125 Time Table for AITT Theory Exam Surveyor trade_2nd year(Admission 2018) 31-12-2020
124 Promotion of products made by Titanium Ltd- GO 30-12-2020
123   ITI admission 2020-closing

Guidelines for ITI admission closing
List of officials for Admission closing
Formats for Admission closing

122 Instructions for NCVT admission closing in portal 14-12-2020
121 Time table for CoE trade test for Advanced and BBBT modules- DEC2020 11-12-2020
120 Amendment-1 to Prospectus  No. NCVT/01/2020 for  ITI Admissions 2020 11-12-2020
119 Instructions and SOP for formation of “Naipunya Karma Sena” in ITIs 11-12-2020
118 Online classes to be started in ITIs from 14.12.20-Circular 11-12-2020
117 Instruction to fill unfilled seats in 2020 ITI Admissions 11-12-2020
116 Extension of admisssion closing date of  ITi admissions 2020 07-12-2020
115 Circular on Receipt of Certificates Directly 25-11-2020
114 SCVT Trade test July 2020 Notification 25-11-2020
113 Guidelines for clearance of  pending bills in Treasury queue of 2019-20 23-11-2020
112 Online closing of ITI admissions – User manual for SCDD/STDD & PVT ITIS 20-11-2020
111 COVID 19 – Updated General Instructions for using Video Conferencing facility 16-11-2020
110 SC_ST seats to General_Proforma 13-11-2020
109 Instructions for  training in ITIs following COVID protocol 10-11-2020
108 Time Table for conduct of second round Mock Test in Govt/Private ITIs 10-11-2020
107 Reservation for EWS category in ITI admissions- Revised roster points 10-11-2020
106 Re-opening of ITIs from 09.11.2020- Order 06-11-2020
105 Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) regarding the Formation of ‘NAIPUNYA KARMASENA’ 05-11-2020
104 “Malayala Dinaghoshan” & “Bharana Bhasha Varaghosham” Celebrations- Govt Order 30-10-2020
103 Updating of community details of staff in KSCBC portal- Circular 22-10-2020
102 Time Table for conduct of Mock Test in Govt/Private ITIs 19-10-2020
101 Conduct of mock test using Mock test App of DGT- Circular 13-10-2020
100 COVID 19 – Commencement of courses to provide employment to returning expatriates 12-10-2020
99 Sealed tenders invited for supply of Cover All uniform for Industrial training department 09-10-2020
98 Second Phase e-Office Implementation – Establishing LAN Connection in rented Buildings 07-10-2020
97 Posting of Nodal officers for COVID prevention activities in the department 05-10-2020
96 Minutes of the online meeting of Private ITI Principals 05-10-2020
95 Amendment-1 to Prospectus for Private ITI Admissions 2020 05-10-2020
94 Modified BSNL – FTTH Plans for Government Offices 29-09-2020
93 Time Table for All India Trade Test 2020 Published 23-09-2020
92 Circular regarding maintaining status quo in ITI functioning 22-09-2020
91 DGT order on de activation of  units without trainees for past 2 years 22-09-2020
90 Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – Reservation 16-09-2020
89 Notification and Prospectus for Private ITI Admissions 2020 16-09-2020
88 Schedule for Online meeting of Private ITI Principals 16-09-2020
87 Implementation of Nutrition Project for Trainees  through KUDUMBASREE units 09-09-2020
86 MInutes of the Meeting held on 21.08.2020 03-09-2020
85 Online Training Program (SMILE) – Guideline for Officials published 26-08-2020
84 Promotion and posting order of JDT, DDP,DDT,DYSAA,IT & Principal I 24-08-2020
83 Online meeting of department officers on 21-08-20 19-08-2020
82 Issuing of Transfer Certificates to Trainees 18-08-2020
81 Guest/Provisional Instructors Count 14-08-2020
80 Govt Orders on disbursal of pension benefits without delay 12-08-2020
79 Aadhaar enable Bio- Metric verification for PSC appointments 12-08-2020
78 Application Invited for KAUSHALACHARYA AWARD 07-08-2020
77 Progress Report on Online Training 03-08-2020
76 Application invited from Industry Clusters to implement the Industry Apprenticeship Initiative


