-20
223 Celebration of International Yoga day on 21.6.15- Govt Order 2015-06-19
222 Notifications and orders for Re-admission of trainees with less attendance 2015-06-19
221 Change in Name of STI Kazhkaootam to Skill Updating Institute for Industrial Training, SUIIT-Kerala 2015-06-18
220 Final gradation list (Rearranged) of GI/JAAT/Millwright Foreman/TA as on 30.04.2013 2015-06-17
219 Anomaly correction in SCVT/04/2015 Prospectus 2015-06-16
218 Conduct of KSITC arts and Sports Meet 2015-06-16
217 Distribution of consolidated marksheet to AITT FEB 2014 & AUG 2014 trainees 2015-06-16
216 Format for submission of details of physical assets acquired by the Department 2015-06-15
215 Notification and application form for appearing as private candidates in AITT Jan 2016 Ist SEM Exam for SCVT Ist SEM passed and SCVT passed candidates 2015-06-12
214 Notifications and Application form for AITT (Supplementary) 6 month courses 2015-06-12
213 Promotion and posting order of Head Clerks 2015-06-12
212 Transfer and posting order of Senior clerk/Head Clerks 2015-06-12
211 List of officials to submit CR for DPC 2015-06-12
210 Transfer and posting order of Dresser 2015-06-12
209 Transfer and posting order of Head Clerks 2015-06-12
208 Extension of Last dates for receipt of application forms AITT JULY 2015 2015-06-12
207 Trainees who have not received marklist for Ist SEM exam to submit copy of Hall ticket along with AITT July 2015 Application 2015-06-12
206 Proforma for submission of details of trainees yet to receive AITT Feb 2015 Ist SEM Marklist thru MIS portal 2015-06-12
205 Anomaly correction in SCVT/04/2015 Prospectus-Admission notification for SCVT courses in10 ITI’s 2015-06-11
204 Anomaly correction in NCVT/01/2015 Prospectus-Admission notification for NCVT courses in 3 ITI’s 2015-06-11
203 Anomaly correction in CoE/03/2015 Prospectus- Admission notification for CoE courses at ITI Aryanad 2015-06-11
202 Ratio based grade promotion for JS 2015-06-11
201 Guidelines for ratification of 3rd party insurance for vehicles in ITI’s 2015-06-11
200 List of officials for advanced training on Excel from 15.06.15 at IMG kozhikode-STP25 2015-06-11
199 List of officials for DLP program from 11.06.15 2015-06-11
198 Transfer and posting order of Principal I 2015-06-11
197 Transfer and Designation change order of watchman/OA 2015-06-11
196 Anomaly correction in CoE/03/2015 Prospectus- Admission notification for CoE courses at ITI Aryanad 2015-06-10
196 Charge handover order of Principal II/ VP 2015-06-10
195 Revised entry qualification for Plumber trade under CTS 2015-06-09
194 AITT Feb-2015 Semester III Results except D/Civil Trade Declared 2015-06-09
193 Applications invited for 2015 August ITI Admissions under NCVT,SCVT & CoE schemes 2015-06-08
192 Guidelines for awarding sessional marks to trainees for AITT 2015-06-08
192 Details of Inter ITI Trainees Arts & Sports events 2015-2016 2015-06-06
191 Guidelines for Online application AITT- JULY 2015 2015-06-06
190 Collection of Fees from Trainees for OMR Exam AITT Feb 2015 2015-06-06
189 Transfer and posting order of VP/Principal II/TTO- Anomaly Correction 2015-06-06
188 Application form for recounting of answer scripts All India Trade test Jan 2015 OLD System 2015-06-05
187 Induction Training at IMG, Trivandrum scheduled from 08.06.15is postponed 2015-06-05
186 Transfer and posting order of Store Attender 2015-06-05
185 Transfer and posting order of UD store keeper 2015-06-05
184 Transfer of two offices of DGET to Ministry of skill development and Entrepreneurship 2015-06-02
183 JULY 2015 AITT will be the last chance for Trainees to attend exam as per old syllabus-Notification 2015-06-02
182 Proforma for submission of details of Minority Employees 2015-06-02
181 Transfer and posting order of Group Instructor/ JAAT/TA 2015-06-02
180 Transfer and posting order of VP/Principal II/TTO 2015-06-01
179 Transfer and posting order of LD typist 2015-05-30
178 Transfer and posting order of Senior Supdt 2015-05-30
