പി ടി സി എം ഗവ ഐടിഐ പള്ളിക്കത്തോട് -വെൽഡർ ട്രേഡ് ഉപകരണ സംഭരണം ടെൻഡർ നോട്ടീസ് പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്നു
package 1 | package 2 | package 3 | package 8 | package 10 | package 11 |
Quotations invited for supply of toner for Kyocera printer at Directorate of training |
07-12-2023 2pm |
26-10-2023 2pm |
26-10-2023 2pm |
Tenders invited for the arrangements for award ceremony at Ayyankali Hall |
11-10-2023 1 pm |
Quotations invited for the procurement of mementos at directorate of training |
12-10-2023 1 pm |
Quotation for the procurement of toners at directorate of training |
10-10-2023 1 pm |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of tools & equiments for trades at ITI chenganoor |
01-09-2023 3 pm |
Tenders invited for onam float of the department |
Quotation invited for disposal of food waste at Directorate of training |
16-08-2023 1 pm |
Quotation for procurement of printer parts, maintenance and repairing at directorate of training |
10-08-2023 1 pm |
E- tenders invited from public sector insurance companies for providing insurance to ITI trainees |
02-09-2023 |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Consumables for welder trade at ITI chenganoor |
31-07-2023 |
List of E- tenders invited for supply of Tools & equipments in various ITIS |
Quotation for Procurements of printer parts,maintanance and repairing. |
27-07-2023 11 am |
Quotation for the Supply and installation of SSD Hard Drives for Laptops and Desktop directorate of training |
19-07-2023 1 pm |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Adjustable circular saw machine for Carpenter trade at ITI chackai |
23-06-2023 3 pm |
ഗ്രേഡിംഗ് ഓഫ് ഐ ടി ഐ 2022 പദ്ധതിയിൽ വിജയികളായ ഐ ടി ഐ കൾക്കുള്ള അവാർഡ് വിതരണം സംബന്ധിച്ചുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പിനായി സ്റ്റേജ് ഡെക്കറേഷൻ, മറ്റു അനുബന്ധ പരിപാടികൾ എന്നിവയുടെ നടത്തിപ്പിനായി താല്പര്യമുള്ള സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നും മുദ്ര വച്ച ദർഘാസുകൾ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു
1. ദർഘാസ് പരസ്യം | 2. ടെൻഡർ | 3. Hall Arrangement Details |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Consumables at ITI Chenganoor |
20-06-2023 3 pm |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Items for Carpenter trade at ITI chackai |
23-05-2023 3 PM |
Tenders invited from public sector insurance companies for providing insurance for ITI trainees |
29-03-2023 |
Quotations invited for supply of RFID cards at Directorate of training |
06-03-2023 1 PM |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Items for RACT trade at ITI Elappara |
Sealed tenders invited for supply of consumables in various trade at Govt ITI Kannur |
27-02-2023 2 PM |
Tenders Invited for various event management functions for Job Fair- 2023 |
31-12-2022 12 PM |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of items in various trade at Govt ITI Kannur |
04-01-2023 2 PM |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of battery charger for DCM trade at ITIs |
10-10-2022 2 PM |
Quotations invited for supply of numbering machine at Directorate of training |
27-09-2022 2 PM |
Quotations invited for supply of electric table at Directorate of training |
27-09-2022 11 PM |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of items in DCM trade at Govt ITIs |
15-09-2022 5 PM |
Re tender Notice -Quotations invited for preparation of “Onam float” for department |
06-09-2022 02 PM |
Quotations invited for preparation of “Onam float” for department |
05-09-2022 02 PM |
Quotations invited for repair of Laptop, Photostat & Printers at Directorate of training |
14-09-2022 11 AM |
Quotations invited for repair of Laptop, Photostat & Printers at Directorate of training |
Sealed quotations invited for items in Electrcian trade at Govt ITI Kannur |
30-06-2022 2 PM |
Sealed Tenders invited for the supply of Garment production equipments at Govt. ITI(W) Kozhikkode |
17-03-2022 2 PM |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of inverter battery at Directorate of Training |
22/07/21 11 am |
Sealed Tenders invited for the replacing of Cushions of Chairs at Govt. ITI Chackai |
12/11/2020 3pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of camera accesories at Directorate of Training |
21/10/2020 2pm |
Sealed tenders invited for supply of Cover All uniform for Industrial training department |
22/10/2020 5pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of tools and equipments for various trades at ITI Kalpetta |
16/10/2020 3pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tool kit for Electrician & Plumber trades at ITI Kozhikode |
16/10/2020 2pm |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Items for Digital photographer trade at ITI pallickathode |
30/06/2020 2pm |
Re-quotation Notice for Supply of Hand tools at Directorate of Training |
30/06/2020 11am |
Re-quotation Notice for Supply of Hand tools at Directorate of Training |
25/03/2020 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Hand tools at Directorate of Training |
17/03/2020 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Items for MCEA trade at ITI Kozhikode |
