
  • To promote and co-ordinate social and cultural life of trainees of the Government Industrial institutes in Kerala and to train them in the duties and rights of citizenship
  • To promote opportunities for the development of character, discipline, efficiency, knowledge democratic, secular, scientific and socialist outlook and the spirit of service among its members.
  • To organise centres like Trainees Writing club, study circles, training camps, work camps,seminars etc.
  • To impart training in leadership and in the conduct of public works
  • To organise arts festivals to promote and develop the artistic talents of trainees.
  • To organise sports, games, cultural activities, physical, culture clubs and recreational clubs.
  • To organise work squads and operate in urban and rural areas to encourage trainees and instructors to co-operate with other concerned establishments.
  • To organise programes encouraging trainees and instructors to co-operate with other concerned establishments.
  • To organise programmes encouraging trainees in various constructive activities in the context of national development.
  • To encourage such other activities as would be in keeping with the general objectives of the council.


All the trainees in the rolls of government ITI’s shall be the members of this council. One councilor from each ITI will be elected to this council in each year along with ITI trainees council election. The councilor shall be a regular trainee of ITI. This council shall elect the Executive committee of the council from among the councilors. The Executive committee shall continue for one year.

Office Bearers

The Patron
The Director of training shall be the Ex- officio patron of the Council.

Executive Committee

The Chairman ( Elected)
The Vice Chairma/ Vice Chairperson (Elected)
General Secretary ( Elected)
Joint Secretary ( Elected)
Honorary Treasurer (Nominee)
Staff Advisor (Nominee)


The Chairman: The Chairman shall be elected by the Trainees Councilors from among them
Vice- Chairman: The Vice-Chairman shall be elected from and by the member of the Council.
Genl.Secretary: The General Secretary shall be elected from and by the member of the Council.
Jointt:Secretary : Joint Secretary shall be elected from and by the member of the Council.
Staff Advisor: Staff advisor- one of the Principal/ Staff Members of the ITI’S shall be nominated by the Director of Training as Staff Advisor
Honorary Treasurer: One of the Principals of the ITI’s will be nominated by the Director of Training as Treasurer of the Council.