177 Transfer and posting order of LD Storekeeper 2015-05-30
176 Promotion and posting order of Junior Supdt 2015-05-30
175 Transfer and posting order of workshop Attenders 2015-05-30
174 List of officials for Softskills Development program at IMG Kochi from 1.06.15 2015-05-30
173 List of officials for Supervisory Development program at IMG Trivandrum from 1.06.15 2015-05-30
172 Notifications and Application form for AITT (supplementary) July 2015

1.1st Semester exam for Private Candidates thru MIS portal

2. 1st Semester exam for SCVT Passed Private Candidates thru MIS portal

3.1st Semester exam for regular candidates thru MIS portal

4.1st & 2nd Semester exam for regular and private Candidates

5.2nd Semester exam for Private Candidates thru MIS portal

6.2nd Semester exam for Regular Candidates thru MIS portal

7.2nd Semester exam for private SCVT passed Candidates thru MIS portal

8.4th Semester exam for Private Candidates

9.4th Semester for Regular Candidates

10.Exam for Old scheme Tool and Die maker trade

171 Proforma for submission of details of employees qualified Accounts Test 2015-05-27
170 Proforma for submission of details of Backward caste Employees 2015-05-27
169 Corrections in Mark sheet of Trainees AITT FEB 2014 & JULY 2014 (SEM I & II)- Guidelines 2015-05-27
168 Instructions for getting additional Information about Results of AITT Feb 2015 from NCVT Portal 2015-05-27
167 Inter District Transfer order for Sri Biju P Office Attendant 2015-05-27
166 Re-assigning the Seniority of Sri Sugesh Kumar Junior Supdt 2015-05-27
165 Time Table for SCVT 6 months, Ist SEM (supplementary)& post ITI Trade tests -JUNE2015 2015-05-23
164 Notification for SCVT 6 months and Ist SEM (supplementary)Trade Tests -JUNE2015 2015-05-23
163 Notification for SCVT Fire and Safety course & Post ITI (supplementary),Trade Tests -JUNE2015 2015-05-23
162 1st SEM SCVT trade test NOV 2014 Declared 2015-05-23
161 Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2015-05-22
160 Details of NCVT Portal for Apprentice Pratoshan Yojana 2015-05-21
159 DGET Specifications for Tool and Equipments 2015-05-21
158 Submission of Estimates for Modernisation of Workshop/Buildings at ITI’s 2015-05-21
157 Rejection of Applications of trainees in 3rd semester for Readmission or Appearing in AITT-GOVT Order 2015-05-20
156 Applications invited for in AITT (Supplementary) July 2015 Old system from Regular/ private candidates 2015-05-20
155 Notification and Application format for Panel of Practical Examiners for ITI Trade tests 2015-05-20
154 AITT JAN 2015 Old Scheme Supplementary Results declared-Private category 2015-05-20
153 AITT JAN 2015 Old Scheme Supplementary Results declared-Affiliated category 2015-05-20
152 Promotion and posting orders of Driver Grade I– REVISED 2015-05-20
151 Notification and application form for appearing as private candidates in AITT Jan 2016 Ist SEM Exam 2015-05-16
150 Revised Guidelines for printing of AITT FEB 2014 & Aug 2014 Marksheets at ITI’s 2015-05-16
149 Time Table for All India Trade Test Semester,Mentor Council & Conventional System 2015-05-14
148 Guidelines for printing of AITT FEB2014 & Aug 2014 Marksheets at ITI’s
147 List of officials for Training on Financial Management- at IMG Kozhikode from 18.05.15 2015-05-14
146 List of officials for AutoCad Training at STI Kazhakootam 2015-05-14
145 Change in Shift Timings of ITI’s- Govt Order 2015-05-14
144 Clarification on affiliation of private ITI’s- Circular 2015-05-08
143 Promotion and posting order of Driver Grade I 2015-05-08
142 List of officials for Training on Financial Management- IMGSTPITD301 at IMG Kochi 2015-05-07
141 Details of Unaffiliated Trades in Government ITI’s 2015-05-07
140 List of instructors deputed for Modular pattern of CTI Training- MAY2015 2015-05-07
139 Promotion and posting orders of Workshop attender to Junior Instructors 2015-05-06
138 Applications invited for Starting of new Private ITI’s and Additional Courses in private ITI’s 2015-05-04
137 Transfer and posting order of Inspector of Training 2015-05-04