19/02/2020 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Digital camera at ITI Pallickathode |
24/01/2020 2 pm |
Auction of produce of trees at Govt ITI Kannur Campus |
03/01/2020 1 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Items for fitter trade at ITI Kuthuparamba |
10/01/2020 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for the supply of Domain and hosting space for Industrial Training Dept |
06/12/2019 3pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of items for MMV trade at ITI Panniyannur |
21/11/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for home appliances for Fitter trade at ITI Kozhikode |
04/11/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Items for training at ITI Kannur & ITI Pinarayi |
08/11/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of items for Electrician trade at ITI Panniyannur |
14/11/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations Supply of sanitary napkin incinerator at ITI Koothuparamb |
25/10/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for home appliances for MCEA trade at ITI Kozhikode |
19/10/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of items for D/Civil trade at ITI Panniyannur |
11/12/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Vacuum cleaner at Directorate of training |
10/10/2019 3pm |
Tenders invited from ISO certification agencies for ISO 9001:2015 QMS for 05 RI Centres |
15/10/2019 3pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Voice recorder |
28/08/2019 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of fire equipments for carpenter trade at ITIs |
31/08/2019 11Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Items for training at ITI Kannur |
28/09/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for cleaning of telephones at Directorate of training |
22/08/2019 2 Pm |
Tenders invited from ISO certification agencies for ISO 9001:2015 QMS for 05 RI Centres |
28/08/2019 3 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for cleaning of telephones at Directorate of training |
07/08/2019 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of items for D/Civil trade at ITI Panniyannur |
20/07/2019 2 Pm |
Tenders invited from ISO certification agencies for ISO 9001:2015 QMS upgradation of 22 Govt ITI’s |
20/07/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Fitter trades at ITI Padiyoor,Kannur |
13/08/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Water purifier& mat at ITI Kozhikode |
10/07/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Various trades at ITI Kannur |
24/06/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Carpenter trade at ITI Danuvachapuram |
26/06/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations Supply of high end Cordless & Collar Mikes at Directorate of training |
17/06/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trade at ITI Panniyannur |
28/07/2019 2 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited Supply of Cordless Mikes, Speakers & Amplifier at Directorate of training |
13/06/2019 11am |
E-tenders invited for providing Group insurance to trainees in Govt ITI’s |
24/06/2019 |
Competitive tenders invited for Supply of Tools & Equipmets for MCEA trade at ITI Chackai |
06/06/2019 4 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV,D/civil & ELEC trade at ITI Panniyannur |
08/06/2019 2 Pm |
Tenders invited for Security Audit of Admission Software of Industrial Training Dept |
28/05/2019 5 Pm |
Sealed quotations Supply of Cordless & Collar Mikes at Directorate of training |
28/05/2019 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply Anti virus Directorate of training |
10/05/2019 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of MS items at ITI Chackai |
09/05/2019 5pm |
Competitive tenders invited for Supply of Webserver at Directorate of training- Date Extension |
25/03/2019 5pm |
Competitive tenders invited for Supply of Development server at Directorate of training-Date Extension |
25/03/2019 5pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trade at ITI Panniyannur |
27/03/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations Supply work bench in Fitter Trade at ITI Padiyoor |
15/03/2019 |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Toner and service of Laserjet printer at Directorate of training |
21/03/2019 11am |
Competitive tenders invited for Supply of Development server at Directorate of training |
19/03/2019 5pm |
Competitive tenders invited for Supply of Webserver at Directorate of training |
19/03/2019 5pm |
Sealed quotations Supply of 1.5 Ton Split A/C Directorate of training |
19/03/2019 12Noon |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of External HD and Blue ray drive at Directorate of training |
15/03/2019 12Noon |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply Telescopic Adilade & transit Theodolite ITI Kuttikol |
28/02/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Toner and service of Laserjet printer at Directorate of training |
23/02/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments at ITI Kuthuparambu |
21/02/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Inst/Mech trade at ITI Kannur |
