Reservation for EWS category in ITI admissions- Revised roster points |
Posting of guest instructors in Employabilty skills- Circular |
Guidelines for waiving of liabilities of Govt Servants who die in harness- Govt Order |
Social Studies Instructor category Re-named as Employability Skill instructor- Govt Order |
Guidelines for govt officials going abroad for private visit- Govt Orders |
Validity of Consolidated Marksheet & E- NTC – Govt Order |
Instructions for Emergency purchase of items by ITI’s |
Implementation of Green Protocol in Govt Offices- G.O 3214/2017/LSG |
Validity of Caste certificates extended to 3 Years- G.O Ms 264/2017/RD |
Optimising Telecom Infrastructure by installing Sahred towers in Govt Land-G.O Ms 21/2017 |
Remaning of Govt ITI Chadaymangalam to Govt ITI Pinarayi- Govt Order |
Cash award for Winners of State and National level Skill competion for Apprentices-GO Ord/1088/2017 |
Revised Stipend rates for Apprenticeship Training- Govt Order |
Govt Order for Revamping of Trades in ITI’s- GO |
MLA’s to be included in all Govt functions in their respective constituencies- Govt Order |
Govt Order for starting new trades and changing of Architectural Asst trade to Electrician in ITI Madayi |
Govt order for starting of new ITI at Vamanapuram & Perumatti |
Govt order for starting of new ITI at Dharmadom |
Complaince to IT act 2000 & Adhaar act 2016 in Website uploads- GO |
Details of State Public Informaion Officer and Appellate authority to be displayed in Websites- Govt order |
Formation of Anti Drug Committees in institutions- Govt Order |
Usage of malayalam language for Office Boards,Designations, Seals- Govt Order |
Sanction for starting of New ITI at Perambra in Kozhikode District |
Continous sanction for temporary posts in the Department |
CBSE 10 pass students to be considered for ITI Admissions – GOVT Order |
Order for obtainng Digital signatures by all DDO’s- GO |
Drawal of last pay of gazetted officers and claiming arrears of retired officers- GO |
Guidelines for Sale of waste paper- Govt Order |
Revised format for RTI case register- Govt Order |
Govt order on service benefits of Handicapped Employees |
Stipend Increase for poor students of general category in ITI’s- Govt order |
Equating NTC/STC in Mechanic Agricultural machinery to Mechanic Tractor for Jobs |
All employees to attend Republic/Independence day Celebrations-Govt Order |
Deduction of Payment for National Savings Scheme from Employee Salary Directly- Govt Order |
Inclusion of 3 CAD Based syllabus for short term training under SCVT Scheme |
SPD- Purchase of Equipments from Ms BHEL, Ms Foam Mattings without tender- Govt Order |
Closure of Admissions to Health Sanitary Inspector Course-Govt Order |
Deputation of Instructors for modular pattern of CTI Training-G.O Modification |
Rejection of Applications of trainees in 3rd semester for Readmission or Appearing in AITT-GOVT Order |
Prohibition of Use of Alcohol/Intoxicants by Govt Servants during duty hours |
Creation of In-House training Cell- GAD Department- Govt Order |
Rates for Auctioning of Scrap accumulated in Institutes– GOVT ORDER |
Renaming of West Eleri ITI to Baby John Memorial Govt (w) ITI |
Government orders regarding equivalency of NTC, NAC and other courses |
Equivalency of old 18 Months course with In-plant training with New 24 months course under CTS- GO |
Revised rates of fees for Govt/Private ITI’s and Trainees |
Increased rates of remuneration for All India Trade test Duties -Govt Order |
DPCS Course to be considered alternative to DCA for KPSC postings |
Implementation of National Pension system for employees appointed after 01.04.13- G.O |
Nomenclature for Govt ITI’s – Govt Order |
G.O for creation of posts in ITI under PPP scheme |
Group pesonal accident insurance modified-Govt Order |
Delay in settlement of tour advance-interest rate hiked to 18%-Govt Order |
Intrest rates of Provident fund deposits- Govt Order |
Financial assistance for students from orphanages- Govt order |
Format of Identity card for Pensioners- Govt Order |
Jurisdiction of Inspectors of Training- Govt Order |
Distribution of Salary of govt employees through treasury- Govt Order |
Existing GO on distribution of training fees collected to VTPs- SDI Scheme |
Revised Stipend rates for Apprentices |
Prohibition of words like Harijan, Girijan, Dalit in all Government communications – G.O |
Starting of 3rd Shift in ITI’s for Modular Employability Skills Courses- Govt Order |
Introduction of centralised system for Payment of Electricity/Water Charges |
Furnishing of TA bill of State Govt Employees -G.O |
Pay revision anomaly-Repayment of Excess drawn salary |
Promotion and Posting of Sri Muhammed Hussain A-G.O.No 1642/2012/lbr |
Promotion and Posting order of Sri P.N radhakrishan G.O.No 164/2012/lbr |
tarting of D/Civil Trade at ITI W Nenmeni Instead of Interior Design- G.O |
Execution of Government works through agencies other than PWD- G.O |
G.O for starting of New trades namely Homenurse and Security services in ITI’ |
GI Gradation list for CTI Training |
JI Gradation list for CTI Training |
Establishment Promotion and posting to the category of inspector of Training – G.O(Rt) No.78/2011/LBR. |
G.O(Ms) No.108/2010/LBR -Starting of additional units and creation of 20 posts of junior Instructs in 10 ITIs- Sanction accorded- orders issued |