136 Promotion and posting order of Group Inspectors 2015-05-04
135 List of officials in Tender evaluation committee for verification of specifications on 28.04.15 at STI Kazhakootam 2015-04-22
134 Proposals invited from ITI’s for construction of Wokshop under 2230-03-101-87 -MOD of ITI’s 34 2015-16 2015-04-22
133 Application form for recounting of answer scripts SVCT Trade Test II SEM NOV 2014 2015-04-20
132 Hall Ticket for students attending 51st All India Skill Competition 2015-04-20
131 Final Gradation List of Senior Supdt as on 31.10.2014 2015-04-20
130 Workshop for Officials related to PPP Scheme ITI’s on 29.04.2015 2015-04-20
129 Training for Class IV Empoyees at IMG Kozhikode from 27.04.15 2015-04-18
128 Order regarding transfer of KSITC funds to the account of the Treasurer KSITC 2015-04-18
127 Format for submission of details of Items to be procured under 2015-16-87 Modernisation 2015-04-18
126 Prohibition of Use of Alcohol/Intoxicants by Govt Servants during duty hours- GO
125 Creation of In-House training Cell- GAD Department- Govt Order 2015-04-18
124 Notification and Application form for SCVT Trade Test I & III Semester- May 2015 2015-04-17
123 Format for submission of Duplicate Entries in MIS portal 2015-04-17
122 Ratio promotion for Junior Supdts 2015-04-17
121 Corrected Gradation List of Junior Instructors will be published soon 2015-04-10
120 SCVT Trade Test NOV 2014 II Semester Results Declared 2015-04-09
119 Submission of details for Procurement of Tools & Equipments under 2015-16-87 Modernisation 2015-04-09
118 List of officials for inspection of VTP’s 2015-04-09
117 Promotion and posting order of UD Typist 2015-04-07
116 Details for Submission of application for House building Advance 2015-04-07
115 Time Table for SCVT Trade Test- SUPPLEMENTARY OLD SCHEME 2015-03-31
114 Trade Test Notification and Application form for SCVT 6 month courses & Fire &Safety Courses April-15 2015-03-31
113 Schedule for 102nd AIATT April 2015 2015-03-31
112 Time Table for 51st All Kerala Skill competition- SEM II 2015-03-31
111 No Admissions to 6 months short term courses stopped by DGET 2015-03-30
110 Circular for entering into AMC with M/s HYKON for UPS at Govt rates 2015-03-30
109 Admission details in CTS trades after CoE Restructuring 2015-03-30
108 Option form for Modular pattern of CTI Training 2015-03-27
107 Promotion, and posting order of SENIOR SUPDT
106 Change in Examination centres for 51st All Kerala Skill competition- SEM II 2015-03-26
105 Guidelines for online entry of AITT FEB 2015 3rd SEM Sessional Marks
104 Format for submission of details of COE Trades for 2015 AUG Prospectus 2015-03-26
103 Format for submission of details of NCVT Trades for 2015 AUG Prospectus 2015-03-26
102 Format for submission of details of SCVT Trades for 2015 AUG Prospectus 2015-03-26
101 Creation of supernumerary post in lieu of anticipated vacancies- Circular 2015-03-26
100 Rates for Auctioning of Scrap accumulated in Institutes– GOVT ORDER 2015-03-24
99 Re-affiliation notification for Govt/Private ITI’s 2015-03-24
98 Details of trainees and Hall ticket format for 51st All Kerala Skill competition- SEM II 2015-03-24
97 Proforma for submission of details of Sc/ST Employees 2015-03-19
96 Tour Dairy of Gazetted officers to be counter signed by immediate superiors – Circular 2015-03-18
95 Final Gradation List of LD Typists as on 30.11.2014 2015-03-17
94 Revision/Additions in Stores Purchase Manual 2015-03-17
93 Virtual Class room schedule from 11.03.15 to 27.03.15 2015-03-17
92 Proforma for submission of details of Admission fee collected at Govt/Private ITI’s 2015-03-17
91 List of officials in Tender evaluation committee from 16.03.15 at Directorate 2015-03-16
90 Notification for recounting of SCVT Trade test NOV 2014 Answer scripts (Old Scheme) 2015-03-13
89 Instructions for trainees data updation in MIS portal (PhaseII) by ITI’s 2015-03-10
88 Notification for SCVT Trade Test OLD Scheme- April 2015 2015-03-07