23/02/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of 2kva UPS at ITI Panniyannur |
11/02/2019 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of items for water purifier stand at Directorate of training |
07/02/2019 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for D/civil &Fitter trade at ITI Panniyannur |
31/01/2019 2 pm |
Sealed tenders invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Mechanic diesel trade at ITI Chathanoor |
25/01/2019 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply plumbing items at Directorate of training |
25/01/2019 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply 2 Gold coins (8gm 22carat) at Directorate of training |
31/12/2018 12 noon |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for D/civil trade at ITI Panniyannur |
05/01/2019 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Domain & Hosting space for spectrum job fair at Directorate of training |
24/12/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade at ITI Pinarayi |
05/01/2019 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for FBS trade at ITI Pallickathode |
20/12/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Welder trade at ITI Kannur |
18/12/2018 2 pm |
sealed quotations invited for Supply Voice recorder at Directorate of training |
28/11/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade at ITI Pinarayi |
24/11/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade ITI Panniyannur |
15/10/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMT trade at ITI Kannur |
08/10/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade ITI Panniyannur |
18/10/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV ITI Panniyannur |
02/11/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Welder trade at ITI Kannur |
13/11/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply Portable PA system & Microphones at Directorate of training |
31/08/2018 3 pm |
ETenders invited from Insurance companies for providing Insuarance to ITI Trainees |
14/08/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply CO2 Fire extinguisher at Directorate of training |
14/08/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Welder trade at ITI Kannur |
17/08/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trade at ITI Kannur |
17/08/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade at ITI Pinarayi |
30/08/2018 3 pm |
Re-tender Notice for ISO 9001:2015 QMS certification to 22 Govt ITI’s |
04/08/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMT trade at ITI Kannur |
10/08/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Various trades at ITI Kannur |
25/06/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of CO2 fire extinguisher at Directorate of Industrial Training |
27/06/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade at ITI Pinarayi |
27/06/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments fo various trades at ITI Kannur |
25/05/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments fo Electricain trade at ITI Pinarayi |
21/05/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Fitter trade at ITI Pinarayi |
20/06/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trade at ITI Pinarayi |
20/06/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for EM trade at ITI Kurmathur |
24/04/2018 5 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for fitter trade at ITI Kannur |
29/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of 1.5 ton AC Directorate of training |
27/03/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Projector for IT Cell at Directorate of training |
26/03/2018 5 pm |
last date for Sealed quotations for supply of Drone camera at Directorate of Industrial Training extended to 22..03.18 |
22/03/2018 4 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tablets/ Note books for IT Cell at Directorate of training |
22/03/2018 4 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for EM trade at ITI Pallickathode |
20/03/2018 4 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trades at ITI Kannur |
20/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for Electrician trade at at ITI Pinarayi |
20/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMV trade at ITI Pinarayi |
21/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools at ITI Perambra |
16/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for Supply of Tools and equipments for MMT/ Welder trades at ITI Kannur |
21/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Drone camera at Directorate of Industrial Training |
19/03/2018 5 pm |
Tenders invited for supply of DSLR Camera at Directorate of Industrial Training |
19/03/2018 3 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Electronic Mechanic trade at ITI Chackai |
12/03/2018 3 pm |
E tender notification for Supply of Tools and equipments at ITI Kalamassery |
12/03/2018 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMT trade at ITI Pinarayi |
03/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Diiferent Trades at ITI Perambra |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMV Trade at ITI Perambra |
