Withdrawal of merged MAEE trade with MMV trade under CTS- DGT order
Merger of CTS trade Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics with trade Mechanic Motor Vehicle- DGT order
Approval of 06 NSQF aligned courses- DGET order
Consolidated DGT Notifications on NSQF Aligned trades
Decision to delete 12 trades under CTS abolished- DGT order
Approval of  curricula of new trade “Tool & Die maker ( Press Tools Jigs & Fixture) under Dual system of Training- DGT order
Introduction of 4 NSQF complaint trades- DGT order
Approval of revised curricula of existing 51 trades under CTS by CSTARI- DGT order
Re-Evaluation & Re-checking of OMR sheets & Engg Drawing clarification- DGET order
Provisional permission to appear in AITT July 17 for candidates whose Hall Tickets could not be downloaded from MIS Portal
Correction in the No. of Trades/ Units of Govt ITI  for Women Kannur- DGET order
DGET LOGO for use in GOVT & Private ITI’s
Modification in accreditation criteria for granting accreditation to ITI’s-DGET Order
Entry qualifications for 6 trades for the trainees admitted in AUG 2014&2015-Distribution of Question papers
NCVT Affiliation orders of 2 Govt  ( w Kazhakootam & w  Malampuzha) and 1 Private ITI (St antonys Pala)
Details of  new Logo for Govt/ Private ITI’s

NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 8 Govt and 1 Private ITI
NCVT Affiliation orders for 2 Govt and 1 Private ITI (Kozhikode/w kozhikode/BRD Inst Thrissur)
Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal

Click to Down Load Practical Examiner Module
Changes in space norms for Mechanic Diesel trade under CTS-DGET order
Approval of 28 NSQF aligned CTS courses for training from AUG 2016 Session
Equivalency of NTC to Secondary/Higher secondary School certificate- DGET notification
Continuation of 6 months trade “Driver cum Mechanic” for Aug 2016 session- DGET order
Opening of MIS Portal for uploading of pending AITT Jan 2016 marks
Discontinuation of NIMI pattern question paper for AITT conventional system from AUG 2016
Last chance for appearing in AITT (Conventional pattern)-DGET order
Continuation of ITI admissions for 2016-17 without re-affiliation-DGET order
Revised norms for minimum attendance under semester system of CTS-DGET order
Correction of trainee details in MIS Portal- Extension of Last date to 27.1.16
Submission of details for obtaining NCVT affiliation for SCVT trades in ITI’s- DGET Order
Calendar for Affiliation and Admission of ITI’s for 2016-17
Revised syllabi for WS&C and engineering Drawing for trades under CTS
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana inclusion of ITI Trainees
Re-Designation of trades for Trade Apprentices-Rebates for SCVT Trade-DGET Order
Admission to CITS Ist Semester Exam for Instructors having Diploma/Degree and 3yrs Experience
Implementation of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) for Five CTS Trades
Approval of CTS courses for Chemical & Plastic processing sectors converted from CoE Scheme
Seating capacity Supernumeraries for D/Civil Trade
Amendments in Apprentice Rules 1992
Revised Syllabi for Workshop Calculation and Engineering Drawing
Change in entry qualification of trade Surface Ornamentation Techniques
Revised Requirement for Instructors for Engg Drawing and Workshop Science- DGET Order
One time extension for completion of all Modules of Modular pattern of CTI training-DGET Order
Entry qualification for listed trades to remain same for one more year- DGET Order
Continuation of ITI Admissions for the 2015-2016 Session
Apprenticeship Act latest amendments and Notifications
Revision in Stipend rate for Apprentices-Gazette Notification
Re-affiliation process of Govt/Pvt ITI’s by QCI -DGE&T Order
Stipend rates increased for Apprenticeship training- Gazette notification
Clarification on trainees appearing as Private candidates under semester system
NIMI pattern of Question paper for Mech Tractor & MRAC Trades
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses in -DGET order
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses- DGET Order
Code for National flag and State Emblem of India- Govt Order
Granting Affiliation for 5 Years DGE&T Order