87 State/Regional level Quiz program for NSS volunteers on energy conservation 2015-03-07
86 Transfer/ Re-designation order of Watchmen/Office attendant A3/7233/14 cancelled 2015-03-07
85 Circular on checking of stock and stores 2015-03-04
84 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Junior Instructors 2015-03-04
83 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Principal I/Inspector of training 2015-02-28
82 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Principal II/VP/TTO/TO 2015-02-28
81 Transfer,Posting and Re-designation order of Watchmen/Office attendant 2015-02-27
80 Tenders invited for ISO certification of 9 Govt Industrial Training Institutes 2015-02-27
79 Corrections in Hall tickets generated through MIS portal to be informed via E- Mail 2015-02-26
78 District wise cadre strength of LD clerk/Typist 2015-02-26
77 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Work shop attenders 2015-02-25
76 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Group instructors 2015-02-25
75 Guidelines for online submission of Form-16 by ITI Principals for clearance of goods 2015-02-24
74 Centres for practical exams AITT- Feb 2015 Semester system 2015-02-23
73 Final Gradation List of Junior Instructors as on 30.06.2014 2015-02-23
72 SCVT Trade test NOV-2015 Old Scheme Results Declared 2015-02-23
71 Schedule and Notification for Trainees Council Elections 2015-02-20
70 Distribution of Hall tickets for trainees who have not generated Hall Tickets from MIS 2015-02-19
69 Trainees council elections scheduled on 21.02.15 postponed to 7.03.15 2015-02-19
68 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Ministerial Staff 2015-02-19
67 Submission of PRAN details of Staff enrolled under National pension Scheme 2015-02-19
66 Promotion, and posting order of Instructor in DTPO Trade 2015-02-19
65 Transfer and posting order of Junior Instructors in Fitter,MMV,Electrician,MRAC & PPO trades 2015-02-19
64 Guidelines for distributing AITT Feb 2015 1st SEMESTER hall tickets printed from MIS 2015-02-16
63 Guidelines for affixing photograph of trainees on AITT Feb 2015 1st SEMESTER hall tickets printed from MIS 2015-02-16
62 Examination time schedule for Mentor council Trades MMV & MAG AITT FEB 2015 2015-02-16
61 Guidelines for staff for maximum utilisation of Plan fund 2014-15 2015-02-16
60 Renaming of West Eleri ITI to Baby John Memorial Govt (w) ITI 2015-02-16
59 Notification for Trainees Council Elections 2015-02-13
58 Schedule for 51st All India Skill competition 2015-02-12
57 Notification and Time Table for 102 All India Apprentice Trade Test- April 2015 2015-02-12
56 Revised Time table for All India Trade Test CoE (BBBT & Advanced modules) March 2015 2015-02-12
55 Transfer and posting order of Junior superintendents 2015-02-10
54 List of Instructors for Modular Pattern of CTI Training FEB 2015 2015-02-07
53 Direction for maximum utilisation of Plan fund under Modernisation head 2015-02-07
52 Proforma for submission of Training requirements of employees -SDIS scheme 2015-02-07
51 Donations to Jammu & Kashmir Relief Fund 2015-02-07
50 Revised Timetable for All India Trade test Semester system scheduled from 12.02.2015 2015-02-06
49 All India Trade Test under CTS Semester System postponed to 12.02.2015 2015-02-06
48 Minutes of the NCVT Sub-Committee meeting dealing with Affiliation of Govt/Pvt ITI’s 2015-02-05
47 Notification for downloading AITT FEB-2015 (SEM system) Hall ticket from website 2015-02-05
46 Order for availing ITI vehicles for the use of Training officers/AAA’s 2015-02-05
45 Cancellation of redeployment order of instructors to their parent trades 2015-02-04
44 Tenders invited for AMC of two servers at Directorate of Training- Last date 12.02.2015 2015-02-03
43 Meeting of Principals organised by NIMI Chennai on 04.02.15 at Govt Guest house, Thycaud, TVPM 2015-01-31
42 List of officials for Advanced training on MS Excel training at STI,KZM from 02.02.15 2015-01-31
41 Re-Tender Notice for supply of tools for Diesel Mechanic Trade at ITI Attingal last date 20.02.15 2015-01-31
