Reservation for EWS category in ITI admissions- Revised roster points
Posting of guest instructors in Employabilty skills- Circular
Guidelines for waiving of liabilities of Govt Servants who die in harness- Govt Order
Social Studies Instructor category Re-named as  Employability Skill instructor- Govt Order
Guidelines for govt officials going abroad for private visit- Govt Orders
Validity of Consolidated Marksheet & E- NTC – Govt Order
Instructions for Emergency purchase of items by ITI’s
Implementation of  Green Protocol in Govt Offices- G.O 3214/2017/LSG
Validity of Caste certificates extended to 3 Years- G.O Ms 264/2017/RD
Optimising Telecom Infrastructure by installing Sahred towers in Govt Land-G.O Ms 21/2017
Remaning of Govt ITI Chadaymangalam to Govt ITI Pinarayi- Govt Order
Cash award for Winners of State and National level Skill competion for Apprentices-GO Ord/1088/2017
Revised Stipend rates for Apprenticeship Training- Govt Order
Govt Order for Revamping  of Trades in ITI’s- GO
MLA’s to be included in  all Govt functions in their respective constituencies- Govt Order
Govt Order for starting new trades and changing of Architectural Asst trade to Electrician in ITI Madayi
Govt order for starting of new ITI at Vamanapuram & Perumatti
Govt order for starting of new ITI at Dharmadom
Complaince to IT act 2000 & Adhaar act 2016 in Website uploads- GO
Details of State Public Informaion Officer and Appellate authority to be displayed in Websites- Govt order
Formation of Anti Drug Committees in  institutions- Govt Order
Usage of malayalam language  for Office Boards,Designations, Seals- Govt Order
Sanction for starting of New ITI at Perambra in Kozhikode District
Continous sanction for temporary posts in the Department
CBSE 10 pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions – GOVT Order
Order for obtainng Digital signatures by all DDO’s- GO
Drawal of last pay of gazetted officers and claiming arrears of retired officers- GO
Guidelines for Sale of waste paper- Govt Order
Revised format for RTI case register- Govt Order
Govt order on service benefits of Handicapped Employees
Stipend Increase for poor students of  general category in ITI’s- Govt order
Equating NTC/STC in Mechanic Agricultural machinery to Mechanic Tractor for  Jobs
All employees to attend Republic/Independence day Celebrations-Govt Order
Deduction of Payment for National Savings Scheme from Employee Salary Directly- Govt Order
Inclusion of 3 CAD Based syllabus for short term training under SCVT Scheme
SPD- Purchase of Equipments from Ms BHEL, Ms Foam Mattings without tender- Govt Order
Closure of Admissions to Health Sanitary Inspector Course-Govt Order
Deputation of Instructors for modular pattern of CTI Training-G.O Modification
Rejection of Applications of trainees in 3rd semester for Readmission or Appearing in AITT-GOVT Order
Prohibition of Use of Alcohol/Intoxicants by Govt Servants during duty hours
Creation of In-House training Cell- GAD Department- Govt Order
Rates for Auctioning of Scrap accumulated in Institutes– GOVT ORDER
Renaming of West Eleri ITI to Baby John Memorial Govt (w) ITI
Government orders regarding equivalency of NTC, NAC and other courses
Equivalency of old 18 Months course with In-plant training with New 24 months course under CTS- GO
Revised rates of fees for Govt/Private ITI’s and Trainees
Increased rates of remuneration for All India Trade test Duties -Govt Order
DPCS Course to be considered alternative to DCA for KPSC postings
Implementation of National Pension system for employees appointed after 01.04.13- G.O
Nomenclature for Govt ITI’s – Govt Order
G.O for creation of posts in ITI under PPP scheme
Group pesonal accident insurance modified-Govt Order
Delay in settlement of tour advance-interest rate hiked to 18%-Govt Order
Intrest rates of Provident fund deposits- Govt Order
Financial assistance for students from orphanages- Govt order
Format of Identity card for Pensioners- Govt Order
Jurisdiction of Inspectors of Training- Govt Order
Distribution of Salary of govt employees through treasury- Govt Order
Existing GO on distribution of training fees collected to VTPs- SDI Scheme
Revised Stipend rates for Apprentices
Prohibition of words like Harijan, Girijan, Dalit in all Government communications – G.O
Starting of 3rd Shift in ITI’s for Modular Employability Skills Courses- Govt Order
Introduction of centralised system for Payment of Electricity/Water Charges
Furnishing of TA bill of State Govt Employees -G.O
Pay revision anomaly-Repayment of Excess drawn salary
Promotion and Posting of Sri Muhammed Hussain A-G.O.No 1642/2012/lbr
Promotion and Posting order of Sri P.N radhakrishan G.O.No 164/2012/lbr
tarting of D/Civil Trade at ITI W Nenmeni Instead of Interior Design- G.O
Execution of Government works through agencies other than PWD- G.O
G.O for starting of New trades namely Homenurse and Security services in ITI’
GI Gradation list for CTI Training
JI Gradation list for CTI Training
Establishment Promotion and posting to the category of inspector of Training – G.O(Rt) No.78/2011/LBR.
G.O(Ms) No.108/2010/LBR -Starting of additional units and creation of 20 posts of junior Instructs in 10 ITIs- Sanction accorded- orders issued