Withdrawal of merged MAEE trade with MMV trade under CTS- DGT order |
Merger of CTS trade Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics with trade Mechanic Motor Vehicle- DGT order |
Approval of 06 NSQF aligned courses- DGET order |
Consolidated DGT Notifications on NSQF Aligned trades |
Decision to delete 12 trades under CTS abolished- DGT order |
Approval of curricula of new trade “Tool & Die maker ( Press Tools Jigs & Fixture) under Dual system of Training- DGT order |
Introduction of 4 NSQF complaint trades- DGT order |
Approval of revised curricula of existing 51 trades under CTS by CSTARI- DGT order |
Re-Evaluation & Re-checking of OMR sheets & Engg Drawing clarification- DGET order |
Provisional permission to appear in AITT July 17 for candidates whose Hall Tickets could not be downloaded from MIS Portal |
Correction in the No. of Trades/ Units of Govt ITI for Women Kannur- DGET order |
DGET LOGO for use in GOVT & Private ITI’s |
Modification in accreditation criteria for granting accreditation to ITI’s-DGET Order |
Entry qualifications for 6 trades for the trainees admitted in AUG 2014&2015-Distribution of Question papers |
NCVT Affiliation orders of 2 Govt ( w Kazhakootam & w Malampuzha) and 1 Private ITI (St antonys Pala) |
Details of new Logo for Govt/ Private ITI’s
NCVT Affiliation orders in respect of 8 Govt and 1 Private ITI |
NCVT Affiliation orders for 2 Govt and 1 Private ITI (Kozhikode/w kozhikode/BRD Inst Thrissur) |
Registration of details of AITT Practical Examiners In NCVT- MIS Portal
Click to Down Load Practical Examiner Module |
Changes in space norms for Mechanic Diesel trade under CTS-DGET order |
Approval of 28 NSQF aligned CTS courses for training from AUG 2016 Session |
Equivalency of NTC to Secondary/Higher secondary School certificate- DGET notification |
Continuation of 6 months trade “Driver cum Mechanic” for Aug 2016 session- DGET order |
Opening of MIS Portal for uploading of pending AITT Jan 2016 marks |
Discontinuation of NIMI pattern question paper for AITT conventional system from AUG 2016 |
Last chance for appearing in AITT (Conventional pattern)-DGET order |
Continuation of ITI admissions for 2016-17 without re-affiliation-DGET order |
Revised norms for minimum attendance under semester system of CTS-DGET order |
Correction of trainee details in MIS Portal- Extension of Last date to 27.1.16 |
Submission of details for obtaining NCVT affiliation for SCVT trades in ITI’s- DGET Order |
Calendar for Affiliation and Admission of ITI’s for 2016-17 |
Revised syllabi for WS&C and engineering Drawing for trades under CTS |
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana inclusion of ITI Trainees |
Re-Designation of trades for Trade Apprentices-Rebates for SCVT Trade-DGET Order |
Admission to CITS Ist Semester Exam for Instructors having Diploma/Degree and 3yrs Experience |
Implementation of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) for Five CTS Trades |
Approval of CTS courses for Chemical & Plastic processing sectors converted from CoE Scheme |
Seating capacity Supernumeraries for D/Civil Trade |
Amendments in Apprentice Rules 1992 |
Revised Syllabi for Workshop Calculation and Engineering Drawing |
Change in entry qualification of trade Surface Ornamentation Techniques |
Revised Requirement for Instructors for Engg Drawing and Workshop Science- DGET Order |
One time extension for completion of all Modules of Modular pattern of CTI training-DGET Order |
Entry qualification for listed trades to remain same for one more year- DGET Order |
Continuation of ITI Admissions for the 2015-2016 Session |
Apprenticeship Act latest amendments and Notifications |
Revision in Stipend rate for Apprentices-Gazette Notification |
Re-affiliation process of Govt/Pvt ITI’s by QCI -DGE&T Order |
Stipend rates increased for Apprenticeship training- Gazette notification |
Clarification on trainees appearing as Private candidates under semester system |
NIMI pattern of Question paper for Mech Tractor & MRAC Trades |
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses in -DGET order |
Implementation of Semester system in CTS courses- DGET Order |
Code for National flag and State Emblem of India- Govt Order |
Granting Affiliation for 5 Years DGE&T Order |