40 List of officials for inspection of VTP’s 2015-01-30
39 Promotion,Transfer and posting order of part time sweepers
38 Transfer and posting order of Clerks 2015-01-30
37 Extension of Date for applying for NABT,QCI affiliation for Private ITI’s 2015-01-30
36 Submission of online application to QCI for Re-affiliation of 34 Govt ITI’s 2015-01-30
35 Schedule for AITT Semester I,II & III Trade test Feb 2015 2015-01-29
34 Trade Test Notification for those who have not appeared in 2nd SEM AITT after receiving hall ticket-Last date 31.01.15 2015-01-29
33 DGET Notice to private ITI’s for uploading trainee details in NCVT-MIS webportal 2015-01-28
32 Submission of online application to QCI for Re-affiliation of Govt ITI’s 2015-01-28
31 List of officials for MS Access training at IMG Kozhikode from 28.01.15 2015-01-27
30 List of officials for Distance learning program at Field Institutes from 29.01.15 2015-01-27
29 Redeployment order of instructors to their parent trades 2015-01-27
28 Invitation to NSS award ceremony on 28.01.15 2015-01-27
27 Certificate verifying details of ITI/Instructors uploaded in MIS 2015-01-24
26 Observance of 2 minutes silence on 30.01.15 at 11.00 am 2015-01-24
25 Provision of separate parking area for Handicapped persons 2015-01-24
24 CODE Nos for institutes for registering in Snehapoorvam scheme 2015-01-23
23 No trainees to be admitted in 20 Trades under CTS abolished by DGE&T 2015-01-23
22 Subscription of Yojana Magazine at ITI’s 2015-01-23
21 List of officers to be deputed for Modular pattern of CTI training FEB 2015 session 2015-01-23
20 Hike in Remuneration for Guest Instructors- Govt Order 2015-01-23
19 Furnishing of complaints received by Sexual harassment committee at Sub-offices 2015-01-23
18 Latest DGE&T Instructions and orders on Conduct of AITT Semester System 2015-01-20
17 Result of 101st All India Apprenticeship Trade Test 2015-01-20
16 Time table for All India Trade Test CoE (BBBT & Advanced modules) March 2015 2015-01-20
15 Trade Test Notification for students who have not appeared in 2nd SEM AITT after receiving hall ticket 2015-01-20
14 Tenders invited for AMC of two servers at Directorate of Training- Last date 23.01.2015 2015-01-14
13 Guidelines for online Submission of applications for FEB 2015 1st SEM (Regular/Sup) 2nd SEM (Supplementary) and 3rd SEM (Regular) Trade Test 2015-01-14
12 Option form for Craft Instructor Training in semester Pattern 2015-01-14
11 Transfer and posting order of Watchmen/Office attendant 2015-01-13
10 AITT Jul 14 1st SEM Supplementary and 2nd SEM D/Civil results published 2015-01-10
9 List of Officials for training program on Autocad from 12.01.15 at STI Kazhakotam 2015-01-09
8 Extension of Last date for Payment of Examination fee – AITT FEB 15 (Semester Scheme) to 14.01.15 2015-01-09
7 Notice for Display boards in ITI’s for Students seeking Admissions 2015-01-08
6 List of officials in Tender evaluation committee for E tenders on 09.01.15 at Directorate 2015-01-08
5 DGE&T norms for payment of salary for Instructors on contract basis 2015-01-08
4 Instructions for complete utilisation of of funds under modernisation 2014-2015 2015-01-08
3 Tenders invited for AMC of two servers at Directorate of Training- Last date 23.01.2015 2015-01-06
2 Virtual Class room schedule from 08.01.15 to 23.01.15 2015-01-06
1 List of officials in Tender evaluation committee on 06.1.15 at STI Kazhakootam 2015-01-01


176 Charge handover of Principal ITI Vadakara 2015-12-31
175 Promotion and posting order of Last Grade Employees to LDC/Typist 2015-12-29
174 Promotion Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2015-12-28
173 Technical Committee for evaluation of E-tender Packages 2015-12-22
172 Transfer and posting order of Clerks 2015-12-22
171 Deputation of Instructors for taking classes at ITI Naripetta 2015-12-21
170 Principal ITI W Malampuzaha to take charge of ITI Kozhijamparara 2015-12-21
169 Reporting of details of retirements in 2016-Circular 2015-12-15