75 Online learning Platform Monitoring Cell Constituted 01-07-2020
74 Notification and application form for recounting of CoE Trade Test 01-07-2020
73 Submission of Action Plan for  Result Area1 of STRIVE project. 01-07-2020
72 Practical Examiner Entry in MIS Portal – Circular

User manual for Practical entry

71 Final phase of uploading of CTS Admitted Trainees Data for the session 2019-20 24.06.2020
70 Notification for All India Common entrance test for Craft instructor training

CITS Prospectus 2020  

How to register CITS

69 Sending of certificates for Siganture  by Regd: Post- Circular 18-06-2020
68 Promotion,posting Transfer and charge hand over order of JD, DD, IT, Principal II 18-06-2020
67 Furnishing of details of errors in ENTC of 2018 AUG Admitted -2019 JULY AITT  passed candidates 16-06-2020
66 G.O on affixing dates in application received date in RTI replies 16-06-2020
65 Format for submission of details for preparation of Private ITI Prospectus 16-06-2020
64 Formats for submission of  RTI Yearly reports 12-06-2020
63 Format for submission of details for SCVT Prospectus 09-06-2020
62 Ncvt prospectus 2020 details called for. 05-06-2020
61 Video conference on 05.06.2020 for PPP ITI’s 03-06-2020
60 Video Conference on Online learning Platform at nodal ITIs 26-05-2020
59 Development of Online Training content_Order:   List of Team Members 21-05-2020
58 Using of Government Mail IDs by the Officials 11-05-2020
57 Conducting online classes for Trainees 29-04-2020
56 Instruction for implementation of Nutrition program in ITI’s FYI 2020-21 18-03-2020
55 Production of respiratory masks in ITI’s- Circular 18-03-2020
54 Circular for submission of 2019-20 final expenditure details 18-03-2020
53 Instructions for Correspondence/Thapal among institutions due to corona virus issue 17-03-2020
52 Format for sumbission of details for rectification of errors in ENTC of 2019 AITT passed trainees 16-03-2020
51 MIS Portal Correction in Trainee Details 13-03-2020
50 AITT( Sup) APRIL 2020- List of centres and Formats
Exam centres and ITIS
Exam Centre Nos with MIS code

Center wise Roll List Summary
49 Results of AITT July 2019 for trades of CHNM, Radiology Technician and Physiotherapy technician 12-03-2020
48 Trainees Holiday declared upto 31.03.2020 11-03-2020
47 Revised timetable for AITT  trade test APRIL 2020 (SUPPLEMENTARY) 07-03-2020
46 Guidelines for entering details in MIS portal 06-03-2020
45 ISK 2020 – Action Taken Report of Minutes of the Meeting held on 11.02.2020 05-03-2020
44 Ensuring the Participation of ITI Students in State Disaster Relief Volunteer Service 05-03-2020
43 Appointment order of KSITC Adviser and Treasurer 05-03-2020
42 KSITC Election 2019-20 Result Published 05-03-2020
41 Circular for ID Card Lanyards of Employees 05-03-2020
40 Implementation of Grace marks  in AITT for AUG 2018 session 03-03-2020
39 Schedule for opening of MIS portal- AITT April 2020 03-03-2020
38 GEM registration schedule for ITIs 27-02-2020
37 Revised timetable for AITT supplementary trade test APRIL 2020 27-02-2020
36 Clerk- cum Typist: Submission of Option & Collection of Data 25-02-2020
35 Circular for participating in the IndiaSkillsKerala2020 19-02-2020
34 List of assesors for IndiaSkills Kerala 2020 finals 19-02-2020
33 Instructions regarding submission of applications for re-affiliation 18-02-2020
32 Revised rates of Stipend for apprentices under Apprentices training scheme 13-02-2020
31 Agenda items for Video conference on 11.2.2020 10-02-2020
30 Principal conference sheduled on 11.2.20 will be conducted via Video conference 10-02-2020
29 Notification and application form for AITT JAN 2020(Supplementary) for

2013 AUG admitted NON- MIS Trainees 4th SEM Supplementary
2013 AUG admitted NON- MIS SCVT Passed NCVT Trainees 4th SEM Supplementary