08/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMT trade at ITI Kannur |
05/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMV Trade at ITI Pinarayi |
05/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Drawing Equipments for D Civil at ITI Chatamangalam |
05/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Electronic Mechanic trade ITI Kurumathur |
23/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMV Trade at ITI Pinarayi |
03/03/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of 1.5 ton AC at Directorate of Training |
28/02/2018 11am |
xSealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Electronic Mechanic Trade at ITI Pallickathode |
28/02/2018 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Fitter Trade at ITI Pinarayi |
22/02/2018 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMT trade at ITI Kannur |
22/02/2018 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools and Equipments for Mechanic Diesel trade at ITI Chackai |
24/02/2018 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMV at ITI Chengannor
21/02/2018 1pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Coputers and peripherals at ITI Koduvally, Kozhikode |
24/02/2018 3.30 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMV/MMT trades at ITI Pinarayi & ITI Kannur |
15/02/2018 2.00 Pm |
Sealed quotations invited for installation of 30 Kva Generator at Suiit Kazhakootam |
05/02/2018 5pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for MMT at ITI,Kannur |
07/02/2018 2pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply Desktop Computer at Directorate of Training |
05/02/2018 5pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for Mechanic Diesel Trade at ITI,Chackai |
31/1/2018 11am |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Plastic chairs 50 (Nos) at Directorate of Training |
29/12/2017 5 pm |
Re Tender Notice for installation of 12 nos A/C at Directorate of Industrial Training |
28/12/2017 5 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of INK TANK printers at Directorate of Training |
13/12/2017 5 pm |
Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 29993:2017 certification to for Govt ITI for Women Kozhikode |
08/12/2017 4pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Desktop Computer at Directorate of Training |
29/11/2017 5 pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Iron and Steel items at ITI,Chenganoor |
27/11/2017 4pm |
Tenders invited for installation of 12 nos A/C at Directorate of Industrial Training |
11/11/2017 3 pm |
Tenders invited for supply UPS Batteries at Directorate of Industrial Training |
02/11/2017 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of items for Electrician Trade at ITI, Dharmadom |
11/10/2017 2 pm |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of items for Electrician Trade at ITI, Dharmadom |
11/10/2017 2 pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for various trade for Model ITI Phase II ITI Kalamassery |
25/10/2017 1.pm |
Tenders invited for supply Laptop at Directorate of Industrial Training |
07/10/2017 5 pm |
Tenders invited for supply of items for E/Mech Trade at EK Nayanar Memorial ITI, Kayyur |
13/10/2017 2pm |
Quotation invited from ISO certification agencies for ISO 9001:2015 QMS certification to Training Directorate |
30/8/17 3pm |
Re-Tenders notice for supply Tyres for Maruti SX4 at Directorate of Industrial Training |
17/07/17 5 pm |
Tenders invited for supply Tyres for Maruti SX4 at Directorate of Industrial Training |
29/06/17 5 Pm |
Re – Tender Notice ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2015 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s |
06/07/17 2 Pm |
Tenders invited for supply of iron and steel items at ITI Chenganoor |
17/07/2017 4pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Office Equipments at ITI Koduvally, Kozhikode |
17/07/2017 5pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Tools & Equipments for various Trade at ITI Kozhijambara |
20/07/2017 5pm |
Tenders invited for supply of Electronic Equipments for E/Mech Trade at ITI kozhikode |
20/06/2017 2pm |
Tenders invited for supply of and installation of Sanitary Napkin Incinerator |
15/06/2017 5pm |
Tenders invited for supply of MS Steel at ITI Chenganoor |
07/07/2017 4.00pm |
Tenders invited from ISO certification bodies for ISO 9001:2008 certification to 10 Govt ITI’s |
09/06/2017 |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of EPABX at the Directorate of Training |
15/05/2017 |
Quotation form for hire of Car at directorate of Training |
18/02/2017 |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools and Equipments in ITI Kalamssery |
21/2/2017 & 23/02/17 3PM |
Tenders invited for supply of software for for Language lab at SUIIT Kazhakootam, Trivandrum |
13/2/2017 3PM |
Quotation form for hire of Car at directorate of Training |
Sealed quotations invited for supply of Tools and Equipments in ITI Puzhakattiri |
23/1/2017 2 PM |
Supply of Items in Plumber trade at ITI Kannur |
20/1/2017 2 PM |
Diesel Generator 25 KW 3 Phase for SUIIT Kazhakuttom, |
15/11/16 5 PM |
EOI invited for consultancy services for finding training provider in English Communication |