168 Reporting of details of vacancies of OA,Watchman & sweepers-Circular 2015-12-15
167 Provisional status of CIT training of Instructors 2015-12-14
165 Transfer and designation change order of last grade staff 2015-12-11
164 Promotion Transfer and posting order of senior Supdt 2015-12-11
163 Praveenyam Awareness program for Principals of Govt ITI’s on 16.12.15 at Trivandrum 2015-12-11
162 Final Gradation list of Employees Below LD Clerk- District wise corrected
161 Transfer and posting order of instructors in tool & die maker trades
160 Option form for Modular pattern of CTI Training commencing from Feb 2016 2015-12-07
159 Transfer and posting order of instructors in trades of Fitter,D/civil, welder 2015-12-07
158 Leave cancellation and posting order Group Instructor 2015-12-07
157 Declaration of probation Principal II/VP/TTO- orders 2015-12-07
156 Redeployment of Instructor to original Trade 2015-12-07
155 Schedule of training for assessors of skill fiesta 2016 2015-12-04
154 List of Officials for computer Training STP-333 at IMG TVPM from 07.12.15 2015-12-04
153 Promotion and posting order of part time sweepers 2015-12-04
152 Promotion and posting order of Accounts Officer II 2015-12-04
151 Promotion and posting order of Senior Supdt 2015-12-01
150 Promotion and posting order of Last Grade Employees to LDC/Typist 2015-11-23
149 Promotion, transfer and posting order of Last Grade Employees 2015-11-23
148 Promotion to the post of UD Typist 2015-11-23
147 Proforma for submission of details for Last Grade Gradation List 2015-11-23
146 Suspension order VP ITI Pallickathodu and GI ITI Ettumanoor 2015-11-20
145 List of Officials for Electronic Total Station Training at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 23.11.15 2015-11-19
144 List of Officials for Training on Information Security awareness at Keltron Palakkad from from 23.11.15 2015-11-19
143 Final Gradation list of Head Clerks as on 31.08.2015 2015-11-16
142 Suspension order of Junior instructor ITI Bheemanadi (w) Eleri 2015-11-16
141 Rejoining order of Sri KP Shivasankaran- IT Palakkad region 2015-11-12
140 Promotion and posting order of Deputy Director (DYSAA)- Govt Order 2015-11-12
139 Suspension order of Junior instructor ITI Danuvachpuram 2015-11-12
138 Final Gradation list of Employees Below LD Clerk- District wise 2015-11-12
137 List of Officials for Training on counseling and mentoring at IMG Kozhikode from 16.11.15 2015-11-11
136 List of Officials for Training on advanced welding at KWIR Ernakulam from 16.11.15 2015-11-11
135 List of Instructors for Modular Pattern of CTI training – NOV 2015 2015-11-07
134 List of Officials for Intensive Training on store purchase manual at IMG Kochi from 11.11.15 2015-11-07
133 Admission to CITS Ist Semester Exam for Instructors having Diploma/Degree and 3yrs Experience 2015-10-12
132 List of Officials for Training on Information Security awareness at Keltron kozhikode from from 12.10.15 2015-10-09
131 List of Officials for Autocad Training at SUIIT Kazhakootam from 12.10.15 2015-10-09
130 Option form for Modular pattern of CTI training 2015-10-08
129 List of Officials for Intensive Training on store purchase manual at IMG TVPM from 12.10.15 2015-10-07
128 List of Officials for Training on Entrepreneurship Development at IMG Kozhikode from 12.10.15 2015-10-07
127 List of Officials for Training on Information Security awareness at Keltron Ernakulam from from 06.10.15 2015-10-05
126 List of Officials for Induction Training for principals at SUIIT from 05.10.15 2015-09-23
125 List of Officials for Hardware & Networking training at SUIIT from 28.09.15 2015-09-23
124 List of Officials to Collect Remuneration for Setting of SCVT Question Papers 2015-09-23
123 Promotion,Transfer and posting order of Store Attenders 2015-09-22
122 Submission of RTI details to Applicant 2015-09-19
121 Proforma for submission of details of Instructors 2015-09-18
120 Principal II Charge at ITI Koothparambu to Princpal II ITI Valayam 2015-09-18