2013 AUG admitted NON- MIS Private candidates 4th SEM Supplementary

28  Principals conference on 11.02.2020 at Govt Guest House TVPM 03-02-2020
27 Notification for trainees council election at ITI Ettumanor and ITI Thiruvambadi 25-01-2020
26 Results for AITT-JULY 2019 Non  MIS (SEM III & IV) 25-01-2020
25 Nomination form and identity card  for voters for KSITC elections 24-01-2020
24 Notification of Election for the Kerala State Industrial Trainees Council Election for the year 2019-20 22-01-2020
23 National Voters day pledge on 25.01.20 20-01-2020
22 Workshop for assesors and question paper setting for State Level- ISK2020 20-01-2020
21 Notification and Application form of AITT JAN 2020 Regular –  6 months course 20-01-2020
20 Notification and Application form of AITT JAN 2020 –  Supplementary Examination Yearly 18-01-2020
19 Notification and Application form for recounting of AITT July 2019 answer scripts 18-01-2020
18 Format for submission of details of candidate attendance in ISK2020 district level competitions 17-01-2020
17 Formation of drugs prevention committees in offices- circular 17-01-2020
16 ISK2020-District level competitions steps to increase attendance 17-01-2020
15 DGT Instructions for MIS Data uploading 17-01-2020
14 Notification and Application form of AITT JAN 2020 – Annual Supplementary Examination of Private Candidates (SCVT Passed) 16-01-2020
13 Notification and Application form of AITT JAN 2020 – Annual Supplementary Examination of Private Candidates (Industrial workers) 16-01-2020
12 State level inaguration of districtlevel competitions by Hon Minister for Labor & and Skills – ISK 2020 14-01-2020
11 Generating Hall Tickets of ISK 2020 14-01-2020
09 Time table for CoE Trade Test (BBBT & Advanced Modules) Feb-2020 14-01-2020
08 Observance of 2 minute silence on “Martyrs Day” 30.01.2020 09-01-2020
07 Instructions for display of banners and poster for ISK 2020 competitions 09-01-2020
06 Reporting of errors in the provisional seniority list of part time contingent employees 09-01-2020
05 KSITC election posting of returning officers 09-01-2020
04 Posting of officers for Skill registry Mobile Application 07-01-2020
03 Seeking Information on various Audit Reports 04-01-2020
02 Purchase of equipments for ISk 2020 District Level competitions- Circular 04-01-2020
01 ISK 2020 – Approval of Online Applications 01-01-2020
Establishment & Training orders 2020
140 Promotion and posting order Dresser 01-01-2021
138 Inter district transfer order of Watchman 31-12-2020
137 Promotion and posting order  WSA to JI 29-12-2020
136 Deputation of Clerk_ITCELL 29-12-2020
135 Admission closing Revised order  Revised schedule   Revised order for  Kollam 29-12-2020
134 Format for submission of details of staff joined by compassionate employment. 16-12-2020
133 Releiving of Last Grade staff with NOC for ITI classes- Circular 14-12-2020
132 Provisional Gradtion list of Principal II/VP/ TO as on 27/11/2020 07-12-2020
131 Instructions for submission of Performance Appraisal form (CR) in January 07-12-2020
130 Final gradation list of Junior Supdt 07-12-2020
129 Provisional Gradtion list of GI/JAAT/ TA as on 23/11/2020 01-12-2020
128 Probation completion order of Principal II 23-11-2020
127 Provisional Gradtion List of Officers

Inspector of training as on 16.11.2020
Deputy Director as on 16.11.2020
Joint Director as on 16.11.2020