119 Submission of Service Books at Directorate for Last Grade to WSA Promotion 2015-09-18
118 Transfer and posting order of Senior Spudts 2015-09-10
117 List of Officials for Introduction to HTML& LINUX training at SUIIT from 14.09.15 2015-09-08
116 List of Officials to Collect Remuneration for Setting of SCVT Question Papers 2015-09-03
115 One time extension for completion of all Modules of Modular pattern of CTI training-DGET Order 2015-09-03
114 Final Gradation List of Junior Instructors as on 30.06.2014 2015-09-03
113 Promotion and posting order- Last grade to LDC/LD Typist 2015-08-24
113 Promotion,Transfer and posting order Group Instructor/JAAT/TA 2015-08-24
112 Provisional Gradation list of Head Clerks as on 31.08.15 2015-08-24
111 Transfer & Posting order of Principal II 2015-08-21
110 Transfer and posting order of Clerks 2015-08-17
109 Promotion and posting of Last Grade Employee to LDC/LD Typist 2015-08-10
108 Handover of Principal II Charges ITI Rajakkad 2015-08-05
107 Promotion,Transfer and posting order Principal II/VP TTO 2015-08-03
106 Transfer and posting order of Instructors 2015-08-03
105 Suspension order of Group Instructor 2015-08-01
104 Revoking of suspension of Principal II and posting order of officials 2015-08-01
103 Final Gradation list of Employees below LD Clerk 2015-07-30
102 List of Instructors for Modular Pattern of CTI training – AUG 2015 2015-07-30
101 Revoking of suspension and posting order of officials 2015-07-30
100 Deputation of Instructors for modular pattern of CTI Training-G.O Modification 2015-07-30
90 Transfer and posting order of Sri Anil Kumar KM Senior Instructor ITI Attapady 2015-07-27
89 Transfer and posting order of Instructors-Anomaly Correction 2015-07-17
88 Promotion Posting and Charge handover Order of Principal I 2015-07-16
87 Promtion ,Transfer and posting order of GI/JAAT/TA 2015-07-16
86 Transfer and posting order of Drivers 2015-07-14
85 Submission of details of qualification for promotion to WSA 2015-07-07
84 Promotion and Posting order of VP/PrincipalII/TO 2015-07-07
83 Promotion and posting order of LDSK 2015-07-02
82 Allotment of Higher Grade to SS 2015-07-02
81 Probation declaration order of of Principal II,VP,TTO 2015-07-01
80 Promotion, Transfer and Posting order of clerks-Anomaly Correction 2015-06-25
79 Promotion and Posting order of Driver I and Driver II 2015-06-24
78 Promotion, Transfer and Posting order of Senior clerks 2015-06-20
77 Promotion & Posting order of LD Store Keeper 2015-06-20
76 Designation change and posting order of Class IV Staff 2015-06-20
75 Final gradation list (Rearranged) of GI/JAAT/Millwright Foreman/TA as on 30.04.2013 2015-06-17
74 Promotion and posting order of Head Clerks 2015-06-12
73 Transfer and posting order of Senior clerk/Head Clerks 2015-06-12
72 List of officials to submit CR for DPC 2015-06-12
71 Transfer and posting order of Dresser 2015-06-12
70 Transfer and posting order of Head Clerks 2015-06-12
69 Ratio based grade promotion for JS 2015-06-11
68 List of officials for advanced training on Excel from 15.06.15 at IMG kozhikode-STP25 2015-06-11
67 List of officials for DLP program from 11.06.15 2015-06-11
66 Transfer and posting order of Principal I 2015-06-11
65 Transfer and Designation change order of watchman/OA 2015-06-11
64 Charge handover order of Principal II/ VP 2015-06-10
63 Transfer and posting order of VP/Principal II/TTO- Anomaly Correction 2015-06-06
62 Transfer and posting order of Store Attender 2015-06-05
61 Transfer and posting order of UD store keeper 2015-06-05
60 Proforma for submission of details of Minority Employees 2015-06-02
59 Transfer and posting order of Group Instructor/ JAAT/TA 2015-06-02
58 Transfer and posting order of VP/Principal II/TTO 2015-06-01
57 Transfer and posting order of LD typist 2015-05-30
56 Transfer and posting order of Senior Supdt 2015-05-30
55 Transfer and posting order of LD Storekeeper 2015-05-30
54 Promotion and posting order of Junior Supdt 2015-05-30
53 Transfer and posting order of workshop Attenders 2015-05-30
52 List of officials for Softskills Development program at IMG Kochi from 1.06.15 2015-05-30
51 List of officials for Supervisory Development program at IMG Trivandrum from 1.06.15 2015-05-30
50 Proforma for submission of details of employees qualified Accounts Test 2015-05-27
49 Proforma for submission of details of Backward caste Employees 2015-05-27
48 Inter District Transfer order for Sri Biju P Office Attendant 2015-05-27
47 Re-assigning the Seniority of Sri Sugesh Kumar Junior Supdt 2015-05-27
46 Transfer and posting order of Junior Supdt 2015-05-22
45 AITT JAN 2015 Old Scheme Supplementary Results declared-Private category 2015-05-20
44 Promotion and posting orders of Driver Grade I– REVISED 2015-05-20
43 Time Table for All India Trade Test Semester,Mentor Council & Conventional System 2015-05-14
42 List of officials for Training on Financial Management- at IMG Kozhikode from 18.05.15 2015-05-14
41 List of officials for AutoCad Training at STI Kazhakootam 2015-05-14
40 Change in Shift Timings of ITI’s- Govt Order 2015-05-14
39 Promotion and posting order of Driver Grade I 2015-05-08
38 List of officials for Training on Financial Management- IMGSTPITD301 at IMG Kochi 2015-05-07
37 List of instructors deputed for Modular pattern of CTI Training- MAY2015 2015-05-07
36 Promotion and posting orders of Workshop attender to Junior Instructors 2015-05-06
35 Transfer and posting order of Inspector of Training 2015-05-04
34 Promotion and posting order of Group Inspectors 2015-05-04
33 Final Gradation List of Senior Supdt as on 31.10.2014 2015-04-20
32 Workshop for Officials related to PPP Scheme ITI’s on 29.04.2015 2015-04-20
31 Training for Class IV Empoyees at IMG Kozhikode from 27.04.15 2015-04-18
30 Ratio promotion for Junior Supdts 2015-04-17
29 Corrected Gradation List of Junior Instructors will be published soon 2015-04-10
28 Promotion and posting order of UD Typist 2015-04-07
27 Option form for Modular pattern of CTI Training 2015-03-27
26 Promotion, and posting order of SENIOR SUPDT 2015-03-26
25 Creation of supernumerary post in lieu of anticipated vacancies- Circular 2015-03-26
24 Proforma for submission of details of Sc/ST Employees 2015-03-19
23 Tour Dairy of Gazetted officers to be counter signed by immediate superiors – Circular 2015-03-18
22 Final Gradation List of LD Typists as on 30.11.2014 2015-03-17
21 Revision/Additions in Stores Purchase Manual 2015-03-17
20 Transfer/ Re-designation order of Watchmen/Office attendant A3/7233/14 cancelled 2015-03-07
19 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Junior Instructors 2015-03-04
18 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Principal I/Inspector of training 2015-02-28
17 Transfer,Posting and Re-designation order of Watchmen/Office attendant 2015-02-27
16 District wise cadre strength of LD clerk/Typist 2015-02-26
15 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Work shop attenders 2015-02-25
14 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Group instructors 2015-02-25
13 Final Gradation List of Junior Instructors as on 30.06.2014 2015-02-23
12 Notification and proforma for general transfer of Ministerial Staff 2015-02-19
11 Promotion, and posting order of Instructor in DTPO Trade 2015-02-19
10 Transfer and posting order of Junior Instructors in Fitter,MMV,Electrician,MRAC & PPO trades 2015-02-19
9 Transfer and posting order of Junior superintendents 2015-02-10
8 Cancellation of redeployment order of instructors to their parent trades 2015-02-04
7 Promotion,Transfer and posting order of part time sweepers 2015-01-30
6 Transfer and posting order of Clerks 2015-01-30
5 Redeployment order of instructors to their parent trades 2015-01-27
4 List of officers to be deputed for Modular pattern of CTI training FEB 2015 session 2015-01-23
3 Option form for Craft Instructor Training in semester Pattern 2015-01-14
2 Transfer and posting order of Watchmen/Office attendant 2015-01-13
1 DGE&T norms for payment of salary for Instructors on contract basis 2015-01-08