126 Furnishing of RTI information to Applicant- Circular 23-11-2020
125 Proforma for submission of service details of GI and WSA 11-11-2020
124 Submission of consent form in Rs 200 stamp paper for pension benefits 06-11-2020
123 Transfer and posting order of Clerks 02-11-2020
122 Updating of community details of staff in KSCBC portal- Circular 02-11-2020
121 Circular for submitting details of  last grade staff for promotion to WSA in welder trade 30-10-2020
120 Provisional Seniority List of Clerk as on 31.07.2020 30-10-2020
119 General Transfer Order of Typists 30-10-2020
118 General Transfer & Promotion Order of Store Attenders 30-10-2020
117 Promotion Order of Junior Superintendents 30-10-2020
116 Transfer & Promotion Order of Head Clerks 30-10-2020
115 General Transfer Order of Drivers 30-10-2020
114 Restructuring of trade units in ITIs- Circular 30-10-2020
113 Transfer and posting order of instructors- Anomaly Correction 30-10-2020
112 Circular regarding remuneration for guest instructors from Aug 2020 30-10-2020
111 Junior Instructor to Senior Instructor Promotion 28-10-2020
110 Promotion  and posting order Watchman to WSA 28-10-2020
109 Promotion posting  and  designation change order Watchman/ OA 28-10-2020
108 Proforma for submitting details of  Part time sweepers to be promoted as Full time sweeper 28-10-2020
107 Provisional Seniority list of Junior Superintendent 27-10-2020
106 Application form for issue of NOc for studies in ITI 23-10-2020
105 Promotion and posting order WSA to JI 23-10-2020
104 Transfer and posting order of Principal I 19-10-2020
103 General Transfer/Promotion Order of Workshop Attender 13-10-2020
102 Submission of Descriptive  roll  with pension recommendation 13-10-2020
101 Transfer/Post Change of Office Attendant Published 12-10-2020
100 By Transfer Promotion order of  LD Clerk/LD Typist in Thiruvananthapuram District 08-10-2020
99 By Transfer Promotion order of  LD Clerk/LD Typist in Kannur District 08-10-2020
98 Transfer & Promotion order of Workshop Attender (COPA Trade) 08-10-2020
97  Transfer order of Watchman published 07-10-2020
96 Higher Grade Promotion order of Junior Superintendents 07-10-2020
95 Promotion Order of Driver post published 07-10-2020
94 Minutes of the online meeting on 11.09.2020 07-10-2020
93 Reordering of Seniority of Sri. AP Gireeshan, Senior Clerk 05-10-2020
92 Final Gradation list of Driver Published 05-10-2020
91 Final Gradation list of UD Store Keeper Published 29-09-2020
90 General Transfer/Promotion order of LD Store Keeper Published 29-09-2020
89 General Transfer Order of Instructors Published 29-09-2020
88 Undertaking from  officers not to be forwarded to Directorate-Circular 28-09-2020
87 Promotion and posting order of Group Instructors 23-09-2020
86 TA bills submitted after 1 year will not be countersigned- Circular 22-09-2020
85 Provisional Gradation List of UDSK as on 14.09.2020 16-09-2020
84 General Transfer order of Clerks/Senior Clerks Published 16-09-2020
83 General Transfer order of Junior Superintendents Published 16-09-2020
82 Undertaking as per GOP No;169/019/ Fin to be submitted with terminal surrender application 14-09-2020
81 Promotion Order of Principal Class II/Vice Principal/Training Officer/Trade Test Officer 09-09-2020
80 Format for reporting Retirement details from 01.01.2021 to 30.06.2022 04-09-2020
79 Transfer & Promotion Order of Senior Superintendents 26-08-2020
78 Provisional Gradation List of Driver as on 31.07.2020 published 26-08-2020
77 Promotion Order of Senior Clerks published 26-08-2020
76 Provisional Gradation List of Selection Grade Typist as on 03.07.2020 published 26-08-2020
75 Provisional Gradation List of Senior Grade Typist as on 03.07.2020 published  26-08-2020
74 Gradation List of UD Typist as on 03.07.2020 published 26-08-2020
73 Progress report on Online Training 03-08-2020
72 Vice Principal/Principal Class 2/Training Officer/TTO Transfer Posting Order 15-07-2020
71 Typist Selection Grade,Typist Senior Grade,UD Typist promotion order 03.07.2020
70 Promotion, transfer and posting order of UDSK 25.06.2020
69 Revised Promotion and posting order of Workshop Attender 25.06.2020
68 Final Gradation List of LD Typist Published 24.06.2020
67 Online Training Program – Revised List of Officials Published 24.06.2020
66 Promotion and posting order of Workshop Attender 22-06-2020
65 Gradation list of LD typist Provisional II 15-06-2020
64 Confirmation of Clerk Typists for promotion 15-06-2020
64 Format for reporting vacancies in TPES Trade 11-06-2020
63 Format for reporting vacancies in Sheet Metal Worker Trade 11-06-2020
62 Guidelines and format fo reporting vacancies through E-Vacancy software 11-06-2020
61 Promotion to the post of Store Attender 11-06-2020
60 Promotion and posting order of Junior Supdts 10-06-2020
59 Promotion and posting order of Head Clerks 10-06-2020
58 Furnishing of details of  part time joined before 1.4.13 turned full time staff 09-06-2020
57 Collecting Details for the Promotion to the post of Senior Instructor 04-06-2020
56 Collecting Details for the verification to the need of Employability Skill Instructor cadre 04-06-2020
55 Deputing Officials for the Development of online admission portal 04-06-2020
54 Deputing officials for verification of Qualification for Appointment to Junior Instructor Cadre 02-06-2020
53 Additional charges of Officers_Order 01-06-2020
52 General transfer_Date extension 01-06-2020
51 Promotion of LD Store Keeper 29-05-2020
50 Dresser Promotion order 29-05-2020
48 Format for submission of  attendance details of staff stuck due to COVID lockdown 27-05-2020
47 Notification of General Transfer 2020 21-05-2020
46 PG Diploma in e-Governance 2020-21 – Nominations called for – reg 19-05-2020
45 Sending Details for the Promotion to the post of Workshop Attender 12-05-2020
44 Conducting online classes for Trainees 29-04-2020
43 Promotion order of Senior Superintendents 29-04-2020
42 Relieving of pharmacists working on deputation 29-04-2020
41 Promotion of Group Instructor/JAA(T) to Principal Class 2 24-04-2020
40 Promotion of Principal Class2 to Principal Class 1: Government order 24-04-2020
39 Submission of undertaking to refund excess amount while pay fixation- Govt Order 17-03-2020
38 Trades with Non Availabilty certificate for recruitment form Employment Exchange 16-03-2020
37 Trainees Holiday declared upto 31-03-2020 11-03-2020
36 Promotion and posting order of DD/IT & Principal Class I 06-03-2020
35 Training program for Instructors and Principals at Toyota Bangalore 03-03-2020
34 Final Gradation list of Store attenders as on 31.12.2019 02-03-2020
33 Provisional Gradation list of Head Clerks as on 31.01.2020 02-03-2020
32 lA question No-1943 format for details of staff 28-02-2020
31 Questionniare for Pay revision commision 27-02-2020
30 Submission of details of SC/ST employees in the department for Hon CM’s review meet 27-02-2020
29 Inclusion of advance increment for fixing average salary for pension calculation 27-02-2020
28 IndiaSkills Kerala2020- inclusion of new members into various committees 19-02-2020
27 Transport of trade equipments for ISK posting of Instructors & drivers 18-02-2020
26 Details of Drivers with vehicles podted for ISK2020 18-02-2020
25 Seniority list of class IV employees 10% by transfer to LD typist as on 30.6.19 18-02-2020
24 Provisional Gradation List of Head Clerks as on 31.01.2020 18-02-2020
23 Format for submission of details of SC/ST Details in Junior Instructor Category 14-02-2020
22 Prism software change in delegation of RRA 13-02-2020
21 Format for submission of details of drivers for gradation list 13-02-2020
20 Cancellation of service contracts of Sweepers- Govt Order 13-02-2020
19 Provisional Gradation list of LDTypist as on 31/01/2020 03-02-2020
18 Promotion and posting order of Principal I 01-02-2020
17 Promotion and posting order of GI/JAAT/TO 31-01-2020
16 Furnishing of property statement of staff 24-01-2020
15 Furnishing  of attendance on 08.01.2020 (Strike) 24-01-2020
14 Collecting Details of Workshop Attender Posts in ITIs 22-01-2020
13 Continous sanction of temporaray posts- Govt Order 17-01-2020
12 Guidelines for timely submission of pension documents of retiring employees 10-01-2020
11 instructions for submitting pension recommendations 10-01-2020
10 Provisional seniority list of Store Attenders 10-01-2020
09  Promotion and posting order of Junior Supdt 10-01-2020
08  Promotion and posting order of UD Typist 09-01-2020
07 Promotion and posting order of selection grade typist 09-01-2020
06 Affixing of seniority for Sri N.Tennyson in the final gradation list of Senior Instructors 09-01-2020
05 Instructions for purchase of tools and equipments for ISK2020 09-01-2020
04 Posting of instructors as assessors for Cyber security competition- ISK2020 07-01-2020
03 ISK 2020- reconstitution order of various committees 06-01-2020
02 Format for submission of details of SC/ST Details 06-01-2020
01 Minutes of Principal Conference held on 22.10.2019 03-01-2020